
What do you think about the occult and have you had any spiritual encounters?

11 posts in this topic

From personal experience, I would personally stay far the f*** away from any occultic, black magic stuff or saturn worship... Like, very, very, very, very, very far away from it.

There's a reason why there were laws back in the day banning witchcraft and why people were terrified of witches.

Because it works and it will work against YOU.

That is all you need to know. Stick with the light stuff, even if it's unorthodox and unique to you.

Stay away from it.


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1 hour ago, Phoenix Garfield said:

From personal experience, I would personally stay far the f*** away from any occultic, black magic stuff or saturn worship... Like, very, very, very, very, very far away from it.

There's a reason why there were laws back in the day banning witchcraft and why people were terrified of witches.

Because it works and it will work against YOU.

That is all you need to know. Stick with the light stuff, even if it's unorthodox and unique to you.

Stay away from it.


What if they want to be the witch?

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✅️Every night. I cannot sleep. I do chelation and everything. 

Every night during the 3 watches of the night I stay awake. I fear sleeping. 

Just last night I awoke to seeing outlines of beings in my room just walking about. I jumped out of bed and did banishing rituals. 

I think it's all genetics. I'm also on day 56 of Brahamcharya. Before Brahamcharya I saw nothing. 

Sorry, I'm at work. Hope this makes sense.




  • Feminist 

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1 hour ago, MAHAVATAR_-_BABAJI said:

✅️Every night. I cannot sleep. I do chelation and everything. 

Every night during the 3 watches of the night I stay awake. I fear sleeping. 

Just last night I awoke to seeing outlines of beings in my room just walking about. I jumped out of bed and did banishing rituals. 

I think it's all genetics. I'm also on day 56 of Brahamcharya. Before Brahamcharya I saw nothing. 

Sorry, I'm at work. Hope this makes sense.




Sounds like something from the diabolic realm.

I have also been bothered of sinister beings during nighttime. 

Chants, oils, or anything Holy will intimidate them. 

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2 hours ago, MAHAVATAR_-_BABAJI said:

It requires insane and intense concentration skills.

Speak the name of God and they will flee like cockroaches.

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"Shit in our psyche" dont explain why someone being tormented by an evil spirit start speaking fluent latin. 

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