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Leo I can finally say: You are me , and I am you.

I still remember the video where you said it.

And you said I would be thanking you.

So I'm thanking you now :)

There is only one thing in reality:

The Self.

For a long time there was a division in my experience between the Self and reality.

Now I know they are one continues thing.

It feels like there is nothing for the mind to hold on to.

The substance of reality is You.

And reality is not just your creation.

It is You.

There can be nothing outside of you.

Since you have no limit where you stop and something else can be.

There can be no other.

Absolute Unity.

The Self I'm referring to is my deepest awakening.

Nothing comes close.

It cannot be described since its not an experience.

It's like a new thing all together.

Like you have a new sense.

The closest any words come to this is: in what dose your experience take place?

This is crazy, absolutely crazy to have the opportunity to discover something like this.

Now all I want to do is to help others to see this.

Any questions or criticisms are much appreciated.  


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20 minutes ago, Theplay said:

Leo I can finally say: You are me , and I am you.

I still remember the video where you said it.

That moment made me cry






God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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3 hours ago, Theplay said:

This is crazy, absolutely crazy to have the opportunity to discover something like this.

 Congrats, my friend. May I ask how did you discover this.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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3 hours ago, Theplay said:

It feels like there is nothing for the mind to hold on to

You saying this sealed the cake for me.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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3 hours ago, Theplay said:

It cannot be described since its not an experience.

This too.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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The point is that there are no others in the sense that the self falls and what remains is the experience that occurs, the now that changes. There is only this, or rather, only this can be perceived. the self falls and dissolves into reality, and was the self who perceived others, so without self, others dissapear of the equation. 

but....there is an important detail here. This now, this living flow, remains limited. It is a bubble, and its walls are veiled. If the bubble becomes transparent, the life that is is glimpsed. Here the idea of others does not even exist, nor yours. It is the infinite that lives, monstrously infinite and monstrously alive. wild, unthinkable, absolutely humiliating for the mind, which is vaporized. Here is the real game. Is possible to understand this? Interesting question. 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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This was also my favorite Leo moment :)


The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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@Princess Arabia For me it felt like a miracle. I wasn't even meditating just out in nature in a beautiful place.

I have been on the journey to enlightenment for a long time but the moment I discovered it felt like divine intervention.

I think Leo is correct by saying in one of his videos that it basically comes by fluke luck.

When I was going home afterwards I realized that if I had not put in all that work it would not feel so worth it.

So I think by meditating and doing contemplation you increase the chances for it to happen but when it dose happen its spontaneous.

@Breakingthewall Something came up to me after reading what you said. To taste the Infinite there are two ways:

One as Leo describes is the upward movement of consciousness. Being more and more Infinite.

The other Is towards pure emptiness. The downward movement.

The insight is that the upward has no end , you become more infinite but never reach true infinity since you cant count to infinity.

The downward (That is practiced in Zen) has an end and through it you can know the infinite.

Since infinity is equal to zero.

For me its experientially verified, when I focus on reality being empty or focus on it being infinite I get to the same experience.

To your post now.

I recently awoke to what other is after struggling a lot with solipsism.

But I say other only in a sense that It has its own bubble of experience.

 The Self that I am is exactly the same Self that you are.

So in that sense there is no other.

In order for you to have your bubble of experience and me to have my own they have to be separate.

The Self experiences all possible bubbles at once.

But it doesn't mean that one bubble has access to another bubble.

If something is unclear you can ask and ill try to be more precise.

The awakening to other is very new to me.

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3 hours ago, Theplay said:

recently awoke to what other is after struggling a lot with solipsism.

But I say other only in a sense that It has its own bubble of experience.

 The Self that I am is exactly the same Self that you are.

So in that sense there is no other.

In order for you to have your bubble of experience and me to have my own they have to be separate.

The Self experiences all possible bubbles at once.

But it doesn't mean that one bubble has access to another bubble.

If something is unclear you can ask and ill try to be more precise.

The awakening to other is very new to me.

For me it's simple ,It's the same, the others are there and that's it. If you need to make a map of what others are, what reality is, that it's  a tricky god that's plays hide-and-seek games, or whatever, you are tied in your mind. It doesn't matter at all, they are just mental structures, and no structure can grasp the reality. Within you is what lives, total intelligence and absolute power, opening to it is mindless. With your mind you will open only partially and perhaps you will become psychotic. The thing is understanding what is the purpose of the mind and what is its limitation. 

Anyway, If I have to do a mental map, I would say that the others are infinite, same than everything else. The infinity splits in infinite parts, and all of them are infinite, so it's impossible to grasp it, even remotely. 

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