
Obe 1#

2 posts in this topic

My first obe experience was in March 2020.....

At first I had no idea I'm out of body....

But when I put my hand on bed,it melted it...

I got shocked...

In shock I immediately saw my hand...

And it was completely I was able to see outline forming the shape of my body...hand in this case...

Like bubbles transparent yet visible...

I saw transparent body -myself yet there was energy flowing which was transparent too across me outside my body...

I remember still how my fingers of my hand melted in the bed I was sleeping on..

In a straight position...

I didn't used any obe technique...

It was naturally induced...

Maybe,because my consciousness was fixed on something in relation to sleep... was my first obe..

Before that I read accounts of others how they see themselves as radiating photons ....

Light out of their body...

Beings of light.  ....

Some see dark beings...fully dark representing negative energy maybe when out of body....

I saw me as transparent so what does that mean....

Any account of anyone who saw themselves transparent retaining their humanoid shape but...

Able to perceive yet all transparent...

Now..when I was out of body I was unable to distinguish between that dimension and my physical body dimension..

They look alike yet my body was functioning in new ways ,new appearance...

Also,I had no eyes or brain...

Simply transparent human outline....

But I was able to think and perceive my environment....

I have 10+obes ...

My goal was to focus on first obe I had....

I was able to pick up long range sounds in a natural way outside my body..

For ex ...I was picking my loud music...

But I came in body and saw outside...

It was all dark alone.... sound...

So in that body I can move with thought,able to pass through solid...

And pick long range sounds etc..

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You were not completely out of body but it's a start.

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