
Understanding Male Attraction ( it's more than you think)

46 posts in this topic

1 hour ago, mmKay said:

your position is backwards. Breasts appear in females during puberty, signaling the beginning of fertility, therefore triggering sexual attraction in males.  The fenomenon you're pointing out is due to partial nudity being socially normalized, that has led to reduced arousal and ultimately desensitization. The logic puts the cart before the horse

But I appreciate challenging my perspective. makes me think

I told you, your post would fly over some heads. They're  just not going deeper and what they are saying also has another level to it, going backwards. Even what you're saying, but we have to stop somewhere or we'll end up in the void. Haha

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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1 hour ago, mmKay said:

 The fenomenon you're pointing out is due to partial nudity being socially normalized, that has led to reduced arousal and ultimately desensitization

So true. If we walked around naked all the time, the naked body wouldn't even be arousing anymore to some. We'd have to rely totally on mental stimulation. Which is what is being stimulated anyway from vision, but we don't see it that way. We think it's purely from vision. The "men are visual creatures" line, to me, is pure hogwash and is purely overlooked that the reason why we get turned on visually, is because of how the mind interprets it as in a woman's hips suggests childbirth and youth. Women are also visual creatures, just in a different way. But both stem from the brain.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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11 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:

But above all: it's like saying that we shouldn't open a banana from the protruding end, because chimpanzees intuitively open it the opposite way for some reason.

It doesn't matter what the tribal people do, what brings us to higher levels of overall experience and therefore in fine the delights of consciousness matters, and this includes and begins with the mastery of sexual energy.

All we gain in a liberated, hypersexualized and relaxed society in general is less excitement and pleasure.

Too much chocolate kills the chocolate.

I'd say those "tribal" people are much less sexualized than we are. The sexual act is way more respected than in most modern western societies. 

The bias of confusing technical material progress with development is one I see too frequently here. 

28 minutes ago, mmKay said:

your position is backwards. Breasts appear in females during puberty, signaling the beginning of fertility, therefore triggering sexual attraction in males.  The fenomenon you're pointing out is due to partial nudity being socially normalized, that has led to reduced arousal and ultimately desensitization. The logic puts the cart before the horse

But I appreciate challenging my perspective. makes me think

Also, the argument that the normalization of nudity decreases the arousal of observing a breast only proves my point. The social dimension of clothing norms, in this case, nearly nullifies completely the natural arousal of seeing a breast.

Many other bodily changes that also indicate sexual maturity, such as the development of body hair is seen as neutral or even unattractive to most people. Attraction is a matter far deeper than "see big boob, get big dick".

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1 hour ago, Princess Arabia said:

Ever since I saw that somewhere, I started peeling bananas from the opposite end. It really is easier. Learn from the chimps.



1 hour ago, Israfil said:

I'd say those "tribal" people are much less sexualized than we are. The sexual act is way more respected than in most modern western societies. 

1 hour ago, Israfil said:

The bias of confusing technical material progress with development is one I see too frequently here. 

Also, the argument that the normalization of nudity decreases the arousal of observing a breast only proves my point. The social dimension of clothing norms, in this case, nearly nullifies completely the natural arousal of seeing a breast.

We want to maximize sensitivity, not just in sexuality but in all areas.
Junk food, most content on social networks and television, loud music, idleness etc. are just as much evolutionary nonsense, a regression of human consciousness.

1 hour ago, Israfil said:

Many other bodily changes that also indicate sexual maturity, such as the development of body hair is seen as neutral or even unattractive to most people.

Most people like body hair.

1 hour ago, Israfil said:

Attraction is a matter far deeper than "see big boob, get big dick".



Nothing will prevent Willy.

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15 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:

Most people like body hair.


In Europe? Maybe. Many people get grossed out by armpit hair or even pubic hair.

17 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:

Junk food, most content on social networks and television, loud music, idleness etc. are just as much evolutionary nonsense, a regression of human consciousness.


I do agree. But porn is a hiperstimulus. Seeing a pair of breasts is not. 

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There's a lot of interesting books on evo psychology and things that 'could' be true however they're not necessarily concrete truths more like theories. There are also other factors that come into play, like changing societal standards of beauty. For example we've seen in the western world the ideal of beauty was being a size 0 model in the 90s, where having a big ass was basically a negative, to now where being more voluptuous is in. We couldn't have evolved so much in only 20-30 years. 

The other point is that, if you find out that a woman that you think is reasonably attractive but didn't really think about too much, is attracted to you, your attraction levels for her will go up immensely. People really talk about this but it's one of the biggest attraction boosters, knowing that someone's into you. Obviously it doesn't work if you're not attracted at all, but if there is even a little attraction it will shoot up. 

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13 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

I told you, your post would fly over some heads.

I think it flew under my head. Welp, that's what happens sometimes if you're six feet tall. :P

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More insights about male biological attraction cues towards women, and the nature of beauty in the eyes of mankind.


To build further on the make-up part :

Make-up mimics youthfulness, and makes use of colors. Colors trigger attention in the human psyche. Because from an evolutionary PoV, they have provided important survival information as mentioned before.

Make-up also emphasizes the eyes and the lips, which have sexual connotations.

Eye contact can mean sexual interest, and is vital to the non verbal communication of sexual interest.


The lips are related to kissing.

One of the reasons kissing is sexual is because the lips are full of sensitive nerve endings. So is the tongue.

When you kiss, you are giving each other a degree of pleasure, therefore release neurotransmitters like dopamine ( the feel good neurotransmitter) and oxytocin ( the bonding neurotransmitter ) , and a cocktail of different neurotransmitters. You can see where this is going.


For more info, check out the Sensory Homunculus. It's a visual map of how our body would look like if our bodies grew in proportion to how sensitive they are because of the presence of sensitive nerve endings.


There are also theories about humans unconsciously being able make use of  scents, taste and pheromones of your potential mate to judge her/his compatibility, but that's beyond my scope for now.

Aparently primates do make use of pheromones to signal status, fertility and territorial boundaries.


Once I met a girl that said that she felt turned on by the scent of male sweat 🤔

Something I haven't mentioned before:

Rosy cheeks/blushed cheeks. It signals youthfulness and can be, and often is  mimicked with make-up.

It's an attraction cue I couldn't point my finger at before. It signals youthfulness , but also subtly may signal fertility, because of the menstruation  cycle:

Hormonal changes , mainly  estrogen and progesterone, have a vasodilator effect, aka they increase blood flow, and the cheeks happen to have a specifically dense network of blood vessels


Make up also contributes towards increased beauty . DUH. But specifically why?

Earlier we pointed out mankind's appreciation and preference for beauty as a species.

Therefore, beauty is an attraction trigger for both genders


To not speak of "beauty" in an abstract and fuzzy, unclear way, we pointed out the Golden Ratio as a standard for beauty for mankind and nature at large.

It is one of the main definitions for facial aesthetics and beauty.

But then, besides face there is also body proportions.

Body proportions that match with the Golden Ratio are seen as more beautiful.

There is more .

Properly applied make up brings women closer towards the Golden Ratio standard of colors, by matching it to your skin undertone and creating an overall picture of harmony of colors.

Check out the Golden Ratio of Colors (It also exists in music, math , nature , animals, etc.)

Color Theory.

Color Harmony Theory.


Long hair is another attraction cue. Evolutionary it requires overall wellbeing , good health and good nutrition to maintain. It also adds to aesthetics ( beauty ) and draws attention by it simply being there. Long hair is a physical display and demonstration of these qualities.


Jewelry, nails,  clothing, high heels ( they modify posture and therefore  accentuate butt and breasts) and other props give them an additional canvas to increase overall beauty with a mixture of aesthetics and colors, and draw more attention.

Tight / fitting clothes display presence of breasts and shape of butt.


Higher pitched voice is also an attraction cue. signals youthfulness, fertility ( puberty) and high estrogen.

These are also a clear sign of what's called sexual dimorphism ( differences between males and females of the same species).

Concrete specific Female-only traits are a natural trigger of attention of males.

The color pink is a social sexual dimorphism  ( so is the hair,  but hair is way more grounded in evolution) 

But colors are not arbitrary. Pink may have been chosen as the female color , because it resembles the color of newborns. Newborns have an immature circulatory system, where their blood vessels are closer to the surface of the skin, giving that pinkish tone.


Also pink is present in the act of blushing during strong emotions, like embarrassment or arousal. High empathy, aka emotion inteligence is a sexual value cues in males because of its importance in raising healthy offspring.



Just today, I noticed that a woman stood out in my eyes from a large crowd of people. I saw her from the back, from a distance of 10 meters. She immediately caught my eye because of the pink color of her shirt and her luscious long hair. I only saw a part of her torso and hair from the back. I noticed myself immediately being intrigued the millisecond I noticed her presence. As we walked by each other and I saw her face, I noticed that in a single millisecond my brain assessed and confirmed her youth, fertility and sexual value.

That's so fascinating . I'll share more with time.

Edited by mmKay

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6 hours ago, mmKay said:

Rosy cheeks/blushed cheeks. It signals youthfulness and can be, and often is  mimicked with make-up.


This one is related to arousal. Higher heartbeat rate due to nervousness or sexual arousal. It "tricks" the brain into thinking that the girl is into you.

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Absence of body hair is another sexual dimorphism.

Males are genetically more hairy than women. 

Accentuating this difference subtly triggers attraction. Or at least doesn't subconsciously produce repulsion because of resemblance of male traits.

I remember having a crush on a girl in highschool. We were talking physically close of each other and I noticed the tiniest ammount of almost invisible mustache hair, and immediately I noticed  myself having an emotional reaction of repulsion. This was momentary though, after this I still was into her.

Clothes with an exposed belly  or tight clothes can also work if you're fit because it gives further confirmation of not being pregnant and shows off your fitness and health.

Of course nudity or partial  nudity is attractive for obvious reasons.

Growing your glutes works for reasons we said before 


I feel a little superficial for saying this but plastic surgery is objectively significantly more effective for women.

Nose jobs,  breast implants, lip fillers ( all have to be extremely well done, otherwise it will signal an uncanny feeling and bad health)

- This is just for triggering the absolute maximization biological evolutionary  male attention, and I'm saying these things for the sake of Understanding 


Real life human beings are infinitely more complex and coupling doesn't follow absolutely rigid rules .

But high sexual value men go for high sexual value women, and  low sexual value men go for low sexual value women.


Since women's issue isn't getting laid but making the guy stick around, I've been thinking about how to maximize the chance of that

Looks still play a crucial role. Don't let yourself go, and stay looking as sharp as possible. Don't listen to critiques like " i don't need you to weak make up or dress cute etc". Even if the conscious words don't mean harm, mens attraction is driven by instincts.


There is a lot more to be said on his to make a guy stay


I'll keep updating if I come up with ideas worth sharing 

Edited by mmKay

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On 22/2/2024 at 4:54 PM, mmKay said:

Jewelry, nails,  clothing, high heels, snd other props give them an additional canvas to increase overall beauty with a mixture of aesthetics and colors, and draw more attention..

Adding piercings, tattoos and other body modifications to this list 

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As @Princess Arabia pointed out the metaphysical perspective is missing in this thread

You could say that sexual desire also stems from the desire for Unity of the male/female energy duality, as it is one of the most powerful manifestations of Love that humans are capable of


I strictly wanted to keep it from the biological, psychological and evolutionary perspective but this is also a valid context for perspective 

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6 hours ago, mmKay said:

As @Princess Arabia pointed out the metaphysical perspective is missing in this thread

You could say that sexual desire also stems from the desire for Unity of the male/female energy duality, as it is one of the most powerful manifestations of Love that humans are capable of


I strictly wanted to keep it from the biological, psychological and evolutionary perspective but this is also a valid context for perspective 


What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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I feel like a lot of this is pretty obvious if you have a general understanding of biological signifiers of attraction. 

That said, regarding size of a woman, studies have shown the attraction changes based on economic factors. They gathered a bunch of data on it, that I read about some years ago. (It also changes for men).

So, it isn't likely to be the pregnancy suspicion thing.

In economically poor areas, the attraction preference is towards bigger women and more hyper-Masculine barrel chested men with small eyes and a protruding brow. (Think Lizzo and Joe Rogan as ideally attractive in this context)

In economically rich areas, the attraction preference is toward thinner women and men who have bigger eyes and a combination of Masculine and Feminine features. (Think Florence Pugh and Timothee Chalamet as ideally attractive in this context)

And these conditional attractions make sense because they are signifiers of optimum health and adaptivity to the given environment.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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26 minutes ago, Emerald said:

In economically poor areas, the attraction preference is towards bigger women

Yes, I always wondered why the people in the hood found the bigger girls more attractive. (I say hood because that's just what they call it. Nothing derogatory. I used to visit all the time). 


29 minutes ago, Emerald said:

In economically rich areas, the attraction preference is toward thinner women

This is true too. I'm thin (not skinny) and I notice I attract men from this bracket. I could walk in the hood with a girl with a big butt and large thighs and still attractive and the guys would go for her more and I could be in a place where it's mostly men from the economically richer areas and they would gravitate towards me more. It's funny you say this because I've noticed it too. Never really knew why but it was noticeable.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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11 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Yes, I always wondered why the people in the hood found the bigger girls more attractive. (I say hood because that's just what they call it. Nothing derogatory. I used to visit all the time). 

This is true too. I'm thin (not skinny) and I notice I attract men from this bracket. I could walk in the hood with a girl with a big butt and large thighs and still attractive and the guys would go for her more and I could be in a place where it's mostly men from the economically richer areas and they would gravitate towards me more. It's funny you say this because I've noticed it too. Never really knew why but it was noticeable.

If I remember correctly, the study had been conducted with men and women all over the world in different economic brackets. And it makes total sense because it all pertains to what's healthiest and gives the biggest advantage to offspring in a given environment. 

Keeping weight on and being strong/muscular and masculine/unemotional is going to be very helpful for surviving in difficult and lean contexts. 

But in contexts of plenty (with lots of high calorie foods constantly available and less hardship), the healthiest people for the environment are leaner and more integrated with the Feminine and emotionally sensitive.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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1 minute ago, Emerald said:

If I remember correctly, the study had been conducted with men and women all over the world in different economic brackets. And it makes total sense because it all pertains to what's healthiest and gives the biggest advantage to offspring in a given environment. 

Keeping weight on and being strong/muscular and masculine/unemotional is going to be very helpful for surviving in difficult and lean contexts. 

But in contexts of plenty (with lots of high calorie foods constantly available and less hardship), the healthiest people for the environment are leaner and more integrated with the Feminine and emotionally sensitive.

Ah ha, makes sense. 

51 minutes ago, Emerald said:

In economically poor areas, the attraction preference is towards bigger women

Yes, I always wondered why the people in the hood found the bigger girls more attractive. (I say hood because that's just what they call it. Nothing derogatory. I used to visit all the time). 


51 minutes ago, Emerald said:

In economically rich areas, the attraction preference is toward thinner women

This is true too. I'm thin (not skinny) and I notice I attract men from this bracket. I could walk in the hood with a girl with a big butt and large thighs and still attractive and the guys would go for her more and I could be in a place where it's mostly men from the economically richer areas and they would gravitate towards me more. It's funny you say this because I've noticed it too. Never really knew why but it was noticeable.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Whenever I have contemplated sexual attraction on psychedelics its been the most exciting thing ever its very fun topic to contemplate on psychedelics. 

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I like artistic women. I find a lot of women attractive in different ways + if you can tell me some story, if you can show me something, play an instrument or sing, you got my attention. I maybe don't show it, because I don't know how, but I really like it.

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On 19/2/2024 at 10:17 AM, mmKay said:

This one I found to be the most interesting. And it's the exception to the rule:

  • Beautiful face , smile, teeth.

A symetrical Golden Ratio face doesn't provide much raw survival value or information about fertility. The value of a symmetrical face is a strange loop. It's valuable because we value it.

Beauty is slippery. We love the golden ratio. Beauty is valuable because we value beauty. But a pretty face by itself is not enough of an attraction cue as you may have noticed.

Wikipedia has a decent take on this. Read with discernment as some takes are simply wrong

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