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Neale donald walsch

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If u have read conversation with god...

Book1 ,2 and 3 ..home with god and other books by same author...

What's your opinion on Neale donald walsch...

Do u believe the knowledge of the books or u think it's fake and misguided information on the nature of reality 

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A lot of truth in it.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I thought that Conversations with God trilogy is a document containing the highest truth, a book truly dictated by God. And then I've read the Disappearance of the Universe trilogy which showed the huge flaws apparent within the CwG philosophy and how it's dictated by ego, not by God. The whole rhetoric is incorrect in CwG, it actually focuses too much on manifestation, living the good life and paints a positive picture of the illusion, instead of revealing that it is a trap set up by ego and we need to disentangle ourselves from it. 

The CwG trilogy is very sound logically and you are unlikely to see through the falsehood that is hidden there, like Leo was unable to and I wouldn't have been able to if not for the DU trilogy. 

Drops of forgiveness rain over my soul. 

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I just recently listened to the whole trilogy and the 4th book which focuses more on highly evolved beings throughout the universe and their relation to Earth. I found it especially fascinating and beautifully uplifting, some of the best insights I've ever heard regarding spirituality and something many people could reap a lot of value from. It's also written excellently, the way the conversations are conveyed is super engaging and I really enjoyed the humourous elements within the series as well. 

Definitely aligns with my experiences of the Truth, and even if it hadn't, I would have loved it anyway due to how inspiring the messages present in the series are. Highly recommend it to anyone on here who's at odds with themselves and struggles to recognise the inherent Love that permeates all of reality and the beautifully staggering reality of what God/You really are.

Edited by Cubbage

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Cabbage yes the 4th book....

In the initial parts It talks about power of love,expression of love outweighs need of survival...., love at first sight...

The Power to create your reality...

How I'm a designer and goal is to transform ideas into reality...and each being has that power ...

But a being has to do it....on it's own...

By freedom, free will like a pure creator...

How advanced technology doesn't equate to advanced civilization spiritually...including humans-Universal mind said which is I think our total self..

Guiding us back to's not some god I think but ourselves from a different level of consciousness, I think so . .

Cells and how statements with belief can cause cells to heal our parts ....

How each cell is self aware....and is happy to be ,simply being...

Reality I no longer choose if u create a dark reality out of nothing using creative Tools...etc...

I loved all books.....

Alot resonated with me and my personal understandings ....

I agree friend with absolutely what u said...

It's beautiful knowledge...breathtaking....

Each understanding is divine.....

How to turn physical to nonphysical to physical. to do so...

Etc..quasi physical state like bashar described about essassani civilization 

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22 hours ago, CoolDreamThanks said:

I thought that Conversations with God trilogy is a document containing the highest truth, a book truly dictated by God. And then I've read the Disappearance of the Universe trilogy which showed the huge flaws apparent within the CwG philosophy and how it's dictated by ego, not by God. The whole rhetoric is incorrect in CwG, it actually focuses too much on manifestation, living the good life and paints a positive picture of the illusion, instead of revealing that it is a trap set up by ego and we need to disentangle ourselves from it. 

The CwG trilogy is very sound logically and you are unlikely to see through the falsehood that is hidden there, like Leo was unable to and I wouldn't have been able to if not for the DU trilogy. 

When should we read DU, because CwG is has a lot of material focus, and a lot of us are still at the stage of development where we need to exhaust (better said, burn) our material desires before we can start delving DEEP into spiritual development.

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@Magnanimous DU doesn't require or even recommend letting go of material desires. They are not saying you should overindulge, but neither is the path of asceticism required, basically, the middle path is the way to go. 

I would say read it ASAP, it's probably not what you expect. It even tells you how to be inspired to take actions that will bring you material wealth, but that's not the main focus of the book, like the first book of CwG, only a tiny part of it. 

Drops of forgiveness rain over my soul. 

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