
How can I contemplate how healthy sexuality and the obstacles to that ?

3 posts in this topic

Hello there , 

Guys , what do you think about how to contemplate sexuality , how to be sexualy healthy , how to unwire the outcome of porn addiction and arousal dysfunction created . Like is there someone who has done the contemplative session and somehow it worked and he gained genuine insights that made things work .

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You answer the queastions

1.Whats my sexual style?

2.Whats my relationship with sex?

3.Am i choosing to watch porn instead of going out?

4.How am i going to express my sexuality am i more romantic or kinky or mix of both?

You must answer the queastions,create the solution but if you dont have game its all fruitless, woman will call the shots and porn...

Porn is not harmful your mind is.

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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You have created a thing called porn addiction and arousal dysfunction and now you're looking for ways to combat your own creation. And the construction must continue. Then you'll create another dysfunction that matches with the previous dysfunction. Then you'll probably end up in therapy as an addition to the existing construction and then find a mate to live with you in your dysfunctional house of cards then the both of you will be at each other's throats because her dysfunctional construction is different from yours and now more therapy. 

You didn't put yourself together and made yourself sexual but you think you can contemplate your way into sexual health. You say you have a porn addiction, and now you're trying to find ways to destroy that part of the house you constructed by asking others how the hell do you get inside my mind to undo what I've made real and gave some light to when they are also a part of the construction.

You are residing in your Reality of dysfunction and now are asking other beings how to move from that Reality to another. Maybe if you stop calling it a dysfunction, and allow the energy to do its thing and move to your desired Reality where you don't claim dysfunction as a part of your Reality and to see things for what they are instead of putting your labels on them, you'll be alright. 



Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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