Rafael Thundercat

For you guys who think that is easy for girls.

301 posts in this topic

@DreamCryXI'M NOT interested in a post from 2021 please, I'm not even going to read that as it doesn't pertain to the video and definitely doesn't pertain to Leo's comment in this thread. People change their stances on things.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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17 minutes ago, TheEnigma said:

I don't fully agree with this video when it says investing all resources in one woman is like investing in one stock. How can you compare a human/women to a stock? In short... A relationship or people have emotions, a stock is logical and rational. Just because a man invests everything in one woman doesn't mean its a bad choice. And just because a man diversifies his investments doesn't mean it will do him well. I've had a friend play AMC and cash out when AMC reached it's peak and she made more than 200k USD from it. Putting all one's eggs in one's basket is not necessarily a bad choice if you know what to look for. A man can learn to spot if a women will be good. But a stock is less predictable because the company can change to the world. A woman will always be what she will be. She can change her mind too, but there are cues to look for.

I was going to comment on this video after I saw it and decided not to because I had enough slack already in this thread and I get tired of hearing how I'm a woman and don't know about men's problems. So, I decided not to; but I agree with you. Their solution is to go out and date multiple women and divide up their assets so not to get burnt by one but by many. Makes sense, and to hire us as servants and maids to do their dirty work so we don't get what they worked so hard for for free while they sleep around. Not sure if the maid talk was in this video or the one follow up suggested one on YT, but its the same guy. I couldn't even comment.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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34 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

@DreamCryXI'M NOT interested in a video from 2021 please, I'm not even going to read that as it doesn't pertain to the video and definitely doesn't pertain to Leo's comment in this thread.

@Princess Arabia It is not a video. A dude was asking for dating advice and that's how Leo replied. You really are a problematic person. It's not that " it rebellious when a female speaks her mind on this forum". You are the problem here.  How can I clarify my posts if you are unable to connect the dots, deny the core principles of male attraction and don't even bother to read what kind of advice Leo gave to a dude back in 2021? Leo just summarized for you all the stuff he said in that 2021 post, but you're too obstinate and don't even want to read the first sentence! Again, I mean YOU, not women here. All the women and people in general that I've been talking to on this forum were able to understand my point of view holistically, connect the dots, and not act like a child whose candy was stolen.

You have some serious work to do on yourself.

Edited by DreamCryX

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It hurts myself so much anytime I want to approach dating, sexuality with the Truth.

if 100 000 years of violence had to be put somewhere it would be here.

Normal people sees dating and romance.

I see psychos cutting throats to get what they want.


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15 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

When I speak how I speak on these topics i don't refer to all men only some. As a woman, we have to always be on the look out for predators and we shouldn't have to deny our feminity because some men are not able to control themselves. 

Sure, I get it. It's a shame that women have to tone down and cloak their wonderful femininity just because some guys can't handle it... those dorks really ruin it for the rest of us. And the worst thing about it is that it's always these fellows who make the most noise and draw the most attention to themselves while the decent guys go mostly unnoticed, thus reaffirming the "all men are pigs" stereotype in women's minds... ugh.

Anyway, you have to appreciate that this is a very touchy subject for shy guys who struggle with forming romantic bonds to the opposite sex. Speaking for myself, I grew up with a lot of shame especially around the topic of sexuality... and the good old "men are dirty pigs who only think with their peckers" trope didn't exactly make things better. Being branded as a creepy pervert was always my absolute number one worst nightmare, which made interacting with girls incredibly awkward for me... and then when you observe how the biggest jerks in your town / school are without fail always the most popular with girls, the confusion becomes perfect. Especially for a semi-autistic dude like yours truly, this kind of mixed messaging is enough to drive you bonkers over time and push you to a point where you're like "f*** this, if y'all can't make up your goddamn mind, then you can go to hell for all I care, hmph!!".

So yeah, you better believe that there is a lot of stored up frustration among guys out there who cannot make head nor tail of what on God's green earth is expected of them... and I  certainly used to be one of them. Thankfully, it has gotten a LOT better in recent years; I still haven't one hundred percent gotten over my old insecurities, but every day I keep on digging my little tunnel into freedom, Shawshank Redemption style. ;)

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20 minutes ago, DreamCryX said:

Read them all. Now you've just discovered the fact that you are even more silly than the woman in the video

Yeah silly, running to the bank of sillies. I don't play games, I create them. I don't need dick. Dick needs me. Now you can go chase all the pussies you want, I'll stay over here, chasing the bag. Call it what you want, at least i don't have to make videos like her bitching and moaning about gawkers. I welcome them.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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11 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

I was going to comment on this video after I saw it and decided not to because I had enough slack already in this thread and I get tired of hearing how I'm a woman and don't know about men's problems. So, I decided not to; but I agree with you. Their solution is to go out and date multiple women and divide up their assets so not to get burnt by one but by many. Makes sense, and to hire us as servants and maids to do their dirty work so we don't get what they worked so hard for for free while they sleep around. Not sure if the maid talk was in this video or the one follow up suggested one on YT, but its the same guy. I couldn't even comment.

Exactly. Besides, a stock is something you watch and it's out of your control, you can only decide to sell or buy it. A individual can be much easier to influence based on how you treat them. An expert stock player can't even predict what a stock will do or everyone would be wealthy and wealth will have no value. An expert that has studied humans can likely have a very good guess on what a human or woman or man for that matter might do. So the video isn't even correct.

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8 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

This girl is so silly.

@Leo Gura She is obviously traumatized...christian fundamentalist upbringing plus sexual abuse. I bet she has a long way to go before even realising her level of brainwashing.

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7 minutes ago, DreamCryX said:

It is not a video. A dude was asking for dating advice and that's how Leo replied. You really are a problematic person. It's not that " it rebellious when a female speaks her mind on this forum". You are the problem here.  How can I clarify my posts if you are unable to connect the dots, deny the core principles of male attraction and don't even bother to read what kind of advice Leo gave to a dude back in 2021? Leo just summarized for you all the stuff he said in that 2021 post, but you're too obstinate and don't even want to read the first sentence! Again, I mean YOU, not women here. All the women and people in general that I've been talking to on this forum were able to understand my point of view holistically, connect the dots, and not act like a child whose candy was stolen.

You have some serious work to do on yourself.

I don't need to do any work when it comes to dating. I don't need to read a post from someone teaching men how to not get hurt. I don't need to connect any dots, I don't need to listen to men gripe about how women are hard to get when they are the ones who created this dynamic by calling women sluts and hoes because they've slept with a man on the first date. I don't need to patronize any man's ideology of what it takes to be a man chaser and to be his slave. I don't need to listen to any dating advice unless i'm planning on getting married and make myself secure in an exclusive monogamous relationship where I've been taken off the market and will be provided for. I don't need to.......i could continue but it's of no use. 

When men stop considering women easy and washed up because they've slept around or give it up too easy maybe then and only then you will have an easier time getting laid, but women have gotten tired of being the punching bags and taken advantaged of because they choose to sleep with a guy for who he is and not for what he's got, and then he dumps her for the hotter chick who isn't giving it up so easy and who he has to work for. Now you guys are complaining when you're the ones who made the rules and now it has backfired in you because women have wised up to the game and are making you work harder for what you wanted to work so hard for. If she's easy, you don't stick around, if she's hard to get, you complain. Can't have your cake and eat it too.

Don't worry about me looking silly, because looking silly and unused is better than feeling silly and washed up.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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25 minutes ago, meta_male said:

@Leo Gura She is obviously traumatized...christian fundamentalist upbringing plus sexual abuse. I bet she has a long way to go before even realising her level of brainwashing.

@meta_male Yes, this is the only point that deserved attention in the whole video.

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42 minutes ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

Being branded as a creepy pervert was always my absolute number one worst nightmare, which made interacting with girls incredibly awkward for me...

Here’s what I imagine would be a powerful solution to that: When a girl gives you that bitchy “why are you talking to me, you creep” look, you look her dead in the face and say with conviction, “Because I’d like to shove my fat, throbbing cock so far up your c*nt and ass you taste shit and menstrual blood on the back of your tongue for the next week. Why do you think, genius?”

You want counterintuitive? There you go. It’s insanely bold and direct and shows you don’t give the slightest fuck about her or anyone’s judgment. 

Do you guys think that could work or is it pushing the practice of acting counterintuitively too far?

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@DreamCryX The nice guy/asshole paradigm is due to brainwashing as well. There is no nice guy. We all have our dark sides.

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21 minutes ago, Emotionalmosquito said:

Here’s what I imagine would be a powerful solution to that: When a girl gives you that bitchy “why are you talking to me, you creep” look, you look her dead in the face and say with conviction, “Because I’d like to shove my fat, throbbing cock so far up your c*nt and ass you taste shit and menstrual blood on the back of your tongue for the next week. Why do you think, genius?”

You want counterintuitive? There you go. It’s insanely bold and direct and shows you don’t give the slightest fuck about her or anyone’s judgment. 

Do you guys think that could work or is it pushing the practice of acting counterintuitively too far?


If she signals you already that you look like a creep to her then back off.

No clever pick up line can turn that around so fast. Besides that I find that counterintuitive pick up line is disgusting. Not funny at all

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@meta_male It's def not brianwashing. The term "nice guy", in the context of dating, refers to a guy who tries to get a girl to like him by doing nice things for her, supplicating to her, and usually have little to no sexual experience. "Asshole", on the other hand, is the polar opposite. The asshole usually has enormous sexual experience and got lots of options with women and therefore they are very attractive to women. This @Princess Arabia girl calls me Red pill when I say this :D. And when I ask her to watch Leo's episodes on the subject and previous posts for the clarification she's like "Why are we mentioning Leo here. He's not a relationship expert nor an expert on attraction". Or worse, she denied the fact that the idea of women getting attracted to assholes has been mentioned by Leo several times, probably a hundred times, and when I show her the evidence she's like " I'm NOT interested in a post from 2021 please, I'm not even going to read that as it doesn't pertain to the video and definitely doesn't pertain to Leo's comment in this thread". And the worst: ". I don't need to connect any dots". This is the height of idiocy.

To be honest, I thought this forum had some standards, but this woman is clear evidence that the standards have dropped immensely. And of course, we all have our dark sides, but that's not the point.

Edited by DreamCryX

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7 minutes ago, OBEler said:


If she signals you already that you look like a creep to her then back off.

No clever pick up line can turn that around so fast. Besides that I find that counterintuitive pick up line is disgusting. Not funny at all

Well yeah it’s undoubtedly disgusting and not really meant to be funny. It’s meant more to show that you aren’t the least bit intimidated by her and to exercise your “not giving a fuck” muscle. Both of which are allegedly attractive qualities.

Backing off when she gets the creeps is fine, but would it really be of no value to leave her with a statement of that intensity right before you go? Seems like a better option than just moping away with your tail between your legs because it affirms to you that you aren’t afraid of being perceived as creepy, that way you’re less likely to carry that same energy into your next approach. Because a big part of what causes you to come off as creepy is being worried about looking creepy.

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1 hour ago, Princess Arabia said:

Yeah silly, running to the bank of sillies. I don't play games, I create them. I don't need dick. Dick needs me.


Mylady, you're on a roll, if I don't say so myself. LOL

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50 minutes ago, Emotionalmosquito said:

Here’s what I imagine would be a powerful solution to that: When a girl gives you that bitchy “why are you talking to me, you creep” look, you look her dead in the face and say with conviction, “Because I’d like to shove my fat, throbbing cock so far up your c*nt and ass you taste shit and menstrual blood on the back of your tongue for the next week. Why do you think, genius?”

You want counterintuitive? There you go. It’s insanely bold and direct and shows you don’t give the slightest fuck about her or anyone’s judgment. 

Do you guys think that could work or is it pushing the practice of acting counterintuitively too far?

You actually serious that you believe this will work? It's not even counterintuitive. That's just obnoxious and disgusting to say the least.

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10 minutes ago, Emotionalmosquito said:

Well yeah it’s undoubtedly disgusting and not really meant to be funny. It’s meant more to show that you aren’t the least bit intimidated by her and to exercise your “not giving a fuck” muscle. Both of which are allegedly attractive qualities.

Backing off when she gets the creeps is fine, but would it really be of no value to leave her with a statement of that intensity right before you go? Seems like a better option than just moping away with your tail between your legs because it affirms to you that you aren’t afraid of being perceived as creepy, that way you’re less likely to carry that same energy into your next approach. Because a big part of what causes you to come off as creepy is being worried about looking creepy.

That would be then just for your ego.

I would take it as a man and move on.

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14 minutes ago, DreamCryX said:

It's def not brianwashing. The term "nice guy", in the context of dating, refers to a guy who tries to get a girl to like him by doing nice things for her, supplicating to her, and usually have little to no sexual experience. "Asshole", on the other hand, is the polar opposite. The asshole usually has enormous sexual experience and got lots of options with women and therefore they are very attractive to some women.

20 hours ago, DreamCryX said:

What women in my environment are really attracted to is the assholes who do not care about her at all plus manipulates her and does other nasty stuff to her.

@DreamCryX Here you go ;)

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59 minutes ago, Emotionalmosquito said:

When a girl gives you that bitchy “why are you talking to me, you creep” look, you look her dead in the face and say with conviction, “Because I’d like to shove my fat, throbbing cock so far up your c*nt and ass you taste shit and menstrual blood on the back of your tongue for the next week. Why do you think, genius?”


Do you guys think that could work or is it pushing the practice of acting counterintuitively too far?

Well first of all I wouldn't say that at all because she only gave me a "why you talking to me" look, she didn't ask "why you talking to me" 🤔

12 minutes ago, Bazooka Jesus said:


Mylady, you're on a roll, if I don't say so myself. LOL



Edited by lostingenosmaze

“We have two ears and one mouth so we can listen twice as much as we speak." -Epictetus

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