Rafael Thundercat

For you guys who think that is easy for girls.

301 posts in this topic

@Leo Gura Yea, but the relative is just a play of the absolute. So in reality there is no such thing as unfairness.

Such a realization does not negate sympathy.

Edited by Yali

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@Leo Gura I think fantasy is avoidance of truth . I have a question that Is neediness being invested in other's perception of you rather than your perception of yourself? Yes we must value others perception of us but we must value our perception of ourself more ? Like my perception of myself- I am attractive, beautiful, doing good in career.

Also Is it ok and attractive  to think wether you will like that girl or not rather than she liking me or not?

The guys in my college who are getting girlfriends are insecure, possesive and have a habit of smoking. Is it true hey have low standards cause they choose girls who smoke too and cheat in exams, abuse,have previously been in relationships? So am I better off without them ?

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Just now, Yali said:

@Leo Gura Yea, but the relative is just a play of the absolute. So in reality there is no such thing as unfairness.

Be careful bullshitting yourself with spiritual pleasantries.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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12 minutes ago, Rishabh R said:

@Leo Gura I think fantasy is avoidance of truth . I have a question that Is neediness being invested in other's perception of you rather than your perception of yourself? Yes we must value others perception of us but we must value our perception of ourself more ? Like my perception of myself- I am attractive, beautiful, doing good in career.

Your perception of yourself needs to be grounded. Too much fantasy of how great you are will eventually lead to problems if you can't live up to it.

I know my looks aren't great, but this does my reduce how I value myself to myself. From the perspective of girls I know it hurts me, but I don't send time worrying about empty things.

The perceptions of others need to be considered occassionally, but not preoccupied with.


Also Is it ok and attractive  to think wether you will like that girl or not rather than she liking me or not?

Your focus should be on girls who respond well to you. Those who dislike you, just skip over them. You don't try to please or chase them.


The guys in my college who are getting girlfriends are insecure, possesive and have a habit of smoking. Is it true hey have low standards cause they choose girls who smoke too and cheat in exams, abuse,have previously been in relationships?

There many factors at play: looks, charisma, extroversion, game, money, populariry, low standards, luck, etc.


So am I better off without them ?

Without who?

Ask your questions more clearly if you want good answers.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Just now, Yousif said:

I like how this post turned spiritual 😂

@Yousif It always does ;) 

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@Leo Gura  Without those girls who went into relationships with other guys ? Yeah that's what I am doing focussing on girls who respond goodly to me but I am also suffering due to anger due to past rejections from girls.

Regarding my perception of myself I contemplated -What is truth ?

Answer - I am attractive.

How can I make my perception of myself more grounded . Is it wise enough to see through both negative and positive parts of myself ?

Edited by Rishabh R

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

A warning for you men:

Do not get fixated on this value stuff. Don't let it be your only lens for seeing dating and relationships. That would be foolishly reductionistic and dysfunctional.

Don't make a Red Pill out of this.

Be careful with how your mind frames these issues. Value is only one perspective. There are other perspectives. Do not go around analyzing women in terms of numerical value. This will create huge problems for you. I do not endorse such thinking. Seeing women as numbers is very fucking dysfunctional.


@Leo Gura But Leo, in your previous posts, you've mentioned many times that "5s, 6s, and 7s are straightforward. But if she's an 8, 9, or 10, you gotta provide serious value." Don't get me wrong, I completely agree with this, but why are you saying the opposite now? If a man wants a girl who is at least an 8, how should he analyze the situation then?

You are a man with very high standards. How do you analyze it?

Edited by DreamCryX

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9 minutes ago, Rishabh R said:

@Leo Gura  Without those girls who went into relationships with other guys?

Focus on what you want, not what you don't want.

Do you want a quality gf? Then go find her. Forget your lame ass friends.

9 minutes ago, Rishabh R said:

but I am also suffering due to anger due to past rejections from girls.

Very important that you drop that. Stop carring if any girl rejects you. Means zero. Don't even think about it. Think about something else instead.

9 minutes ago, Rishabh R said:

Regarding my perception of myself I contemplated -What is truth ?

Answer - I am attractive.

Okay. At least for now.

9 minutes ago, Rishabh R said:

How can I make my perception of myself more grounded . Is it wise enough to see through both negative and positive parts of myself ?

It depends. Sometimes it is helpful to have a deluded positive opinion of yourself. But in the long-term you should strive for accuracy over hope and cope.

You can always just genuinely ask yourself: How can I make my perception of myself more accurate and realistic?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura but isn't relative and absolute also a duality, even though i understand what you mean. 

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13 minutes ago, DreamCryX said:


@Leo Gura But Leo, in your previous posts, you've mentioned many times that "5s, 6s, and 7s are straightforward. But if she's an 8, 9, or 10, you gotta provide serious value." Don't get me wrong, I completely agree with this, but why are you saying the opposite now? If a man wants a girl who is at least an 8, how should he analyze the situation then?

You are a man with very high standards. How do you analyze it?

I don't want to get in a debate with you like we did the other day, but I need to say this. This is exactly why I had no interest in viewing in a post from 3yrs ago that was just filled with concepts and beliefs about relationships. People change their view on things all the time, and it is not wise to listen to these things and accept them as the all be all. Use them as a guideline and take what resonates with you at your stage of development. Trust me, when you turn 50 or 60 years old, you will have a different perspective about women than you do now. It can go both ways whether more positively or more negatively based depending on the experiences you've had with them throughout the years.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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42 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I know my looks aren't great, but this does my reduce how I value myself to myself. From the perspective of girls I know it hurts me, but I don't send time worrying about empty things.

This isn't flirting nor because of some fixation on my part but I think you just have in your mind what an attractive guy is supposed to look like. I think you're extremely physically attractive especially in those photos you have on Instagram. The one in the white shirt and the one with the sunglasses especially, amongst others on there. Have you ever looked at your hands and fingers, they are perfectly designed, ever looked at the shape and structure of your head and how your ears stand out perfectly in conjunction and proportioned with your facial structure. Ever notice how your forehead isn't too big nor too small but is symmetrically aligned with your lips and cheek bones. Ever notice.........i could go on. If that's having a fixation then so be it. You are very photogenic and I think you would kick some ass in looks if you would feel that way about yourself. You don't see it because of your ideas of what you think is physically attractive for a man. You even have the height, which isn't necessary but is usually not a turn off. Plus that hairy chest of yours turns some women on. They like hair on a man's chest so they can braid it up when in bed together.

Let me stop before you think it's a fixation. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@Princess Arabia Very interesting perspective and kind of refreshing, actually. I haven't looked at it this way. I'm usually passive observer of the forum but this time I had to comment.

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@lostingenosmaze I was referring to her last message. You have to see through the illusion of words to hear what is she really saying. Words are prone to misinterpretation. They are simply noises, utterances. They often come from a place of deep understanding. It's up to you to see that. Simply ask yourself how can this be true? In what way? And in what way is it false? You have to derive the truth for yourself, because no-one can do that process for you. However, you can be inspired by others. This is actually what stage orange means in human psyche - independence of thought, innovation...(some of many characteristics).

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1 hour ago, lostingenosmaze said:

@Davidess I wonder which posts of hers are you looking at because simping Leo and defending/justifying it doesn't seem especially interesting to me

Call it what you want. I don't even know what simping is because I don't mimick societal lingo. I create my own and create my own meaning to them. I am my own unique individual who sees things differently and I don't subscribe to labels and use other people's lingo that i see being used on social media to describe the people I relate with either directly or indirectly.. I could turn the word simping and use it to my own benefit if I see fit by creating my own meaning as I don't see that word relevant to use in describing anything in Reality that I find to be of any relevance as far as my abilities to serve human kind or to try to raise the consciousness of myself and others. Those things I consider relevant and the word simping isn't needed to fulfill that role, so it doesn't have any bearing to my ears and just bounced off without adding too much flavor neither negatively or positively because lingos have that essence to them to be used or discarded to be of relevance depending on the person using them. 

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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1 hour ago, Davidess said:

@Princess Arabia Very interesting perspective and kind of refreshing, actually. I haven't looked at it this way. I'm usually passive observer of the forum but this time I had to comment.

I'm not sure which comment you're referring to but i'm happy to hear you found it refreshing, because that's a rear quality to find in people's perspectives these days without saying that mine was especially so, because it depends on who is viewing and interpreting.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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attraction has nothing to do with looks

for a man attraction is will she sleep with me ... he isn't interested in supermodels since he has never met one and even if he had she won't sleep with him

for a woman it's will he keep me in the lifestyle i am accustomed to, in other words be at least as high value i am ... she isn't interested in supermodels since he has nothing in the brain and nothing in the bank in other words he won't keep her in her desired lifestyle

let me repeat, who everyone is looking to date has nothing to do with looks despite what is claimed to the contrary, you are attracted if they serve your agenda

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Ok, This Video could be a Companion Video for the Video I posted in the Beggining of This Post. This One 



The The Core Question for Both Men and Woman in this video Below is : Why You Keep Choosing this Type of Person??

He makes the question around 8:40 min of the video. 

For me is always a self- reflection question that helps and helped me when I was many times entering in disfunctional and toxic relationships. I f you observe your patterns you can catch yourself and see that many times you get attracted with people to compensate something not integrated or Healed in yourself. The Ideia is to become so Integrated that you will see clearly if a person is or is not fit for you. 


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