
Death of the physical body is just the end of this particular dream

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No speculating.

Edited by UnbornTao

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No.  The physical body is part of the dream.  You are mistaking physicality for the dream itself.   That's only because Inifnity or an Infinite dream includes the ability to feel - so it feels physical. 

In other words - the dream could end in any number of ways - it doesn't have to result in what you call the physical body dying. You could access such high states of consciousness that you could literally imagine it out of existence- without touching the human body at all.  It's a mind fuck for sure.  But remember all physicality is completely imaginary.   It's just that you put so much imagination power into the physical body being the end that now it is - because you've made it that! 

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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On 2/11/2024 at 1:56 PM, UnbornTao said:

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No speculating.

I think this is a very valid philosophical question.  Does physical death mean the cessation of this reality?  Well - that is if you think the materialist paradigm is true. 


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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Understanding death is difficult because understanding infinity is impossible. Death is the end of the bubble of existence that you are. Let's say this bubble takes a part of existence, which is the totality, since there are no parts in infinity, and creates a concrete spatiotemporal experience. This experience is part and whole at the same time. You, that is, this experience, bubble, or whatever you want to call it, can break through its limitation in part and take a look at what it really is, which is the totality of existence, but it will always remain a concrete bubble until it disappears, and its openness can never be total as long as it exists as a concrete structure.

When the bubble bursts, it will simply disappear, so the total infinite existence that was always the case will remain. The problem is that there are infinite bubbles that are the whole and the part, this is why infinity and death cannot be understood. These bubbles already were, they already are, they will be, they are you, but they are someone else. So what happens after death? This answer would require infinity to move on a continuous timeline and it doesn't, so there is no answer because there is no "after death."

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