
should i continue watching ?

13 posts in this topic

leo warns that his teachings are unsuited to people with mental illness. i was diagnosed with ocd and adhd, and wondering if it is wise and safe to continue or discontinue watching his videos.

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I dont know how mix of ocd and adhd works,but my adhd lessened alot with conciousness work, but i went through alot of emotional purging that can suck real bad,you dont know when its going to stop 😅...

If you have survival needs a problem then its better to watch practical stuff first this is cliche advice but oh well.

Also ill move this to mental health section.

Edited by NoSelfSelf

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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I think it wouldn't matter. I also think they are kinda the same thing.

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I have both ADHD and OCD and am very thankful for discovering this work. 

I no longer take medication to treat my ADHD and OCD, but this only was achieved after spending years of hard work and dedicating to healing myself.


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ADHD is so widespread you can mark it as normal nowadays. I'd say continue.

Awareness will likely lower your symptoms, so you might want to watch the ones about this topic. If that's something you want.

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I supposedly had ADHD when I was younger anyway I trained my mind and it went away without any spiritual and all that other bullshit. Which I never was into back then and I am not really into it now. Then again it seems to work for some and who am I to tell you what to believe in? I was also on Dexamphetamine for a short time in my early 20s. As for OCD I never had it before. It came out late in my life after doing psychedelics for 3 years non-stop. It was when I was on one of the biggest doses I have ever done. For me, it was the worst kind of OCD. There was no mental illness before this apart from my ADHD if one can call it that. Or any other that runs in my family. This has nothing to do with imaginary genetics So be warned. As for the question being asked no for me watching Leo's videos and other ones has not affected my ADHD or for the last year and a half my OCD. Which has diminished with using Fluoxetine which I should be of soon. It depends on the individual and having an open mind all my life from an early age has helped me immensely so does not have any religious beliefs and all that other poppycock. For me, ADHD was not being able to concentrate and not absorbing certain things so I was told. Perhaps I did not like what was being taught to me at school at that time which to me was pointless and somewhat boring and did not interest what so whatsoever. We are all different for me I had no problem but others might. So take it slow and if it starts getting too much have a break and then go back to watching his videos later.

Edited by Jehovah increases

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@Majed I only discovered that I have OCD after my intrusive thoughts became a major issue in the middle of my spiritual work. I had to step away from spirituality for a while to learn how to handle intrusive thoughts and start doing therapy. I also found out I'm autistic once I really started looking under the hood and working with a therapist. In retrospect, I think my autism + OCD combination is an incredible tool for spiritual work when I can harness it. I just had to learn how to reign things in when these traits turn into neuroses.

Following this work was really dangerous for a period of time when I didn't know I had OCD/autism and didn't know how to navigate my issues, but I feel better than ever now that I've done some serious work on it all. I also might not have gotten to the root of my mental conditions if it wasn't for this stuff! It's all about timing for me. If I'm socially isolated, failing to take care of my basic needs, and battling intrusive thoughts, that's no time for intense spiritual practices. The spiritual work in those times is just getting my shit together.

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@Majed sadly awakening just made me suicidal, i hate life. i once realized the bubble is all and i was in peace and once i feel back into "life" well it just went downhill now im looking into moving to canada so i can get euthanized... i always kinda knew shit would turn sour for me and i wouldent make it 

leos videos can fucking help you immensely his advice is very bold and deep, but are you willing to do the work? im not... i rather just die i dont wanna keep trying. 

in my case leo isnt talking to me i shouldent listen to him. thats me cant speak for others... 


and to add more context, im bipolar im a veteran who never adjusted back into normal life. I def am emotionally unstable especially when it comes to work.... the best thing i can do im doing, and i fucking hate it. 


and leo does warn about the ego twisting the teachings, im proof of that i use a lot of what he says to justify my suicide... selfishness is self defeating is a good one i like to use. welp the ego just is hardwired to self destruct! 

Edited by funkychunkymonkey
added more context, and an important warning that leo warns about.

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Watch the videos and also seek a mental health professional. You can do both.


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On 14/2/2024 at 9:57 PM, Majed said:

leo warns that his teachings are unsuited to people with mental illness. i was diagnosed with ocd and adhd, and wondering if it is wise and safe to continue or discontinue watching his videos.

The decision to continue or discontinue watching Leo's videos should be based on what feels safest and most supportive for your mental health journey. Seek medical professional help as well. What works for others will not necessary work for you. So explore every option available.

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On 3.4.2024 at 1:19 AM, funkychunkymonkey said:

@Majed sadly awakening just made me suicidal, i hate life. i once realized the bubble is all and i was in peace and once i feel back into "life" well it just went downhill now im looking into moving to canada so i can get euthanized... i always kinda knew shit would turn sour for me and i wouldent make it 

leos videos can fucking help you immensely his advice is very bold and deep, but are you willing to do the work? im not... i rather just die i dont wanna keep trying. 

in my case leo isnt talking to me i shouldent listen to him. thats me cant speak for others... 


and to add more context, im bipolar im a veteran who never adjusted back into normal life. I def am emotionally unstable especially when it comes to work.... the best thing i can do im doing, and i fucking hate it. 


and leo does warn about the ego twisting the teachings, im proof of that i use a lot of what he says to justify my suicide... selfishness is self defeating is a good one i like to use. welp the ego just is hardwired to self destruct! 

Seek out some therapy. You CAN get better. It is sometimes difficult to imagine in a depressed/trauma state, but life can totally turn around for you and healing is possible. You will look back at this time and be grateful that youve stood strong, because there is a lot of possible enjoyment of life ahead.

“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”

― Carl Gustav Jung

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I think underestanding the depth of your meta-problems are good, however you can create more problems with identifying with these problems too much while doing the work (any kind of self-reflection or inquiry). It will also not hurt for practical improvements and maybe you can solve these problems yourself. Go to the doctors you are supposed to go to, I think, in the meantime.

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On 2/15/2024 at 2:28 AM, NoSelfSelf said:

I dont know how mix of ocd and adhd works,but my adhd lessened alot with conciousness work, but i went through alot of emotional purging that can suck real bad,you dont know when its going to stop 😅...

If you have survival needs a problem then its better to watch practical stuff first this is cliche advice but oh well.

Also ill move this to mental health section.

So, basically the higher stuffs mess with your survival...

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