
a cool insight for transforming your life

7 posts in this topic

the insight is simple: fields. 

master as many fields as possible: dating, business, spirituality, psychology, neuroscience, nutrition, history, geography, philosophy... 

each field you master will transform your life. if you suck in an area is because of a lack of mastery in its field. 

that will make you mature, wise and experienced.

The way you master a field is by learning the most about it possible, by exposing yourself to as much knowledge about it as possible. The application, implementation and practice will come organically from having received the information.

Edited by Majed

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I wanna master socially , and educationally. 

Then financially. There is no way escaping it. 

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Practice wont come naturally that's why there is so much talk no action.

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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@DefinitelyNotARobot To give middle finger to the world,other people opinions,outside influencers,teachers and have trust in yourself to do it without letting mind stops you.

Its all about seeing that mind is telling you lies and you have to take charge, because if you dont take charge of yourself you will always be in same place with trivial changes.

You are programmed to seek answers and teachers outside yourself thats why you lose.

Edited by NoSelfSelf

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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3 hours ago, NoSelfSelf said:

@DefinitelyNotARobot To give middle finger to the world,other people opinions,outside influencers,teachers and have trust in yourself to do it without letting mind stops you.

Its all about seeing that mind is telling you lies and you have to take charge, because if you dont take charge of yourself you will always be in same place with trivial changes.

You are programmed to seek answers and teachers outside yourself thats why you lose.


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It's important to point out that the process of "mastery" never ends. You will never have "mastered" a field, you never arrive to *mastery" , there is always more. 

So in essence its mostly about being a life long learner. Noselfself's position about the Importance of thinking for yourself is a valid point but very little people can actually properly guide themselves into the right direction, a d mor often than not it just leads to stubbornnes and close-mindedness, so I'd say just learn from as many sources as possible, even from your own intuition

Check out Leo's blog post on learning from partially wrong perspectives



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