
The good reason to not do psychedelics anymore

25 posts in this topic

21 minutes ago, Yousif said:

That’s like saying you’ve already lived long enough and you know what living is so why keep living? You might get hurt more than you already have. 

or saying you’ve been breathing for a long time, you know what breathing is, why do you keep doing it?

or to put it an a simple example why do you keep living, what’s the point? 

the more you live the more you’ll damage your body. 

the more you eat you stop, the hungrier you get 

the more you breath, you stop, the more you’re breathing.

this is basically what you’re saying.



That's not what she's saying and your comparisons have no merit. Breathing is not the same as doing substances. It is the fundamental essence of what is needed to sustain one's life. Without breath, there is no living while one can live without psychedelics. 

I'm not saying psychedelics are damaging to the human body or not, because I don't know and is irrelevant to the point I'm making.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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There is a negative regulation of the 5ht receptors but it is not very serious, the balance returns in a few days.
In fact not only does it return within some days, but often the net benefit is a prolonged antidepressant action.
As trauma can damage your neuroendocrine balance in the long term, a trip can act as a powerful epigenetic message in the opposite direction that overrides the small downregulation of 5ht receptors.
There is also what you can see and understand about the trip and by extension little change your paradigm, your state of consciousness in the long term, neurological considerations aside.

Edited by Schizophonia

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@AerisVahnEphelia You need to be more precise when making statements like "psychedelic use is bad long term" because this is absolutely not true imo.
Which psychedelics?? I want names, be more specific.
I think the problem is you put every psychedelics in the same bag and even call it "drugs" while this is not the case..
A drug is a substance you want to take again and again after you've done it and when you stop doing it, you get into some sort of withdrawal symptoms, here's a few drugs : Ketamine, weed, alcohol, opiate, tobacco, cocaine etc..
Now psychedelics is something entirely different because they are often anti-addictive substance, they are in the opposite end of the spectrum.
You are just biaised into thinking "People have withdrawal symptoms when they stop smoking weed or stop drinking alcohol so that should be the same for psychedelics" or "Everything is always a trade off in life, something in exchange for something else" and your brain just cannot accept that you can have truly benificial medicine without giving something in exchange beside you getting to search and let this medicine enter your life..
People have been using these substances without problems for literally thousands of years in shamanic tribes and still do to this day,
Maria Sabina used to take mushrooms 3 times a week for 35 years of her life without any injury, 
people in the amazon take part in Ayahuasca ceremony once a week or every two weeks for the major part of their life, same goes for San Pedro in the Andes and when you look at the elders of these people, they look absolutely healthy!
Way more than our elders in the western civilisation so the problem is not wether it's dangerous or not to take it multiple times a years but rather how you use it and with what Intention behind it.
Listening to oneself is key with psychedelics but I reckon this is not a path for everyone

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I love how some people post about psychedelics and go on such a big rant and all that… and you ask them and they say they never tried it. Okay, your ego is afraid to Awaken and you want to continue with your human games and Kriya yoga, listen to Sadghuru or other teachers. That’s fine, but don’t sit on a forum trying to convince others not to take psychedelics, because you are afraid of it.

Edited by Vincent S

“Life is just a break from an Infinite Orgasm. Prolong your break for as long as you want. Ride that wave. But don’t forget where you're headed.”

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4 hours ago, Vincent S said:

I love how some people post about psychedelics and go on such a big rant and all that… and you ask them and they say they never tried it. Okay, your ego is afraid to Awaken and you want to continue with your human games and Kriya yoga, listen to Sadghuru or other teachers. That’s fine, but don’t sit on a forum trying to convince others not to take psychedelics, because you are afraid of it.

That's also my experience with these sadghuru followers.  They rationalize not taking them by saying "going the natural way is safer", which is not true at all and the results are weak. They should be honest to themselves that most of them are weak and close minded ignorant sheeps of sadghuru who are just afraid of doing real spirituality.

Doing yoga exercises are effective only for these few who have the genetics. But if these would do psychedelics too they would even more progress. It's wasted talent to just do yoga.


Edited by OBEler

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