Rafael Thundercat

Capitalism is changing- What next? Interview with yanis Varpufakis

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Try to not get angry with the host. For me is difficult to understand all that Yanis is explaning. But he have some good points. 

Like his I still have Hope but to say I am totally optimistic would be a lie. We all know how humans deal with power and this Wotan-Zeus power hunger nature will not vanish so soon. 


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Oh yeah, he says that social democracy is dead and that we have been living in some kind of techno-fuedalism. I agree with him that social and political interventions are keys to improving economies around the world, but so is technology to some extent. 

The thing is though is that Yanis is a libertarian marxist and from what I understand about that is that kind of ideology is a form of anarchism or collectivism akin to socialism. I don't see how that kind of economic philosophy will ever realistically work for the foreseeable future.

Edited by Hardkill

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Funny Video on Late-Stage Capitalism.

Is Late-Stage Capitalism even a real Topic or just a Perception? 


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