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Love is the only thing in reality. From love everything else came. Love exists in a duality with time. It is both love and time however it is only love, so a paradox. You can't have love without time. Love finds a way to make anything happen in love. Time can do anything. Love powers everything. Time is rational and without time love would not know how to operate in a rational way. Love requires that everyone in reality have a consciousness. It is not loving for people or animals to not be conscious. Idealism cannot be subjective with only yourself being conscious, it's not loving, not to mention lonely. However idealism still makes sense with this framework of love. It can be done. Love does not allow for concepts such as free will. Free will means peace is not possible. Someone can always break the system. Love means family connections are permanent. We can never break family connections because reality relies on them for it to work. Even if you think your family hates you, deep down they love you.

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@Ancestor when you completely surrender love is inevitable...

2 hours ago, Inliytened1 said:

@Ancestor love is oneness.

Definitely. Isn't it beauty that realization of all is one, one is all?

I love you guys, I love you.

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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Whatever someone is lacking in something or an area of life, that thing become their God per say, their Divinity or thing they want the most...Lonely People want Love, same with those that had no parental attention as kids, that is why they do heroin, the first hit gives them that sense of Love and Acceptance..

But Existence and Non Existence is not about Love, no one out there in space or time cares anything about You or anyone on this planet, this whole planet could disappear out of existence and no one or thing would care...

This existence, God persay, is more akin to a Grand Intelligence of sorts, its so complex and intertwined and entangled that only a super Intelligence could be responsible for it, not an Entity or Being or any sort, just a Grand Intelligence we could never understand or explain, the Yogis have come the closest though...

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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I wouldn't say that the word to describe reality is love, rather life and perfection. Maybe life is similar to love, but it is different, it is freer, love is limited. Life includes love and hate, yin and yang. perfection is inherent to what is. nothing imperfect can exist.

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Hate is impossible, it was simulated so we could learn

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