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Is there any point in getting the jhanas

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Im thinking of pursuing the formless jhanas, though I dlmt know if its really worthwhile or if its just another distraction. Anyone here who has experience with them, any insights would be appreciated


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Not really, since reaching the 8th Jhana is a complete dead end and not enlightenment, even though Buddha thought that it is. I've been in the 8th Jhana of neither perception nor non perception, aka the void aka nothingness and it's an error to regard it as the final attainment. David Hawkins also reached it and knew that it wasn't the end since there is no Love there and God is Love. That is the main issue with Buddhism, since Buddha didnt understand God, so the whole path is wrong and all Buddhists are mistaken. 

Edited by CoolDreamThanks

No resistance. No thinking. Silence. Flow. Surrender. Let Love in.

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4 hours ago, sleep said:

@CoolDreamThanks judt out of curiosity, what kind of spiritual practice do you do?

I've done many practices throughout the years, from Buddhist concentration, to Echart Tolles being in the now, to mantras, Kundalini Yoga (lifting up the kundalini energy from the bottom of the spine up to the head on the in breath and letting go on the out breath), other forms of kundalini yoga as well. I've gotten Shaktipat, but I didnt see results from that.  

But the main practice that I have over 10,000 hours in is self-enquiry, just resting in the Self, aka Peace of God, inner Silence, or whatever you call it. 

No resistance. No thinking. Silence. Flow. Surrender. Let Love in.

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