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Worrisome trend for the 2024 election

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NBC news poll showed that 47% of voters in the US now say Trump's presidency was better than expected.

Also, Trump has been leading Biden in the polls at both the national level and state level for many months. Also, Biden's approval rating is lower than Trump, which is crazy.

Biden just hit with another disgusting political attack from the special counsel about how he's a poor old man, which has given the GOP more ammo to use against Biden for their messaging on how Biden is unfit to be president and needs to step down.

Now, there is renewed talk within the Democratic party as to whether or not Biden should drop out of the race, even though it probably is already way too late for that to happen at this point.

This is really dismaying and depressing in terms of what may very well happen in 2024. 

I still don't understand how Leo is able to stay so calm and be like "meh, business as usual" when many people in this country are freaking out about Trump and have already lost faith in our country's institutions coming back into power.

I get that if there nothing you can do about then it's not worth worrying about. I also get that none of us still have any idea yet as whether Biden and the Democrats or Trump and the MAGA Republicans will win in 2024.

Yet I can't stop having such terrible anxiety over it and I just can't make this feeling go away no matter what I do to try cope with it as best as possible. I've everything I could to put this into a more logical reasonable perspective and try to see things in a much more optimistic manner, but this anxiety is still killing me. I don't know how I will be able to live with another PTSD moment if Trump wins again, like what happened in 2016 when we all got so traumatized from that.

Edited by Hardkill

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I don't think its hyperbolic to say that if Trump gets elected again American democracy will be in great danger. But perhaps Americans need to go through this in order to appreciate democracy and civics a little more. There is a clear sense of aloofness when it comes  acknowledging the danger of Trump by many Americans. It doesn't help with mainstreams media constant needs to appear unbiased. 

Edited by abundance

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28 minutes ago, abundance said:

I don't think its hyperbolic to say that if Trump gets elected again American democracy will be in great danger. But perhaps Americans need to go through this in order to appreciate democracy and civics a little more. There is a clear sense of aloofness when it comes  acknowledging the danger of Trump by many Americans. It doesn't help with mainstreams media constant needs to appear unbiased. 

I don't know how I would be able to deal with the pain of that for another 4+ years. Many people I've talked to including my parents are already losing sleep over this.

Edited by Hardkill

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34 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

I don't know how I would be able to deal with the pain of that for another 4+ years. Many people I've talked to including my parents are already losing sleep over this.

MAGA voters feel the same way about Biden.

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To be honest this guy seems to indeed have some serious brain problems and it's very apparent

Maybe with full working brain he'd be a great president but I feel like with such condition it's better be some other dude, maybe some other democrat

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

MAGA voters feel the same way about Biden.

I know, but at least Biden's achievements and policies have truly helped most Americans. he already is like a hybrid of Truman and LBJ, both of whom have been considered to be ranked in the top 10 or top 15 best presidents in US History. Trump, on the other hand, was an absolute monster of a president and has been ranked by historians and political scientists and many other experts out there as having been undeniably one of not if the worst presidents ever. You know that. 

Most people never felt this way about either side to this degree during the 1900s. I feel like Trump and the right-wing echo chambers have doomed us to living this insufferable culture war for their rest of our lives.

The Democrats are also partly to blame by not fighting back hard enough before Trump ever became president. The Democrats, liberals, and progressives used to be a lot more like badass fighters for the people during the early to mid 1900s.

Edited by Hardkill

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2 hours ago, Hardkill said:

I don't know how I would be able to deal with the pain of that for another 4+ years. Many people I've talked to including my parents are already losing sleep over this.

What will this change in your life?

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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28 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:

What will this change in your life?

Trump is seriously threatening to rip apart the entire US constitution and be a Dictator starting from Day 1. 

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

MAGA voters feel the same way about Biden.

True but it isn't grounded in reality. Biden isn't an actual authoritarian. Trump has clearly shown authoritarian tendencies and he's quite open about it. 

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