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Hugo Oliveira

Yoga or spiritual practice for energy

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I'm exhausted, I've lost the will to live. Even when I'm not depressed, I can't connect with my dreams, desires, and ambitions; everything seems to be part of the same unpleasant reality. I lead a very active life, but I feel that even activities that should be enjoyable are boring and require too much effort. I'm exhausted from trying psychiatric medications. I have experienced high levels of consciousness and energy before, but I've lost them. I'm using a lot of coffee and cigarettes compulsively just to get through my days. I don't know where to find the strength to overcome this. Psychedelics are not a valid option for me at the moment. I'm too debilitated.

Does anyone recommend any spiritual practice?

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Do you exercise at all? If not you should try some sort of regular exercise in a group ideally. Some people like group exercises classes or you could join a climbing gym and find people there to hang out with. Be as mindful of your thoughts and emotions as you do this. Also don't wait to be motivated to do it. Just do it when it is the last thing you want to do and it will create the motivation in time as it becomes part of your routine. 

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