
Little observations on consciousness.

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When you no longer have "external" sounds to pay attention to, if you pay attention there is no real silence, but rather a sort of monotonous residual noise, close to what you can perceive if you are shocked by an explosive or something like that but much more subtle, obviously.

If you are careful when you observe things (it is even more visible in the dark, if you close your eyes for example), there is no perceptible color in absolute terms, but rather an infinity of small dots without real color.

Do you see it? Other little things like that?

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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You may have tinnitus. Its pretty common. It's an eternal buzzing sound. Not everyone has it. I have it so IDK what silence sounds like without the buzzing, or if absolute silence even exists.

When you close your eyes you are putting a thin layer of skin on top of your eyeballs, which creates an imperfect blackout effect. You still can see through light creating different shades depending on the lighting and what you look at.

Aprently real blind people get a better sense of what it is to not see anything at all, if that even exists.

You're seeing Phosphenes. It gets more pronunciated if you close your eyelids and gently pressure your eyes for about 30 seconds. It gets pretty whacky . Dont hurt yourself


These are still pretty physical remaks.

See video : What is Perception for a more spiritual perspective, but that would be a different subsection.

Edited by mmKay

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