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The equation that describes reality

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0 = ∞

This is the equation physicists look for that describes all of reality.

When two polar opposites are identical there is oneness.

Why is this equation correct?

Because you cannot count to infinity. By the same token you cannot have more and more forms to reach infinity.

So infinity has no form. It is not just a large number. Its not a number at all.

Zero as well has no form. And its actually not a number. You cant count with zero.

A good analogy to this identity is : Being nowhere is like being everywhere.

The sin that got us out of heaven is eating the fruit of the knowledge of good and bad.

I see it as the beginning of polarity.

Heaven is not a place you go. Its seeing the world without polarity.

I'm saying this from first hand experience. I'm in heaven most of the day.

The most significant polarity we have is: Me versus The world.

When this two merge and there is no experiencer-experienced there is just luminous bliss.

This dose not contradict enlightenment since your true self has no polar opposite.

This is all ill say about the true self since describing it with words is like counting to infinity.

I'm not joking when I say its the equation that physicists look for.

The only way something can manifest in reality is by pair of opposites which come into existence and after some time merge together again.

That's the way something can come out of nowhere.

It is even confirmed by physics. They say all the empty space is full of pairs of opposites which come into existence for a short time and merge again.

That's how it was discovered that black holes emit radiation.

And that with the big band an equal amount of matter and anti-matter was created.

So you can both say reality is infinite or that it is completely empty.

Again its something I've experienced yesterday actually by contemplating this equation. 

So I highly recommend that you contemplate on this equation.

As it was gave me amazing experiential results.  

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Exactly, zero is equal to infinity because in zero there are no limits, which is the inevitable cause of infinity, and infinity is indefinite so it is not something and makes anything zero in contrast to if. It also follows from here that infinity divided by infinity is infinity, or zero, since they are equivalent, or in simpler terms, everything is infinite.

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