
OMG This shit is real. Everything is imaginary .

67 posts in this topic

Wow.  Now what.  Your parents are fucking imaginary.  Leo is fucking imaginary.  This whole fucking forum is imaginary.  Just go with life and change your worldview?

The answer is yes. You just proceed as usual.  The only difference is in the back of your mind you know it's just a solipsistic game and that you are all alone imagining everything and everyone.  It's actually liberating to know it's a dream- because you know that death is an illusion. 

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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I still get triggered. Stressed. Negative thoughts and so forth. But it only makes the game more worth playing--you thought meditating and sitting around like a Buddhist would suffice? Lol. Lazy boy. 

Facing solipsism head on the way you said is quite intense though.

It's easier to have like you said in the background. Or very in the background to the point where the dream is reified.

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@Inliytened1 can you tell more? How did you realized that?

So a single consciousness is holding me and you in it's consciousness and we talk to each other but the truth is this conversation is hold also in this one single scizophrenic consciousness?

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2 hours ago, Inliytened1 said:

Wow.  Now what.  Your parents are fucking imaginary.  Leo is fucking imaginary.  This whole fucking forum is imaginary.  Just go with life and change your worldview?

The answer is yes. You just proceed as usual.  The only difference is in the back of your mind you know it's just a solpisistic game and that you are all alone imagining everything and everyone.  It's actually liberating to know it's a dream- because you know that death is an illusion. 

Yes, that's why you don't go to your parents house in these states. You just surrender and let them go. Going to your parents house might cause big trauma

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34 minutes ago, OBEler said:

@Inliytened1 can you tell more? How did you realized that?

So a single consciousness is holding me and you in it's consciousness and we talk to each other but the truth is this conversation is hold also in this one single scizophrenic consciousness?

You talk to yourself, the others are being imagined by your highest self. The dream is made so that each being that you see lives in its own dimension and are the only conscious beings when you're not there, that is what is being meant with freedom since the dream is made so that only one can be the most conscious eventually. That is the paradox. Everybody exists all at once but when you incarnate there is only 1 chooser split to lower frequency and dream and this 1 chooser will be the most conscious. Others are simply a reflection that were created by your highest self and in your dream will act like bots, but these bots are the most conscious ones in their own frequency dream. See it as infinite frequencies being there at once, each frequency tapping energy from the main line.

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Lol, this forum is so weird...Not much reality here at all:)


Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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3 minutes ago, Ishanga said:

Lol, this forum is so weird...Not much reality here at all:)


You're still sleeping bud with your newage spirituality posts

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6 minutes ago, Jowblob said:

You're still sleeping bud with your newage spirituality posts

Hey its all Imaginary, it doesn't exist so no problemo eh, newage, old age, psychedelic, none of it exists, or matters so no point in it :)

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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41 minutes ago, Jowblob said:

Yes, that's why you don't go to your parents house in these states. You just surrender and let them go. Going to your parents house might cause big trauma

What do you mean ? Interesting 

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2 hours ago, Inliytened1 said:

Wow.  Now what.  Your parents are fucking imaginary.  Leo is fucking imaginary.  This whole fucking forum is imaginary.  Just go with life and change your worldview?

The answer is yes. You just proceed as usual.  The only difference is in the back of your mind you know it's just a solpisistic game and that you are all alone imagining everything and everyone.  It's actually liberating to know it's a dream- because you know that death is an illusion. 

When you realize even birth is an illusion, and now is before so called birth and nothing never ever happened, you recognize what you really are and enlightenment is inevitable.

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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27 minutes ago, Ishanga said:

Lol, this forum is so weird...Not much reality here at all:)


I just can recommend you to try psychedelics to tap into real spiritualism. Sadgurus teaching is a watered down safe low consciousness teaching for the masses of sheeps to handle basic survival.

With one psychedelic trip you will go deeper than 1000 hours of yoga sessions (it's true, I talked with many these people about their experiences). That does not mean that yoga is weak. It's just that very few can reach the full potential of yoga and when I read your posts I get the feeling that you are not counted to the very few.


Edited by OBEler

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12 minutes ago, OBEler said:

I just can recommend you to try psychedelics to tap into real spiritualism. Sadgurus teaching is a watered down safe low consciousness teaching for the masses of sheeps to handle basic survival.

With one psychedelic trip you will go deeper than 1000 hours of yoga sessions (it's true, I talked with many these people about their experiences). That does not mean that yoga is weak. It's just that very few can reach the full potential of yoga and when I read your posts I get the feeling that you are not counted to the very few.


I plan to someday, but in the end its just an experience, its the drug causing a certain experience, not sure why you all here don't realize that, take one drug and it gives You this sort of experience, take another it changes, as Leo has described in his video..As well many have had just as intense experiences with a proper Yoga practice as with any psychedelic, your making a huge assumption...

Sadhguru does share methods that work for the masses, but at the least its Real, not like here where You believe in imaginary this and that, its actually quite Delusional, and can lead to a unhealthy life and outlook...The further You go into it the more intense practices there are., plus its not about he practices, its about the Transformation that happens, Peaceful, Mindful, Conscious Human Beings are the result, not ideological and delusional ones...

Edited by Ishanga

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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8 minutes ago, Ishanga said:

I plan to someday, but in the end its just an experience, its the drug causing a certain experience, not sure why you all here don't realize that, take one drug and it gives You this sort of experience, take another it changes, as Leo has described in his video..As well many have had just as intense experiences with a proper Yoga practice as with any psychedelic, your making a huge assumption...

Sadhguru does share methods that work for the masses, but at the least its Real, not like here where You believe in imaginary this and that, its actually quite Delusional, and can lead to a unhealthy life and outlook...The further You go into it the more intense practices there are., plus its not about he practices, its about the Transformation that happens, Peaceful, Mindful, Conscious Human Beings are the result, not ideological and delusional ones...

Practices of any kind are just equal to any other drug. It gives you the daily kick . Without them u can’t stand alone 

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28 minutes ago, Ishanga said:

Sadhguru does share methods that work for the masses, but at the least its Real, not like here where You believe in imaginary this and that, its actually quite Delusional, and can lead to a unhealthy life and outlook...The further You go into it the more intense practices there are., plus its not about he practices, its about the Transformation that happens, Peaceful, Mindful, Conscious Human Beings are the result, not ideological and delusional ones...

What you call delusional here are higher states of consciousness you never accessed. And with psychedelics it's also all about transformation.

Yes psychedelics can make you delusional sometimes. However you cannot get deluded so strong  with yoga as  with psychedelics because yoga is weaker for most people. Weaker methods have weaker potential for delusions.

If you don't want delusions, try 5 Meo DMT or 5 Meo malt. It's the purest one. 


Edited by OBEler

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@OBEler He is still green but he is moving towards the rigth direction. Every flower has its time to blosoom. We just can create the ecosystem for that to happen, you are not gonna make it flower because you have flowered. 

There are infinite cycles also of this green flowering and maturity, over and over again. So let's stay humble but it is certainly difficult to not call peoples bullshit when it is so obvious for oneself. But I think he already got the message up to this point. He has the tools and knowledge, now he has only to get outside of his comfort zone and maybe he will have a breakthrough deep enough that will flip him inside out and break the sound barrier he is not able to punch through right now.

Try asking yourself, how would I like to be treated if I was in his shoes? We already called his bullshit now maybe nurtiring and love could help, healthy support. A bit of everything, a good slap is always healthy

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty. We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Virtuous and Conscious. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life God is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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Yes & NO.

if you makes an idol of what is happening in experience you're setting yourself into confusion.

Albeit you cannot escape it, just become so conscious of it, that you won't even think of it.

And if you create a context, this become your context.

but this context is "dumb" compared to "reality".


nowhere in the bio  @VahnAeris 

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Welcome to the psychosis of the mind. Anyone who believes these careful. things are not like that. Spirituality is deactivating the structured mind and opening yourself to immeasurable reality. this is mindless, structureless, fluid.

think: my parents are imaginary, it is a structure of the mind. It is within the scope of the mental surface, the structures that the mind creates to adapt to the environment in this bubble of existence, but it is a psychotic structure. the others do not exist in any other sense, in the sense that you must forget them completely to go deeper, since they are structure. the same as everything else. They exist, as a structure. but saying that they do not exist is another structure. breaking the structure is eliminating the others, they are not even a possibility, nothing is a possibility, empty mind, zero structure, a bottomless hole. don't you see the difference? don't change one structure for another, kill the structure you crazy fucking coward😂😭, and then you will see that in the formless is everything, also the others. So the others exist, everything exist, because in infinity nothing could not exist. So in the structured level, the others are real and detached from you, and in the fluid level you and the others are mixed in the soup of reality, where everything is. Then there is not more you, no more others, just absence of limits  

But then the structures would return. Why? Just because they are real in this bubble/dimension/life/, it's how the reality is configured. It's not imaginary, just is how reality is, and : you are imagining the reality, is the most bullshit ever. You are a bubble of reality, if the bubble dissapears, there is no more you, you are not god, you are the reality encapsulated in a bubble, the whole reality, but that doesn't mean that nothing can exist out of your actual field of consciousness, that's the point that create the solipsism and all the confusion. No limits. Infinite bubbles, inside and outside are the same, it's impossible to understand. 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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1 hour ago, Kuba Powiertowski said:

@Inliytened1 and yet nothing changes. Fucking remains fucking.

Changes for whom, you. You mean like the President is still the President. You still have to go to work. The kids are still a pain in the ass. What do you mean nothing changes. The appearances? The sky is still there. Or your perceptions. Because that's all there is. So, your perceptions remain the same? You still see things in the same light? Everything is always changing. So I'm not sure what you mean. As in, we still suffer? The forum still appears? Change is the only constant. Things are forever changing. Our perceptions, beliefs, thoughts, ideas, I mean everything. 

The only thing that never changes is what all these changes are appearing from. The solidity of life is only an appearance. Fucking remains fucking because you have imagined a reality where fucking remains fucking.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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8 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

So in the structured level, the others are real and detached from you, and in the fluid level you and the others are mixed in the soup of reality, where everything is. Then there is not more you, no more others, just absence of limits 

This right here is confusing in the sense of what exists and what doesn't. What is the difference between this and how everything is imaginary. It's either they exists separate from you or the don't. Structured level or not. You are describing an appearance not what's ultimately real. 

They appear detached in the structured level, but in the fluid level it's all mixed in the soup of Reality where everything is. You just described Reality as a container that holds everything. As in two. Idk I'm trying to see what you're saying as opposed to this imaginary thing but I'm not seeing how it's not imaginary in your statements. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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