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I've been contemplating Forgetfulness and it's role in reality. Like how central it is to create experience and basically how u became this human form is because your forgot u are nothing(I understand this intellectually, i'm not awake yet), its liberating to forget and at the same time cruel lmao, because without it, there would be no need to seek awakening. I still dont know the mechanics of forgetting, meaning I dont know exactly how I've fooled myself into this form. I think Leo should make a video about forgetting, because its an interesting topic to say the least.

Edited by Eskilon

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You are not nothing. You are. Eternal.

Ask for mercy and follow his ways for life.

Call to God and He will tell you great and hidden things.

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22 hours ago, Eskilon said:

I think Leo should make a video about forgetting, because its an interesting topic to say the least.

Maybe he already filmed that episode but forgot to upload it


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Forgetting is easy if you stop classifying things. The memory of what happened is faint and does not bother much. The classification of what happened is always present and annoying. The meaning. it is a source of anger and shame. Anger is a useful emotion for fighting, which is necessary in life. Shame is a mechanism to not act in a way that will cause you to be rejected. But if you classify the past you remember it and when you remember it, anger and shame emerge in a useless way. 

On the other hand, nothing is really useless, everything has a function. Those memories loaded with emotion are telling you that you are vulnerable, that you can be manipulated, that you are not the master of yourself, since there is fear in you.

Edited by Breakingthewall

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