Rafael Thundercat

The downfall of Podcasts (Funny with a bit of truth)

21 posts in this topic

@Rafael Thundercat

13 hours ago, Rafael Thundercat said:

@Danioover9000 I think they entered in a double bind, Destiny,NotsoErudite and others. Let me try to explain in simple words. They basically started a infinite thread, because the issues they deal with are infinite, and the public are mostly this people who pass time on streamer channels like Twitch and other platforms, this places are a pool of distraction, a lot of stimulus, dopamine hits and very little reflection and deep contemplation, so is an ongoing blablabla that reach no destination. For example: How many viwers of Destiny would take time or have attention spam to listen to Leo Gura Content. What this guys "the creators" and the users are doing is basically filling up their mind of crap that will ultimately serve as distraction in future awakening work, assuming any of these people will ever start any awakening process. 

Is a waste of Neurologic Capacity. Truly a waste. 


   Basically what Andrew Wilson calls 'woman prattle', 'sophistry' and 'spurging' for when Destiny get's super excited and animated.

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