Rafael Thundercat

For you guys who think that is easy for girls.

301 posts in this topic

On 2/8/2024 at 9:50 PM, Yali said:

@Leo Gura

don't you think being attracted to a women with low value by society's standards is the real test of your love?

If you can't love an "ugly" person, then how loving are you really?

if you can't see the beauty in the ugly, then how loving are you really?

As much as spiritual people purport to value love, they're still humans and humans are DAMN bias. 

This is like comparing food deep fried in oil that is tasty and you love it, but you’re biased because you don’t like food deep fried in shit, 

no one likes food deep fried in shit.

Edited by Yousif

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@Princess Arabia This may be a little of the answer why In India, Favelas and Poor Parts of the World people tend to join toothbrushes more often and have more kids : Is No confusing NEEDS with DESIRES. a Question also of The Carrot and Stick, Or Incentives :

Ps: a lot videos of the same guy, but is because this guy is so direct. I would love to find some gaps in this discourse and yes he may have some Bias, but a lot what he say makes sense. Yes I know, sense making is Survival, but better make sense than keep speaking senseless things all around :


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6 minutes ago, Yali said:

@Leo Gura Can a below-average looking guy ever become high value, or even an average looking guy for that matter?

Yes. I did that.

Of course that doesn't mean you'll be swimming in girls.


I know these types of people can increase their value by improving their "game", but will they ever become high value in the eyes of women?

Yes. Some women. Remember, there are thousands of women and only some need to love you.

If all you want is 1 girl, it's easy. If you want dozens of girls, that's much harder.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura you definitely increased your value, but would you consider yourself high value in terms of attraction?

Maybe the reality of your average looks (no insult, I know you're beautiful by God's standards) will forever make you incapable of becoming high value so far as attraction is concerned. 

Edited by Yali

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3 minutes ago, Yali said:

@Leo Gura you definitely increased your value, but would you consider yourself high value?

Maybe the reality of your average looks (no insult, I know you're beautiful by God's standards) will forever make you incapable of becoming high value

Look, value is extremely subjective. You may be low value in the eyes of 50 girls but high value in the eyes of 2 girls. And that can be enough. Those 2 can be your wives.

I am not physically high value. I have other kinds of high value for the right girls.

Just do the best you can and stop worrying about it.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Just now, Leo Gura said:

Those 2 can be your wives.

Good point. Do you feel insecure about your looks at all?

Like when you approach a hot women in a nightclub, do you feel she might not like you because of how you look or does that thought not even cross your mind?

@Leo Gura

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@Yali Is This Girl High Value for you? I not say that Her Live dont Have Value or that She is Shit. Is a Human being in suffering. Wold you date her and Live your Life with Her, Help Her in a Selfless way? Would you be Loving and Godlike to her ?


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4 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I am not physically high value. I have other kinds of high value for the right girls.


@Leo Gura by other kinds of high value, you mean game?

I guess if you don't have good looks, all you've got is your game which can be sufficient for some women.

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19 minutes ago, Yali said:

Good point. Do you feel insecure about your looks at all?

Sure. I know for a fact my looks are not what most girls like. But that's what I got to work with. At some point it's not an active insecurity but just an acceptance of reality. But it can take a long time to get there.


Like when you approach a hot women in a nightclub, do you feel she might not like you because of how you look or does that thought not even cross your mind?

@Leo Gura

If I'm in a club I'm not thinking at all about that kind of stuff. I turn off my logical mind and just try to have fun.

Of course I know that many girls rejected me simply for my looks. But the more you think about that the worse your results will be.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

You have a fixation with me. You are lucky I'm not actually a cult leader or I would abuse that.

Don't be so sure I would've been available for that abuse. You're not sure how far I'm willing to go with that and i cannot be swayed to do anything i don't want to do without my permission when it comes to sexual relations. Don't be so sure that I would have been willing to sleep with you just because of the things I say and my flirtatious attitude when it comes to you. 

I don't have a fixation with you, and I know how far to take my flirtatious comments of which I don't consider to be fixations. Don't flatter yourself to think that if you were a cult leader you could have abused that with me because I'm not in the business of sleeping around just for the hell of just sleeping around, no matter how attracted I am to a particular person. Take that however you wish.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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A warning for you men:

Do not get fixated on this value stuff. Don't let it be your only lens for seeing dating and relationships. That would be foolishly reductionistic and dysfunctional.

Don't make a Red Pill out of this.

Be careful with how your mind frames these issues. Value is only one perspective. There are other perspectives. Do not go around analyzing women in terms of numerical value. This will create huge problems for you. I do not endorse such thinking. Seeing women as numbers is very fucking dysfunctional.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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4 minutes ago, Yali said:

@Rafael Thundercat No I wouldn't say she is, but that doesn't mean she is worthless as a human. 

All humans are of equal value on a spiritual level.

In Absolute level yes, all equal, but in Spiritual development levels No. I am more awake than a regular Evangelical Church member. Maybe not more awake than Leo Gura but more than average Theist. 

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24 minutes ago, Yali said:

@Yousif you're comparing women to shit?

I’m comparing beautiful to ugly, and of course these 2 notions are relative what’s ugly to me might be beautiful to you ;)

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Of course life is unfair. Some children are born crippled. It's better to face that head-on rather than living in a fantasy.

This is all part of the process of accepting the truth of what you are. You are who you are. Not a fantasy of who'd wish you were. Accept yourself FULLY, this is key.

And while you're at it, accept that women are how they are and men are how they are, not how you wish they were.

There is way too much fantasy when it comes to dating. That's what this whole thread is about. Fantasies getting crushed by the weight of reality.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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7 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Of course life is unfair

@Leo Gura

But at least life is one. So we'll get to experience both ends of the spectrum of life -- the good and the bad.

Kinda makes me feel better. 

Edited by Yali

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@Leo Gura

The whole notion of fairness implies duality. If life is one, then how can one person have an advantage over another? 

So actually, life is neither fair or unfair. It's just what it is.

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By fairness we mean relative differences in human capabilities and circumstances. We are not talking from an absolute level here.

If you are born crippled while some else is not, that counts a unfairness.

Yes, life is full of dualities. You were born a man and not a woman. You were born a human and not a kangaroo. And so on.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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