Rafael Thundercat

For you guys who think that is easy for girls.

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36 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Yes, I have those advantages. But that's not enough to get good results.

Of course not but it is enough to give someone at least an average SMV. SMV is what matters. 

I am relatively fit (muscular lean) but short (Around 5 8 with shoes MAX) and I often hear girls talk about height rather than muscles when it comes to a guy's body. 

It can be very frustrating considering height cannot be changed so do not take it for granted.

You can always build muscles but not height.

36 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

It's not a good result if you consider how many approaches I've done.

Natural personality and starting point also play a role here. 

Ambition also plays a huge role. So what you consider "good results".


Edited by Karmadhi

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25 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Maybe a horse would be good for you.

Hollywood, Walmart, Mr. Hands...there's more to life outside America ;)

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2 hours ago, Karmadhi said:

However, you tend to dismiss the fact that you are quite tall (6 2) and white with green eyes

Life will show you that that's not an advantage nor a disadvantage, like Leo said, it wasn't enough to have results. Looks, status and money in this material world, is more of an advantage in dating than being white with green eyes. Looks, status and money are also shallow reasons but a bum can be white 6'2" with green eyes and it wouldn't matter.

A 6'2" black basketball player with brown eyes will score better than a bum with the same features. Get with the program.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

Yes, I have those advantages.

Those are not advantages when it comes to dating. They are only advantages when it comes to privileges. Stand beside a 5'5" black millionaire with brown eyes and the same looks and see who gets more dates, if the girls are aware that he's a millionaire.

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34 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Life will show you that that's not an advantage nor a disadvantage, like Leo said, it wasn't enough to have results. Looks, status and money in this material world, is more of an advantage in dating than being white with green eyes. Looks, status and money are also shallow reasons but a bum can be white 6'2" with green eyes and it wouldn't matter.

I am talking about looks only here. Not other factors like game money status etc.

And being white and tall is definitely an advantage when it comes to dating.

Most ethnicities prefer white over the rest.

There are of course outliers.


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This video is very pratical.Instead of keeping the eternal social analitics we should just ask:

What do I have to bring to the Table

Looks? Purpousefull life, Healty body and mind, Joy, Music, Intelligence ... 

Make a list in your Commombook and honestly list what you bring to the table. In other words, you attract what you are, do and think. Self investment first. When we see animals mating, birds for example, they dont have a forum to debate sociology, they take care or their diet, they do the dance and hope for the best, some get the birdy some are rejected, and we will never know if after being rejected they go home to cry that life is unfair. They keep trying. Letd learn with nature. 

Edited by Rafael Thundercat

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1 hour ago, Karmadhi said:

Most ethnicities prefer white over the rest.

I guess Chinese people prefer whites. I guess Indians, prefer whites, I guess Italians prefer whites. I guess rich Bionce prefers whites. I guess rich Kardashians prefer whites, I guess rich Opera prefer whites. I guess all the white money gawking women who drool over basketball and football players and rappers prefer whites, I guess I could go on to Infinity and you'll just come back at me with some philosophical bullshit. I guess that's why white men have made up the majority of my escorting jobs over the years, it's because they preferred white women and why some of them wanted me to act as their gf and roll play because they preferred white women, and because they weren't worried about what their neighbors might think if they took home a black girl. I'm not saying here that they preferred one over the other but that people will pretend in public but behind floors secretly prefer something else but don't choose it because of what they think people might think about them. There's nothing special about ones race, were just conditioned to choose what we choose. Don't kid yourself, everything you think you know about life is backwards. All your beliefs are constructions and are things your mind concocted up because of repetitious thoughts.

You have the right to believe what you want to believe, more power to them. I don't need to intervene into your world, I'll just stay over here in mine and allow you to explore Infinity how you choose.

Edited by Princess Arabia

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Ok guys, you maybe be desiring more girls, more sex of even to find a woman or girl that you will date, enter in a relatioship yadayada. But when you enter in it. Be aware of what this guy is saying in the video. If you going to be the captain of a ferry is good to know who you invite to travel with you. Because once in the Sea if things go weird you will need or to jump out of the ferry our put she out of it. And by experience, it can be an ordeal. 

So yes, once you got your shit togehter finally you start having sucess and susex but be aware that you are getting a ticket to a trip that may have some storms. Unless you just want to be a player in the hookup culture forever, then no problem because you set yourself for no commintment anyway. 


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13 hours ago, Past-Philosopher-562 said:

@Leo Gura What do you think of the concept of frame which many say is a characteristic of alpha man ? - I want to contemplate this label the way you have tought . I have seen how you structure you episod in Quote , and dictionary definitions and then you start . Any advice for starting contemplation of frame . He has a strong frame or she has a sexual frame and how to contemplate properly

What do you mean by "I have seen how you structure you episod in Quote"?

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17 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

There is a parellel.

I have had new insights into how attraction really works.

And I am not only talking about cold approach. I am talking about all of attraction.

For example, if I was better looking I would have more girls just emailing me for sex. So when I say 1000%, I am counting all avenues for sex.

I am skeptical about that. I'd like think that my looks would amplify my game by that much and I used to think that tons of women would come onto me aggressively by the time was about 18 years old, but that clearly did not happen to me. Even after gaining a lot more muscle, getting a lot more fit, and becoming more athletic in my 20s, my results with women didn't really change much. I would only get some more women, especially those whom I dated, complimenting my looks. I mean I think my looks have made me feel very confident about my sex appeal and there were some girls during my high school and college years that were into me even when I didn't try to get at them. but I still suck at game.

However, after learning A LOT about game, it eventually became clear to me by my late 20's to early 20s that women generally are sexually turned on a lot less by looks than men are. From what I understand now, the style of the clothes and shoes that he wears, the style of his haircut and facial hair, and what accessories (rings, earrings, tattoos, chains, necklaces, etc.) he wears or doesn't wear seem to matter a lot more to women.

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20 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Nope. They'd have to go on a date first to appreciate my cheapness.

Do you warn girls before the date you're going to split the bill?

Recently Tamed Feral Buddhist Critter                   Restful Cube        

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1 hour ago, mmKay said:

Do you warn girls before the date you're going to split the bill?


These days I don't mind paying. I used to be cheaper.

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11 hours ago, meta_male said:

It can't be defined what's high or low value. It depends on the individual, everyone has different values. Personally, I'm repulsed by Hollywood celebrities, so it's Walmart for me.

Were you just joking or actually serious? :o

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Do not attack or insult other members here.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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23 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

Life will show you that that's not an advantage nor a disadvantage, like Leo said, it wasn't enough to have results.

This does not mean that it is not an advantage, if a girl finds 2 perfect guys that are identical in having everything she wants, but 1 is taller, ON AVERAGE girls with go with the guy that is taller. This is a fact and the point Leo was making. This does not imply that the shorter guy can not still be wildly successful with other women.

Edited by Francis777

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Split test a profile of an ugly guy whose bio displays moderate success and a solid personality 

Recently Tamed Feral Buddhist Critter                   Restful Cube        

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On 12/02/2024 at 3:16 AM, Leo Gura said:

Yes! You go run a test.

Create 2 male online dating profiles. Keep them identical except for pics of an above average guy and a below average guy. Wait a week and count how many messages each guy gets.

Actually do it. Put your theory to the test.

I did.

The answer is crystal clear.

This test doesn't prove much. Other than that if everything else is equal, the better looking guy gets the attention.

No one would argue otherwise.


Looks matter in Online Dating. Because women have nothing else to go by than looks.

And with that knowledge you can increase your matches drastically by getting good pictures taken from a professional.

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2 hours ago, MAHAVATAR_-_BABAJI said:

She is very ignorant. She has no idea that dressing like a slut has its consequences. 

And how exactly does one dress like a slut. Is it by wearing shorts and a tank top. Wearing a mini-skirt. Wearing a short dress. Wearing a top that shows cleavage. Or is it wearing a garter belt and stockings with stilettos and just a bra. Maybe tight jeans with fashionable rips in them that shows some skin, or a sexy black or red dress that sits just above the knees or a little bit higher that shows what she naturally has and cannot be avoided by wearing that type of dress. Is wearing a bathing suit to the beach considered slutty or only if its worn other places. Is it appropriate for a hooker to dress a certain way as in very revealing clothes, but if a regular girl wears the same thing now she has to watch out for the consequences. And how exactly, sir do women not dress like sluts. Wear baggy pants and sneakers, corduroys and flannel, wear a Habib and a tablecloth, or is it what you consider to look slutty because of what society has brainwashed you with in addition to your own thoughts and beliefs about certain clothing.

Why do women have to live their lives worried about how they dress because of the consequences, and I'm sure you weren't referring to indecent exposure to the point where the authorities has to get involved because of public nudity or a similiar violation of the law. 

What are the consequences, may I ask, is it rape, is it unwanted gawking or somewhere in between. As you're so aware of the consequences, could you enlightenment me as to when these consequences happen more often so I try to avoid going out those hours and avoid going to those places. Aww shoot, doesn't matter because I've heard of little girls getting molested without having to dress in revealing clothes and even females dressed in conservative looking clothes even in their school uniforms and pajamas. So, I guess I'd better beware of the consequences just by leaving my house, anywhere anytime, wearing whatever.

Nothing in the video suggests what this girl was wearing at the time she was being looked at. It was your ideas of what you assumed she was wearing and the only consequences a woman should face by the way she dresses is if she's violating the law where she's located to the point of public disturbance not because you have a problem with it and it makes you feel some type of way on a personal level.

I wonder what are the consequences men face by dressing a certain type of way. Hmmmm, i'm not sure. If he walks around with no underwear to the point where it is noticeable, are there any similar to the consequences women face according to you or if they go topless or wear tight pants, are there any similar consequences, if not why. Answer that and you'll see how ridiculous your statement is.

Edited by Princess Arabia

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2 hours ago, MAHAVATAR_-_BABAJI said:

She is very ignorant. She has no idea that dressing like a slut has its consequences. 

Women lust after men who they see as having a higher value/status than they do...

She can dress as she wish. What consitutes dressin like a Slut? For some super conservative cultures even not covering their face is considered sluty. Come on man, woman can dress as they wish. And Why woman should lust over man with lower status? Do you lust over a lady in the streets askig coins smelling bad?  Get real. Ps: Leo I am not offending this guy. Offence is calling people Sluts for the way they dress. Is an offence to commom sense-

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