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How does one know when they have Awakened?

21 posts in this topic

And by that I mean Awakened with a capital 'A'

Not a glimpse

Please no spiritual narcissism or boasting

I am asking sincerely

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Well I think when u experience your total self and see oh boy...there is no one, what a game it all was....

When the only thing that exists is Yourself....and no one to see,hear, touch ,feel and experience....

As if they never were....

But a way to fill with void within...

The void of loneliness of the total self..

To busy itself with imaginary beings ,thankfully it has ability to do so...

Imagine if it didn't had imagination, nothing would exist except mind....

But that void of loneliness when u are alone locked within Yourself and this void and nowhere to go...

Maybe then u realize...I AM everything...

In itself consciousness contains infinite information of infinite realities like codes within and found out a way to manifest his preexisting knowledge into experience based reality....

It found a way in that void ,crazy isn't it...

Do u know how one mind alone in nothingness can figure a way out to...

Manifest his imagination in form out of nothing..that's crazy...

I believe going to total self will awakened that knowledge too...

How to make 2d hologram experienced as reality that's how this infinite experience is possible in space/time....

This knowledge of creating bubble of existence isn't in human awareness right now...

Do u know then if u close your eyes..

How to consciously manifest infinite universes running on their own and causing Yourself to forget....

Within Yourself consciously..


How to create this setup...

This knowledge is in total self...

I think when u see u are only one alone being till eternity...

U can never be with other, since no other exists till eternity alone...

This fact is powerful...

Or maybe when u realize life was never that serious...

The element of serious makes dream reality strong to believe in... what if life isn't about awakening..

Because whether u are awakened or not...

U will still one day become total self it's inevitable outcome....and realize and experience who u truly are,then u don't need to ask from another,u will self realize I AM everything in your absolute state of existence...

Nothing changes that fact...

But still it's all handy information for understanding...

So it's better to be open to any unique new knowledge understanding of reality...



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25 minutes ago, PenguinPablo said:

Not a glimpse

The core issue here is that you have a blissful experience and want to maintain it… so when you inevitably can’t, you label that as a glimpse. Infinity would not be infinite if only blissful and peaceful experiences were true.

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Just like how you know you are dreaming while you are a dreaming in a lucid dream. 


my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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It is assumed that Awakening is some achievement you obtain at the end of a journey and then it’s game over. Nah, that that’s only the beginning. 

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Yea but even in lucid dreams, I’ve had more than I care to remember, unbelievably lucid, you still don’t know how the people, houses, places, and whatever else is there in the environment are being created by you, and why even these things at all. You still feel very local to the body you are in the dream, even when manage to change the environment within the dream. So for me this still wouldn’t be enough

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There're layers to it. But the first awakening will be pretty significant. Might vary though.. coz for me it was like a huge blast in the face when it happened, may or may not be like that for others.

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ❣ Warning: nobody here has reached the true God.

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪ 星空のディスタンス ♫┆彡 what are you dreaming today?

                           天国が来る | 私は道であり、真実であり、命であり。

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@PenguinPablo You know who you are.

With absolute certainty.

That's how I define it.

Its strange that that is also the place where you began your journey from.

Thinking that you know who you are.

When the possibility enters your mind that you don't really know, that's when you begin. 

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2 hours ago, PenguinPablo said:

And by that I mean Awakened with a capital 'A'

Not a glimpse

Please no spiritual narcissism or boasting

I am asking sincerely

When you realize nothing has never happened there is no such thing as birth life and death, you will drop and enlightenment happens. When there will be no you, ( ) will know. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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Here's the ways you will know: 

  • You will be incapable of experiencing pain, because your unconscious guilt has been healed. Just like in a dream, no matter what happens, no pain, just sensations. That's why Jesus didn't suffer one the cross.
  • Your mind will be perfectly still. You can still operate, but it will happen from Silence. 
  • You will be very blissful pretty much all the time.  
  • Your body will feel very light, like it's a figure in a dream.  
  • Your visual field will transform, like its illuminated. Even when you close your eyes, instead of there being darkness, it will be filled with beautiful white Light.  
  • You will feel One with everything. 
  • Siddhis. 
  • You will have the ability to completly wake up from this dream when you want to. When you do wake up, this and all the parralel universes will dissapear and you will finally arrive back home and enjoy infinite love for an eternity.  
  • You will barely need to sleep. You will either not dream or dream celestial dreams. Celestial dreams were soo amazing when I was close to Light. No words to describe them, just stunning beauty.   
  • No desires. Barely any appetite. No desire for sexual stuff. The most beautiful girl can be right in front of you and you will just laugh at the idea. No material desires. You are just so full, nothing is needed.  
  • Extreme wisdom.  
  • Completly non-judgemental.  
  • Very humarous and takes everything lightly.  
  • Body is very still, but that's just an expression of inner stillness.  
  • Feeling very veeery spacious. Like infinitely large.  

Stuff like that. Pretty good huh 😉

"Whoever has come to understand the world has found merely a corpse, and whoever has found a corpse, of that one the world is no longer worthy." - Jesus

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Tired of these threads and people describing what awakening is from their own level of consciousness like an unending loop. Most of you are just parroting what has been said by others with no experience , and most of you can't see any higher because of no experience. 


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first step, completely empty mind. zero power of the concept, zero belief in the mental structure, absence of limits, free mind.

second step: perception of your nature, of the quality of what you are.

third step: revelation, vision, glimpse, intuition of what reality is.

third step: realizing that your vision will never be complete, humility, abandoning the ambition to know, it is impossible.

fifth step: abandon yourself, spill your self into the ocean of reality, give up control, be happy 

sixth step: seek openness to the immensity of reality just for pleasure

Edited by Breakingthewall

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7 hours ago, CoolDreamThanks said:

Here's the ways you will know: 

  • You will be incapable of experiencing pain, because your unconscious guilt has been healed. Just like in a dream, no matter what happens, no pain, just sensations. That's why Jesus didn't suffer one the cross.
  • Your mind will be perfectly still. You can still operate, but it will happen from Silence. 
  • You will be very blissful pretty much all the time.  
  • Your body will feel very light, like it's a figure in a dream.  
  • Your visual field will transform, like its illuminated. Even when you close your eyes, instead of there being darkness, it will be filled with beautiful white Light.  
  • You will feel One with everything. 
  • Siddhis. 
  • You will have the ability to completly wake up from this dream when you want to. When you do wake up, this and all the parralel universes will dissapear and you will finally arrive back home and enjoy infinite love for an eternity.  
  • You will barely need to sleep. You will either not dream or dream celestial dreams. Celestial dreams were soo amazing when I was close to Light. No words to describe them, just stunning beauty.   
  • No desires. Barely any appetite. No desire for sexual stuff. The most beautiful girl can be right in front of you and you will just laugh at the idea. No material desires. You are just so full, nothing is needed.  
  • Extreme wisdom.  
  • Completly non-judgemental.  
  • Very humarous and takes everything lightly.  
  • Body is very still, but that's just an expression of inner stillness.  
  • Feeling very veeery spacious. Like infinitely large.  

Stuff like that. Pretty good huh 😉

yea ... this guy might qualify and i thought you will enjoy him:

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49 minutes ago, gettoefl said:

yea ... this guy might qualify and i thought you will enjoy him:

@gettoefl Didn't vibe with him. Ken Wapnick understands ACIM better imo. TY for sharing though. 

"Whoever has come to understand the world has found merely a corpse, and whoever has found a corpse, of that one the world is no longer worthy." - Jesus

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2 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

first step, completely empty mind. zero power of the concept, zero belief in the mental structure, absence of limits, free mind.

second step: perception of your nature, of the quality of what you are.

third step: revelation, vision, glimpse, intuition of what reality is.

third step: realizing that your vision will never be complete, humility, abandoning the ambition to know, it is impossible.

fifth step: abandon yourself, spill your self into the ocean of reality, give up control, be happy 

sixth step: seek openness to the immensity of reality just for pleasure

abandoning the ambition to know it is impossible

Realized this on amanita


Edited by PenguinPablo

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5 hours ago, Jowblob said:

Tired of these threads and people describing what awakening is from their own level of consciousness like an unending loop. Most of you are just parroting what has been said by others with no experience , and most of you can't see any higher because of no experience. 

That is inevitable

Even though I said no spiritual narcissism 😂

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@PenguinPablo The cosmic joke turns out being that "nobody knows or becomes awakened because awakening is not an action or linear event in time for a real person. Rather its the clear recognition that this important  "ME" character attempting to attain some kind of mind based enlightenment experience, is completely not real. Its an illusion of self....Maya!!! 😮

That's the real freedom that's being sought after but only by an illusion!

It turns out that the very notion of actually knowing something is the real illusion or Matrix.

And that is even just apparent stories 🤣


Edited by VeganAwake

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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1 hour ago, PenguinPablo said:

abandoning the ambition to know it is impossible

Realized this on amanita


It's easy if you realize that it's impossible. I think it's absolutely and totally impossible. You will never know why you exist, why you are this form, why the cycles of reality are the way they are, what your destiny is, what the purpose of things being the way they are is. You can open yourself to the infinite without limit, you can feel its power, you can understand its quality, its nature, which is yours, but nothing more. everything else is illusions

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9 minutes ago, VeganAwake said:

@PenguinPablo The cosmic joke turns out being that "nobody knows or becomes awakened because awakening is not an action or linear event in time for a real person. Rather its the clear recognition that this important  "ME" character attempting to attain some kind of mind based enlightenment experience, is completely not real. Its an illusion of self....Maya!!! 😮


That's realizing something, but that means absolutely nothing. You realize that. And? The thing is open yourself to the real thing, look in the face to death, to the black hole the is in front of your face, and surrender to it, and then open your heart to what lives. Expand yourself and be the unlimited. That's not a realization, it's an action

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If it happens to you

Don't worry

You won't miss it!


God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty. We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes mature and Conscious. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life God is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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