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Never too Late to Love, even if it is your last breath

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Love is the what body and mind needs. If the heart is open everything will be as it suppose to be. Everything is already what it is suppose to be. When body and mind fulfilled with Love, stomach don't need so much food, mind doesn't need so many thoughts. If you are experiencing this life, don't regret feel this love it can be only one time but feel it. Believe me when you are dying you won't regret anything, because you had taste the purpose of living. I am telling you guys do not run for money, ambition, gossip, lies, being successful, nothing will be left with you end of the day. But the heart is different you will be fulfilled by universe, completely full filled. And at the end of the day will be not being afraid of losing, it will be being happy to experiencing this Love, love will welcome the death. Just sit in the silence close your eyes, open the music you love and welcome everything.

Beauty / love lies within, till your last second, just love. Just fucking LOVE!!!

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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