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Void and Dream

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Even if life is an illusion...

A dream...even if I know how to go back to the void....

I don't wish to...

I know that's the goal of lots of people...

To experience totality -oneness...

But I always wonder if the goal was always to return to the origin...oneness...

Then why am I here? Why to do this...

If I wish to go back to void....

That's why I'm happy here being what I am in this present moment...

I don't complain whether it's pleasurable or painful experience, I think it's all part of life and I embrace it completely ...

Because it's the absence of other ..u can't know the other quantity...

I know if u go to void...u can be there eternally Because time doesn't exist and whenever u will start the process of creation and this Game of life again...

By forgetfulness so to rediscover yourself and feel and experience the ecstacy of reuniting with your memory of yourself..

That eureka moment....

That's nice...but I'm happy what am I...

My goal is to work it rather than complain and cry about how everything is trash and I wish to leave this world and become one..

Instead of that I'm happy in being now...

I think everything is beautiful it's just your subjective interpretation which u can switch...

Void and dreamstate...

Both are intertwined....The essence and the ego....

The self and the emanation of self....

Pure energy and form based existence...

I think life isn't about being enlightened...

It's about infinite experience of itself in infinite unique ways and unique way of seeing the same thing...

Because experience of itself grows consciousness as a whole while keep being in void is being still and not evolving..

So this process of dreaming of infinite realities do evolve the One true self...

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@Creatorbeing There's two fundamental forces at play for us Humans, the force of Self Preservation, of building walls around us physically and mentally, self protection, survival instinct and such things, then there is the force of Boundlessness, to be absolutely Free, Open and Alive..

The 1st force is born into us, we just have to learn the rules of the world/society we are living in, procreation is a part of this...

The 2nd force has to be strived for, sooner or later via the Desiring process (gain a goal what happens? Another goal is made and if that is achieved what happens? Another goal and on and on it goes) You will get bored of the way things are right now, you want to be more than what You are right now, unless Your in a war like environment where everyday its about survival.. Desire is the same as Life, its not about wanting more, its about having it all, being totally Free and Complete, Boundless in nature and experience, this is Enlightenment, when touching this dimension while still embodied you feel Great Bliss..

With all this we need to Accept what is as it is right not, this stops the Stress Response I think, but just b/c you accept doesn't mean You want things to be this way, acceptance just allows flow and ease to come into Your Life, just imagine no stress response, what would this do for You? It will bring You into Peaceful Experience as a natural consequence, then now the foundation becomes stable, and You can go for more possibility and potential/intensity in life experience (not talking about gaining more $$, fame, wealth, status or success)..

Edited by Ishanga

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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Reality is not a dream or an illusion, it is simply real. what is an illusion is all the mental meaning we give it. If you want to immerse yourself in existence and be one with it, simply erase the meaning completely. Vertigo! completely letting go of all the baggage until there is nothing left, mind empty of content. This does not mean restraining the mind with meditation, this is useless if you still believe in the mind. It will be silent but its walls will remain firm. On the other hand, if you stop believing in the mind, you take away all its energy, it can continue moving but you see through it,

only then can one pass through the door without a door, the door that is the self, the same one that wants to pass through the door. This self must be dropped to allow the unlimited to manifest. It is a difficult mental sport, but it is necessary, anything else is jail

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Breaking the wall....

I think reality is both illusion and real...based on how u wish to perceive it...

Even bashar said it's both real and illusion...

So that maybe more accurate I don't know...

It's better to speculate than to arrive at definite answer ...

Flexible approach is better...I think...

To let go and surrender previous and past understandings....

In front of new realizations...

That's what they say ..reality has layers..

One day u are empty minded person...

Next u are religious.....

Then u let go of same religious beliefs...which u so fiercely and emotionally face of new realities....

And truths....

So my point is it's better to be Flexible...

Even I don't know what is what...

If it's my personal understandings and subjective experiences of reality...

Until I realize ....but still who knows..

I can say this or that...but what's the point....

What do you think?...

Is it better to be set in stone kind of person in your answer or Flexible...

Able to adapt or change..

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It is a question of semantics, illusion is opposed to real, dream to wakefulness. If reality is unreal, what is real? The answer would be the dreamer, the puppeteer, god, who as they say here would be a playful little devil who hides from himself like a game. but I would say that those are complete bullshit. Reality is what it is, there is nothing more real behind it, there is the human mental veil that obscures perception.

And regarding spiritual teachers who use mysterious language...well, this is as old as human beings. This business was already practiced by the sorcerers of each tribe, the Greek oracles, the Celtic druids....better than taking the plow, less tiring and also the girls will love you 

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@Creatorbeing @Breakingthewall

The problem is that most people do not want, do not have the time, or strength to get to the bottom of ancient teachings, they only accept, often short, erroneous interpretations of these messages, taken out of a broad context. The shortcuts are the current signum temporis. Everything has to be done immediately, right now because impatient modern man is spinning around his own tail like shit in an ice hole. The axis of Vedic teaching is the same as that of Plato and Christianity. Reality is tripartite with vertical causality. Vedic cosmology: Sat - Being, Chit - Consciousness, Ananda - Bliss. Plato's cosmology: Corpus - Body / Material World, Anima - Mental World / Consciousness, Spiritus - Spirit / Superconsciousness. Christian cosmology: Man of God, Holy Spirit, God the Father. Let's leave the nomenclature aside. The concepts are almost identical and represent aspects of reality contained in Bliss/Super Consciousness/God in the manner of a Russian matryoshka. There is no need to reinvent the wheel. Moreover, it is enough to operate more from the level of the heart than from the mind and the view immediately becomes clearer.

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