Rafael Thundercat

For you guys who think that is easy for girls.

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6 hours ago, Rafael Thundercat said:

Well, she is stating her taste. You can assume she uncousciously still will fall fpr badBoys and It must be the case, but in the beggining of the thread I didnt say we are not allowed to express our personal preferences.  For example, I am not attracted for promiscuous girls. Promiscuity is a subjective thing so would be difficult to make a list of all behaviors I would declare as promiscuity, but to give an example, there is a girl, a german girl in one of my circle of friends that in the vision of another girl is the model of sensual ,sexually liberated woman yadayada. And for me her usual behaviors totally repels me sexually. This is the Girl that is hitting in this girl boyfriend. For me what is atractive is a bit of elegance, sensuality yes, but not a performative exagerated archetype of the Lillith or what some NewAge Hippies call the SacredWhore or whatever. For me just be a human being, nothing of pretentions. 

So, is ok to have preferences, and to know how one wants to be treated. 

The women attracted by Assholes, let them be, they maybe lucky and the Asshole was just a fake mark or the Asshole was a real Asshole and she will harvest dissapointment. The focus as a man is to train yourself to cut througth bullshit and be honest with what you want and dont get disappointed yourself.

Yes thank you. Exactly it's like assuming every man will be attracted to young supermodels. Probably many men will be. But that's just one type. There's many types of people out there. I had a male player tell me he gets super attracted to promiscuous girls, but wouldn't take them seriously. And then you just stated that you aren't attracted to promiscuous girls. We are talking about an emotion here. So that proves your point and Meta's point as well. So everyone has different tastes even if there are specific instincts here and there.

Edited by TheEnigma

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10 hours ago, DreamCryX said:

We're not talking about how you want to be treated. This is an entirely different subject. We're talking about attraction, and the fact of the matter is that women do fall for assholes because of all the attractive qualities they possess. Again, nothing new here.

1 hour ago, TheEnigma said:

Yes thank you. Exactly it's like assuming a man will be attracted to young supermodels. That's just one type. There's many types of people out there. I had a male player tell me he gets super attracted to promiscuous girls, but wouldn't take them seriously. So that proves my point, everyone has different tastes even if there are specific instincts here and there.

I see what you are saying, but saying women are attracted to assholes is a very sweeping statement (please read my other responses). It's like saying women are instinctively attracted to tall guys. But how tall? And tall to whom? I've had female friends That are 5 foot 5 say they find a 5 foot 11 man and above too tall, and then friends that want a guy only above 6 foot 3.  I have a female friend that's 5 foot 4 and doesn't mind if the guy is an inch shorter to ideally about 5 foot 7 to 5 foot 8. And even if it's instinct to say we like tall men or "assholes". Many of us are probably willing to change our perspectives for other qualities. Even if there are general observations, everyone is different. I shouldn't try to talk like I know everything either. But here is an example. my brother is in comp sci, he's super nice, has been called beta male by many throughout his life, and his wife whom they're happily married together said she "loves nerds." Is that instinct too?

Edited by TheEnigma

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It's not even assholes or badboys. She will sleep with an attractive man and ignore the unattractive ones. All this will happen so unconsciously that it won't even register in her mind. She will simply have zero feelings for the unattractive ones.

Well, what goes around comes around.

It's not that women are attracted to assholes, it's that attractive men have so much sexual abundance that they have no incentive to treat women well. Abundance leads to wasteful and abusive behavior. Like a billionaire who lights his cigars with $100 bills. Why not, if you can get away with it? Let's call this Russell Brand syndrome ;)

Contemplate this: If you were as attractive as Russell Brand, you would treat women has he did. And if you're a woman you too would treat women badly if you were Russell Brand.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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11 hours ago, TheEnigma said:

This goes for women too, not every woman is necessarily attracted to an asshole even if instinctively you might think that's the case. Plus initial attraction is just one factor.

@TheEnigma Actually, yes, women are attracted to the same things. If a man possesses attractive qualities, such as masculine energy, dominance, humor, edginess, status, and a variety of options with women, he will have no problem dating. If a woman is average or below average, then yes, she may very likely settle for less. But the fact is clear: a woman wants a high-value guy. That's it. And the definition of a high-value guy is a guy who possesses the previously mentioned qualities.

Also, attraction is at the heart of survival and therefore has little to no connection with culture, geography or any other related areas. Or even with the level of consciousness. Even the most conscious woman on the planet wants a man who is above her and leads her.



Edited by DreamCryX
Additional insight emerged to my mind

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49 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

She will sleep with an attractive man and ignore the unattractive ones. All this will happen so unconsciously that it won't even register in her mind. She will simply have zero interest in the unattractive ones.

Well, what goes around comes around.

For us men it also comes around when we realise how high demanding and flakey women are by nature.

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

It's not even assholes or badboys. She will sleep with an attractive man and ignore the unattractive ones. All this will happen so unconsciously that it won't even register in her mind. She will simply have zero feelings for the unattractive ones.

Well, what goes around comes around.

It's not that women are attracted to assholes, it's that attractive men have so much sexual abundance that they have no incentive to treat women well. Abundance leads to wasteful and abusive behavior. Like a billionaire who lights his cigars with $100 bills. Why not, if you can get away with it? Let's call this Russell Brand syndrome ;)

Contemplate this: If you were as attractive as Russell Brand, you would treat women has he did. And if you're a woman you too would treat women badly if you were Russell Brand.

If I was a Lion I would have no Problem in Jumping in the Neck of a gazele and feel the blood in my mouth. If any moralist would come preaching non-Viloence to me I would eat the preacher too. What is will be what is. The Bias comes later. There are even some frogs that eat their siblings

Hungry Frog Eat His Brother 


No Bias, No problem. Survival is King

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Women dating for survival purposes has nothing to do with how attractive a man is. People don't treat people badly just because they're attractive. They usually treat people badly because they've been treated badly themselves or have been hurt. If Russell Brand had no money or wasn't famous, he wouldn't even be considered that attractive.

When speaking about how women are only dating high-value men, that only refers to certain types of women. You guys keep saying all these things but when you look around in society a lot of men aren't high-value, a lot of men aren't that attractive, a lot of men don't even possess those qualities you're mentioning but they are still getting girlfriends, still getting laid, still starting families and still getting married. 

The only reason men are considered high-value is because they stand out from the rest. If everybody had the same qualities that are considered high-value, they wouldn't even be considered high value. If the majority of people were attractive, attractive people wouldn't even stand out to be noticed.

You guys are for the most part only referring to the types of women that YOU want, the types of women who YOU would like to sleep with. As far as women being attracted to bad boys, that is partially true but bad boys can still be physically unattractive and low-value but still has a way with women. 

We don't have an "under-populated" problem. We don't have people in poor countries or underdeveloped countries who are having problems getting laid. Look around in India and China where they have billions of people running around like ants, are those people that attractive or are considered high-value by your standards. Probably not. I just mentioned those countries but there are tons of countries where over-population maybe considered a problem. It didn't get that way because people are having problems getting laid. But I don't have to specify particular countries because i'm not aware of any country where the population is not growing; and for that to happen, for the most part sex is in the equation.

You're wanting hot women; and for the most part, not all, but most are able to be picky, and are requiring men to be of high-value to be able to sleep with her. Guys usually go for looks in a woman, but that is relative. There's no denying that most very physically attractive people would be considered physically attractive by most. Most guys would consider a man physically attractive by HIS standards not by women's. They assess most men by their standards thinking that's what women would consider to be good-looking, sometimes it's the case, but most times it's not. Women's attractor-factor is very broad range and usually depends on her particular needs or what she personally considers to be attractive at that time in her life and if she's into certain physical features as in beards, mustaches, height, complexion etc and not just because a guy might be attractive just in general. Not all women prefer taller men. Most Chinese men are short and so are Mexicans. There is no under-population in those countries and many other countries where short men are abundant.

Yes, you have all made some good points, but it is too generalized. The hotter the women is the more she's going to be "stricter" in her choice of men because she would be in high-demand and most know this, so why settle. Males are the ones that have made this possible because of how they love to fuck hot women - can't blame the women for that. As far as men goes, the more money you have that's usually a criteria to be able to get whatever woman you want - can't blame the men for that. That's for subconscious survival reasons because women like to feel secure. Even men loving hot women is based on survival, whatever they are identified as, and how they maintain those identities. 

So, when you're making these observations and assessments you're not speaking for most, either way. People are mating all around, there is no shortage of pussy or dick, if you know where to look in your respective areas and depending on your standards. Most guys are wanting hot women and when they see how hard it can be to rope those women in, they start to assesses all women and claiming that most women are like how they perceive these hot women to be. Of course, there are always exceptions to every rule and I could be off on some things i've said as they are only my opinions and based off of assumptions and or what I've observed, but so are yours.

The bottom-line is, most guys are seeing how hard it can be to be able to screw the women of their dreams and now you're judging all women because of how you see how some of the most attractive women can be and require in a man. Go around and observe "normal' average people who are fairly mentally healthy and blend into society and are just working and paying bills and paying taxes and are just living normally, go see how many of them are in relationships, married and having kids and getting laid. You'll find a lot of them are.

These are just my opinions and observations. They are not facts, so if you're coming at me, please bear that in mind as I am no relationship expert and I do live in a bubble and have only experienced what i've experienced and have observed what I've observed and have not done any surveys or polls as most of you are seeming to have done to come up with your assessments of the sexes. 

Edited by Princess Arabia

Know thyself....

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35 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

If Russell Brand had no money or wasn't famous, he wouldn't even be considered that attractive.

1) That's false. Regardless he is a handsome and charismatic guy.

2) Money and wealth are huge factors in attraction and value. So this cannot be overlooked.


When speaking about how women are only dating high-value men, that only refers to certain types of women. You guys keep saying all these things but when you look around in society a lot of men aren't high-value, a lot of men aren't that attractive, a lot of men don't even possess those qualities you're mentioning but they are still getting girlfriends, still getting laid, still starting families and still getting married.

1) Yes, of course the high value men pair with the high value women and the low value men pair with the low value women. Most humans are low value so they pair with themselves.

2) Even so, most men are sexually frustrated and struggle to get laid.


The only reason men are considered high-value is because they stand out from the rest. If everybody had the same qualities that are considered high-value, they wouldn't even be considered high value. If the majority of people were attractive, attractive people wouldn't even stand out to be noticed.

Of course!

And the only reason you like me is because I am not Hitler. If I was Hitler you wouldn't like me any more. So what?


You guys are for the most part only referring to the types of women that YOU want, the types of women who YOU awould like to sleep with.

All women are attracted to value. But not all of them aim high. Many people in general have very low standards.

The notion that women do not scan men for value is nuts. They all do it unconsciously if not consciously. This doesn't mean they will only sleep with high value men. Value is a totally relative matter. You will not sleep with a homeless guy. Why not? Because he's too low value for you.

The issue is that women's minds simply work in such a way that all of this is unconscious and instictive, not logically analyzed as we are doing here. So for a woman this kind of talk just does not compute or correspond to her reality. In her reality she just gets horny for some guy and doesn't care to know why. He's just magical and it's love. But behind the scenes her brain is doing value calculations.

Why is Taylor Swift fucking a Superbowl Athlete and not a homeless guy? Why does Taylor Swift not sing love songs about all the homeless men she's slept with? Because she is maxing out her value.


We don't have an "under-populated" problem.

Actually we do. Japan, China, Russia, Germany, etc are facing into economic collapse and decline from lack of childbirth.


We don't have people in poor countries or underdeveloped countries who are having problems getting laid.

Why are you so sure about that?

Maybe they do. 


Look around in India and China where they have billions of people running around like ants, are those people that attractive or are considered high-value by your standards.

That is mostly thanks to previous generations. China's population is declining now every year.


So, when you're making these observations and assessments you're not speaking for most, either way. People are mating all around, there is no shortage of pussy or dick

It doesn't matter what the population numbers are, everyone is mating based on the value they can unconsciously maximize. How successful they are is another matter. Most people will end up settling.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura leo how do girls measure the value of a guy ? for me when i was the best with women (making out with 10 girls in one night) was when i had really good game, it was almost spontaneous and effortless. the value i provided was emotional stimulation, calibration, charisma, groundedness and i was also good looking. 

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@Princess Arabia two videos for your consideration. 

The truth is to raw and dry, more true and dry than our cosncious minds want to accept. Nature is smarter than our Bias. 

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14 minutes ago, Majed said:

@Leo Gura leo how do girls measure the value of a guy ? for me when i was the best with women (making out with 10 girls in one night) was when i had really good game, it was almost spontaneous and effortless. the value i provided was emotional stimulation, calibration, charisma, groundedness and i was also good looking. 

In a party nightclub setting girls are drunk and just looking to have fun. So the value scan is very superficial: your looks, your vibe, your status.

Honestly, looks is a huge factor. You can compensate for it, but... value is looks, for men and women.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura What does being "high value" or "low value" actually have to do with the quality of a relationship?

These terms are only relevant to initially attracting mates, not to the actual relationship.

In other words, you can have a great relationship with a stereotypically unattractive girl.

Edited by Yali

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@Leo Gura in my case the way i attract women is simply good game, basically knowing how to talk to girls.

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11 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Regardless he is a handsome and charismatic guy.

I don't think so. That's just me.


12 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Money and wealth are huge factors in attraction and value. So this cannot be overlooked.

Yes, I'm aware of that.


15 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Even so, most men are sexually frustrated and struggle to get laid.

That maybe so, but if most men went for women regardless of their looks and didn't need them to be attractive, that wouldn't be such a problem.


18 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

And the only reason you like me is because I am not Hitler. If I was Hitler you wouldn't like me any more. So what?

I would like you even if you were Hitler. Hehe. Joke of the day.


20 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

That is mostly thanks to previous generations. China's population is declining now every year.

That's because of their strict policy on only one child per household. (don't quote me on that as I'm not sure what the policy is; but I'm sure you're aware there is one of such nature).


22 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Most people will end up settling.

Well, you're making my point even more in respect to getting laid. Most men are seeking hot women and that's probably why they struggle to get laid. They probably wouldn't prefer to lay up with Susan with the rotten teeth and no ass. So getting laid is not so much the problem but who you want to lay up with.

Know thyself....

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@Princess Arabia This one too:

We all have blindspots. No matter how we rationalize, in the end of the day some primitive forces win the Game, the good news is that Men can Increase their changes of Sucess or Susexx. 

The Guys try all they can to Mate :


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4 minutes ago, Yali said:

@Leo Gura What does being "high value" or "low value" actually have to do with the quality of a relationship?

These terms are only relevant to initially attracting mates, not to the actual relationship.

In other words, you can have a great relationship with a stereotypically unattractive girl.

Yes, is possibe, is also possible that one of the parts involved in the relationship grow more than the other in beauty,heath and wealth and break apert for the differences in Value. I remeber having a girlfriend that today I consider being Low Value, Physicaly, and Psycologicaly. Today I would never ever Date her. But when I Dated her I was not so aware of some aspects that I am today so I dated her. Value Awareness can grow with time, and the more you grow your Standards more grow the Standards of Who you want to Share a Bed or Even a House. 

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8 minutes ago, Rafael Thundercat said:

@Princess Arabia two videos for your consideration. 

The truth is to raw and dry, more true and dry than our cosncious minds want to accept. Nature is smarter than our Bias. 

I already watched this video when you initially posted it. To be honest, this guy is good at what he does and he's a professional therapist which makes it a plus. Why I wouldn't consider much of what he says to be valuable information is because he was extremely hurt before and I can tell he still carries some of that emotional baggage into his way of seeing things. A lot of this stuff has to be personalized; and if you're going to give professional dating advice you need to be unbiased in this domain and not basing it off of just what you've experienced. 

So far, the only dating coach I'd take any dating advice from as far as from a male's perspective is John Gray.

Know thyself....

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11 minutes ago, Yali said:

@Leo Gura What does being "high value" or "low value" actually have to do with the quality of a relationship?

These terms are only relevant to initially attracting mates, not to the actual relationship.

In other words, you can have a great relationship with a stereotypically unattractive girl.

When We Talk about Value with are Talking about the Economics of Something. We tend to Mix Economy with Morals and Sweet Fellings. 

Survival is Driven by some Inerent Economic Tenets, Emeshed in Us. It cuts through our Intectual Blablabla


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42 minutes ago, Yali said:

@Leo Gura What does being "high value" or "low value" actually have to do with the quality of a relationship?

These terms are only relevant to initially attracting mates, not to the actual relationship.

In other words, you can have a great relationship with a stereotypically unattractive girl.

1) This thread is about attraction.

2) You won't have a good relationship if the value disparity is too high. One of you will feel bad about it.

Of course these are generalizations. Nothing is stopping you from creating a relationship if you want.

40 minutes ago, Majed said:

@Leo Gura in my case the way i attract women is simply good game, basically knowing how to talk to girls.

My guess is it's a bit more than that.

40 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

I don't think so. That's just me.

Yes. You're a weirdo.


That maybe so, but if most men went for women regardless of their looks and didn't need them to be attractive, that wouldn't be such a problem.

You understand that a guy has to get hard to have sex with a girl? If he doesn't find her hot he won't even get hard.

You girls seem to not understand this. You assume it's just a given. But it's only a given if he finds you hot.

I've been with some girls where I lost my hard-on because she wasn't hot enough. What I am supposed do? How would you feel if your man didn't get hard for you? Would you fall in love with him? No. And this is not something a man can fake for long.

A hot girl doesn't even understand what it's like to not be hot. If she got a taste of that it would crush her.


I would like you even if you were Hitler. Hehe. Joke of the day.

You have a fixation with me. You are lucky I'm not actually a cult leader or I would abuse that.


That's because of their strict policy on only one child per household. (don't quote me on that as I'm not sure what the policy is; but I'm sure you're aware there is one of such nature).

It's more than that. Many countries are below replacement birthrate.


Well, you're making my point even more in respect to getting laid. Most men are seeking hot women and that's probably why they struggle to get laid. They probably wouldn't prefer to lay up with Susan with the rotten teeth and no ass. So getting laid is not so much the problem but who you want to lay up with.

You'd be surprised. It's not as easy as girls think to go to the club and pull an ugly girl home. That ugly girl is sometimes as hard to get in your bed as a pretty one. And can be harder because you gotta fake that you love her for her to wanna sleep with you.

But also I am biased here. I have very high standards. Most men have much lower standards so it's less of an issue.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Can an average looking guy ever become high value?

I know average people can increase their value by improving their "game", but will they ever become high value in the eyes of women?

Edited by Yali

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