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My article on sleep

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Its basic understanding I have I hope it helps ..I think on Some level true sleep or unconsciousness doesn't exist...


Like in true state...


Absolute reality ...that Absolute mind never sleeps...


The experience of sleep is an idea within dream Realm...and


The ego self experiences sleep ,these points are understood......


But when u sleep whether it's dream sleep or dreamless sleep or unconsciousness....


Where is the true self in all of it...


Like ,where is the observer which never sleeps....


Does such a state exist in Absolute level...


Like a mind coming out of nothing...


And becoming conscious of itself as one true mind...


But,can dissolve into emptiness again to experience sleep ...


Now it's a hypothesis alright


....which cannot be most probably accurate I think..


Because it contradicts that self never sleeps...


It's impossible for it to be unconscious since it's existence and consciousness itself...


It's fundamental it can't be unconscious Like ego self in dream...


Now ,they also say sleep is necessary ...


To reanimate your body cells to sustain this physical structure of yours to function on this level of reality...


So,sleep is an idea put into creation  ....


But ,still there are some accounts of human beings who never sleep like they have evolved past need of sleep...


Real accounts....


Most of secret public example is a man from Vietnam I think ...


Which is on Google, but it isn't taken that seriously by scientists and others who don't  possess such attributes because it hurts their ego I think To be honest with themselves....


Some even call it disease or problem..while man functions healthy with no sleep...


Secrets account are of special trained humans....


Which I don't know...


One account can be found I'm robert monroes experiences....


When he was traveling in space and time during obe experience....


So...what happens during unconscious sleep in ego world...


Now another point to be noted is that ...


U experience sleep in night dreams as well and experience same unconscious sleep in dreams...


Have u ever woke up from sleep In a dream...


Unconscious dreamless sleep...


So it's like this function is embedded within your's part of experience and existence...


Till now these points are considered ...


As information to help us more and more to get to a better and more accurate answer...


So we have to consider any information on sleep including different brainwave and their corresponding frequencies....


...where we go during dreamless sleep...


Now ego is an illusion isn't it ,only true self Is real...


So I don't know but what if memory is an illusion...


My memory and your of life is an illusion because all memory of life is already known by totality...because it knows all possibilities in advance ,so it may know all life memories in advance...


So ego is made up of memory too,only focusing on this component...


So in dream sleep. ...remember how u forget about this life and live in dream world as new ego ..


A new personality...


And your memory in dream world Is new ,not focusing on lucid...bcz our goal is something else right now...


To get a better grasp and understanding, more and more accurate of what's going on here...


I never said right because I don't know...


I never said to believe it but  more for understanding...handy information to keep in mind,flexible approach...


So..considering these points..


Let's move towards more understanding..


Now...since memory of life or dreams is an illusion within ego mind..


It dissolves when u reunite with trueself...


Ego dissolves and true mind is u...


Like a shift in perspective...


So all the memory of life of ego is just already known possibilities within true mind...isn't it...


So ..what if in dreamless state,ego disappears...


See how u sleep in dreamless state..


The outer world ceases to exist for u...


Either u are no longer ego /dreamless state ,so no memory of it during dreaming state ...


Or dreaming a new reality while sleeping forgetting about So called real outer world...


As if it never existed for u..


It's a play of forgetting and memory and sleep...


So when u wake up from sleep,u notice world changed as if in continuity..


Which I think adds to the illusion of existence and reinforces ego to buy into this reality..


Continuity is key component...


So maybe in dreamless state ego the part of true self dies for a brief moment...


And then re emerges from trueself again ,not having any memory of what happened....because it ceased for some moment(I'm calling it moment because time doesn't exist, even if ego reemerges So to say 10 yrs of being ceased...


Since all reality is illusion and projection including time on your clocks...


All imagery of time is an illusion...


So,when ego emerges only 3 4 hrs have passed So to say ...


It's all illusion and when u wake up that memory of this specific life comes back too in u..


So a memory of reality is related to the world u occupy...


Until u remember memories of lives and dreams u experienced...


So ,true self eternal self all the while was always there for u as ego to register an outer event..happenening..


More like dreamless state can be merging with the self and losing yourself and coming back with a set of memory, personality ,beliefs, etc which forms u as an ego because u are an illusion  ,a projection of trueself eternally observing...


So..u can say scientists recording brainwaves during dreamless state..


But see u only experience this thing as real as can u prove it that the world despite it's continuity experience is real when u become unconscious....


What if it was a very strong imaginary dream...


U cannot prove it as an ego since it's an instrument or tool of the only true mind...


Since u and I are not real...always the one self...which constitutes it all...


Another idea is that...


When we sleep whether dream state or dreamless state..


We are still awake operating on multidimensions ,we never sleep..


But don't remember it since it's squased in physical brain..


Memory of other dimensions..


When we wake up...


They say consciousness exists at multiple places, so whether it's dream state ,u are operating on other levels simultaneously but don't remember it...


Similarly in case of dreamless sleep...


U are operating on other levels but don't remember it seems as dreamless sleep..since memory is curbed..


But comparing with dream model at night..


U experience the same in dream...


So does any of this any meaning or it's all an illusion, a game..


What do u think..


I hope it helps...


I don't know the definite answer.. 


But that's my understanding

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29 minutes ago, Creatorbeing said:

But that's my understanding

You Awaken when you realize that everything you thought you knew was just a speck of dust in a savanna. 

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

I AM Lovin' It

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