fitness wealth

How To Get Laid” series - Thanks so much!

8 posts in this topic

Thanks for the “How To Get Laid” series, the Andrew Tate analysis, Peter Ralston interview, and the other amazing personal development videos.

It’s clear that Tate moved to Romania to advance his sex trafficking business. Why else would you leave the richest economy in the world, to move to the poorest country in Europe, that’s known for forced prostitution and sex trafficking.

As a person with a severe stutter, your videos have been a tremendous help. Stuttering has made dating extraordinarily difficult. At times, it’s extremely difficult for me to even say a word. The level of anxiety, shame, and fear was unbearable.

I’m happy to say that since watching your videos and years of therapy and shadow work, I’m experiencing significant success. I’m getting over the shame and fear of stuttering in front of people. I’ve also watched numerous dating and relationships videos, which all have been helpful in helping me learn the game of dating and female nature. I’m more confident and have had sex with two women since last year, and I have one on-deck in Santa Monica.

On the “how to get laid videos,” I agree with mostly everything. However, the part where you explain how women don’t have it better than men, you make it seem like they’re innocent angels who are naive about dating. They know exactly what they’re doing. Because they control sex, they can manipulate, gas light, withhold sex, and employ the pullback tactic to get what they want. Some women even have rotations (different guys they have sex with on certain days of the week.)

Some women that are in the dating game, prey on guys who are ignorant about dating, who have low self-esteems and are desperate. There are YouTube videos by women teaching other women how to manipulate men, such as SheraSeven.

Also, women value a men’s time, attention, and money. They’ll extend a platonic relationship and accept all these things from a man, knowing they’ll never have sex with him, which is manipulation. But some men she’ll sleep with quickly.

Also, women enjoy getting validation to boost their self-esteem. For example, a woman doesn’t need six months to know if she wants to sleep with a guy, she just enjoys the validation. And, instead of giving a man her number, they’ll give their Instagram, to increase their validation and followers. They’ll also friendzone you to get favors – free dinners, club entry, concerts tickets, car repair, etc.

Women also lie and cheat. When a woman says she’s married or have a boyfriend, it means nothing. She’s just not attracted to you. If it was Brad Pitt, it would be a different story. Many women know a man is in a relationship but they’ll still sleep with them. They don’t care! The last women I slept with was married and had two children. She was the 16th women I approached, over a four-month, grueling process, of going to different venues throughout Los Angeles.

I was so ignorant about dating and female nature; I thought that women don’t cheat. What a crock of horse shit! I was brainwashed by the media – magazine, TV and radio talk shows. Women cheat almost at the same rate as men.

Other Items
You mentioned once that you tested a woman by mentioning money, to try to lure her in, but it failed. That’s because she wasn’t attracted to you. Plus, it’s a turn off when a man leads with their money. It’s like, you’re a try hard. Women must indirectly see that you have money or status to be attracted to you.

You seem irritated that after you spoke to a woman for an hour, she told you she had a boyfriend. This is manipulation; she enjoyed the attention and validation. Unless one just like conversation, talking to a woman for such a long time isn’t effective. It’s a turn off and indirectly tells a woman you’re giving her priority. It’s like, you don’t have more important things to do. Typically, guys who are financially successful have little time. Since women value time and attention, a man’s limited time is like crack to them.

I disagree when you say women date based on their social needs; they have this met. Instead of dating with the intention of getting married, they just date for the sake of it.

A Woman Can Improve Here Attractiveness
A woman can do many things to improve her attractiveness, the first being weight loss. If they can apply themselves to get a bachelors, masters, and Ph D., they can do the same for weight loss. Second, they can get an image consultant. Some women’s fashion is horrendous. I remember this girl in high school that was less than average looking, but because she dressed well and was feminine, everyone wanted to sleep with her. Women can also take etiquette and femininity classes to learn how to be feminine, and learn the needs of men. But there’s no incentive for women to do these things because they can support themselves and have sex when they want.

Fuck Boys / Situationships
The women who have problems getting men to commit are dating fuck boys. They complain about their “quote-on-quote” boyfriend cheating. The guy isn’t their boyfriend; he’s a fuck boy who they quickly slept with. They never had a conversation about a monogamous relationship. Average guys don’t have problems committing because they’re less attractive, and as a result have few options.  

Pretty Privilege
I have zero sympathy for pretty-privileged women who can’t get married. They wasted their prime years (20s/30s) playing the field instead of dating with a purpose to get married. Now they’re complaining in their 40s about commitment problems; now men just wanna have fun with them.

They had many opportunities to get married. No man is good enough for them. They keep waiting, trying to level-up and find a bigger money bag. They’re spoiled and are used to being the center of attention. They don’t know how to make the man the priority, cook, clean, nor be supportive, comforting, nurturing, and feminine. They just wanna kick back and live a luxury lifestyle.

Kevin Samuels
I learned a lot about dating and female nature watching the Kevin Samuel’s show. He passed in 2022. I feel it was foul play. Black women despised him because he bluntly told them they’re overweight and that there’s no excuse for it.  

What are your thoughts about his, “Sexual Market Place Value” and “Danger Zone.” And his rating system, and how women grossly overrate themselves as 8s, 9s, and 10s, regardless of their weight and age, because they have a master/Ph D, have high-status jobs, and earn over six figures.

Because I had a difficult time dating and getting laid my entire life, I use to get pleasure hearing Kevin tell women that their sexual market place value decreases after 30, and that the probability of them getting married will never happen once they turn 40. The realization that they’ve wasted their prime years dating, accumulating dicks, and being on the scene is shocking to them.

It’s like, women first want to achieve their education and career goals, then plug a man into her life and get married, as if we’re Lego blocks or something. We don’t work like that!

It’s amazing how women on the Kevin Samuel’s show feel entitled to have a man who earns over six figures, only because they have a vagina. For example, many times on his show, there were women that were 5’5 and weighed over 200 pounds, and thought they deserve a six-figure man.

I learned from Kevin’s show that many modern women mistakenly believe that easy access to dating and sex guarantees eventual marriage. Not true, men control marriage. Further, some women ignorantly think that just because guys approach them that they’re very attractive. Men have no other choice but to approach women, otherwise we can’t have sex. They don’t understand that men’s testosterone level is 10Xs higher than women’s. Consequently, some men will sleep with a woman regardless of how she looks.

No one knew the enormous dating problem feminism would cause for women. Women are hypergamous by nature and date men who earn higher. For example, if a woman earns $75K, this puts her in the top 14% of income earners. Consequently, she’ll eliminate 85% of the dating pool. More importantly, guys earning higher than them are attracted to younger, more feminine women, instead of older, masculine, boss-chick/corporate women. And, because high-earning women can afford to buy more food, they consume more calories, and thus gain weight, which is unattractive to men.

The biggest issue for women is that they can support themselves. If you can support yourself, there’s no urgency to get married. Financial support is the reason why women married in the past. For example, Cinderella wouldn’t need to get married if she was educated, had her own money, car, and home.

Since women are educated, have careers, and can have sex when they want, they delay marriage and children. There’s no urgency to get married. They spend their prime years (time that they’re most beautiful) dating, advancing their career, and getting their education. Consequently, the older they get, the more difficult it becomes to get married.

Women’s independence, ability to support themselves, and have sex when they want, blinds them. They don't understand that men are attracted to - youth, beauty, physically fitness, femininity, submissiveness, and cooperativeness, opposed to a woman’s money, high status job, and degree.

Thanks again Leo and keep up the great work.

Fitness Wealth


Edited by fitness wealth
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Careful with all that Red Pill ideology. It's gonna hurt your ability to have healthy relationships.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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So many generalizations on here. It can take me more than an hour to feel attraction for a man. How can anyone know anyone within a few minutes? It can take years to know someone! Just don't over invest. Hope this helps.

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20 hours ago, fitness wealth said:

. Consequently, some men will sleep with a woman regardless of how she looks.

I guess it's just because she has a vagina. Hmmm


20 hours ago, fitness wealth said:

Women’s independence, ability to support themselves, and have sex when they want, blinds them. They don't understand that men are attracted to - youth, beauty, physically fitness, femininity, submissiveness, and cooperativeness

I guess when your wife get old, fat, has some stretch marks from child-birth and doesn't want to submit and cooperate with you because you're being a jerk, she'll get dumped for a woman with youth, beauty, physical fitness, femininity, submissiveness and cooperativeness. Sounds like love to me. Then you talk about Sheraseven who teaches women how to secure the bag. I wonder why she does that. Maybe because of statements like yours that leave the other loving women who don't have those things to the dogs. 

Listen sir, you cannot have your cake and eat it too. It's either you're looking for true love or a barbie doll because just the way your love is conditional, women's will be too, and at least they are looking for ways to secure themselves as opposed to some men just looking to screw hot submissive chicks. Don't hate on women the way you do because you are the ones who created this dynamic for yourselves without even realizing it and making statements as the one you stated above is proof of that and most guys will second what you said because I've seen it quite often. 

If women start to feel that when they get older they don't stand a chance (which is not true, btw, as it depends on how one ages and the person looking), they have no choice but to secure themselves in a way where if they get dumped for the superficial qualities you mentioned above, they won't get bitter and resentful towards their mates as much and don't have to worry as much about their security because they are not good enough anymore for their mates, because of their decline in looks.

21 hours ago, fitness wealth said:

No one knew the enormous dating problem feminism would cause for women. Women are hypergamous by nature and date men who earn higher. For example, if a woman earns $75K, this puts her in the top 14% of income earners. Consequently, she’ll eliminate 85% of the dating pool. More importantly, guys earning higher than them are attracted to younger, more feminine women, instead of older, masculine, boss-chick/corporate women. And, because high-earning women can afford to buy more food, they consume more calories, and thus gain weight, which is unattractive to men.

This is such hog-wash and is just a belief that doesn't carry any weight in the majority of the population in low-income/average income households where this stupid feminism shit isn't even recognized. The correlation between high-earning women eating more fatty foods and causing weight-gain in probably the most absurd thing I've ever heard in my entire life. Have you ever checked the obesity rates and notice it has nothing to do with income. If anything, it is related to poverty and the low- quality cheap foods that are available in low-income areas not excluding just about everywhere you look and available to the masses.


21 hours ago, fitness wealth said:

Men have no other choice but to approach women, otherwise we can’t have sex.

If that's the only reason you're approaching women, then don't complain if you think women are manipulating men, because I'm sure you're not approaching these women saying "hey, i just want to have sex with you". You are engaging in manipulative tactics to get laid and using women for your sexual needs. If you say men are attracted to so and so and then turn around and say men have no other choice but to approach women, you have trapped yourself into this dynamic because you are indirectly telling those women who doesn't fit into your criteria that you're not interested in them and now you're stuck in having to approach the ones who you find to be attractive while complaining that the ones who don't fit doesn't approach. You see how you've indirectly created this dynamic. No, you're too busy finding faults and pointing out what doesn't align with your worldview in regards to dating while limiting yourself in the process.


21 hours ago, fitness wealth said:

Because I had a difficult time dating and getting laid my entire life, I use to get pleasure hearing Kevin tell women that their sexual market place value decreases after 30, and that the probability of them getting married will never happen once they turn 40. The realization that they’ve wasted their prime years dating, accumulating dicks, and being on the scene is shocking to them.

This is part of the problem right here. You are operating from a place of anger towards unsuspecting women and will be a victim to your own past circumstances and carry this over in every part of your life and make choices from this place of feeling resentment towards women if you don't eliminate this from your psyche and wipe this site clean and stop blaming women for your not-dating-getting laid past. The women of your future nor these women you had the pleasure of feeling resent and anger by were not the reasons for this nor did they have anything to do with it. When you derive pleasure from these things it will only hurt you in the long run because of the mindset you've developed and will lead to your own demise and feelings of guilt and shame from not embodying the energy of love and empathy.

I will stop here, because I could go on, but reading your post tells me you have unresolved issues pertaining to dating and relationships, like so many of us do, but reiterating them doesn't help, and what is more effective is to try and develop yourself into the best lover and person you can become and to try and understand why both men and women do the things they do in their relations with other and to try and overcome these challenges with empathy and understanding instead of demonizing, criticizing and projecting your hurts and ignorance towards the opposite sex and to realize the perfection within the imperfect, 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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10 hours ago, TheEnigma said:

So many generalizations on here. It can take me more than an hour to feel attraction for a man. How can anyone know anyone within a few minutes? It can take years to know someone! Just don't over invest. Hope this helps.


Men are attracted to women instantly while speaking to them. Just looking at a girl you will feel aroused ssexuallyand could even sleep with her but you won't be attracted to  her. It takes about a day for that to occur for a man. 

  • Feminist 

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What’s up Doc? Don’t feed the  misogyny! Hatred bugs me…


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11 hours ago, MAHAVATAR_-_BABAJI said:


Men are attracted to women instantly while speaking to them. Just looking at a girl you will feel aroused ssexuallyand could even sleep with her but you won't be attracted to  her. It takes about a day for that to occur for a man. 

Not always true. I have a male friend that sometimes doesn't feel much for a woman, and then when he gets to know her better, he begins to appreciate her and feel attracted and falls in love.

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