
Tucker Carlson to interview Putin

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26 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

And American politicians also have a version of history that suits their agendas. They just aren't conscious of it.

Definitely agree, but the issue is that if you let one man have such power and then sympathise with his rhetoric you could end up with another Hitler situation. If you go pre WW2 what Hitler said could make sense in terms of how Germany had been treated, in which case it then becomes easier for him to gain more power and then do what he did. 

I believe countries that are insular, have a bit of a chip on their shoulder (rightly or wrongly) and have a leader who has total power are usually going to be a threat to the world as their interests are only for their own country often at the expense of others. Putin falls into this category, but what i cant really understand is why some Americans are supporting him, it seems quite weird considering the anti-commie rhetoric that has been propagated by the US for so long and how it is direct opposition with the US way of life.

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Putin is an intelligent fellow, no doubt.

However, i don't think much else could have been expected. Carlson was smart not to heavily push him in own turf/back yard. Putin won't ever relent from his position, as Russia being the victim in this entire situation.

His point on AI was well-founded. The potential for misuse is high and there might need to be some global regulations on such. 

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21 minutes ago, Kevin Gueug said:

@Leo Gura Why do you hate Tucker?

Cause I am intelligent.

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I watched the full interview. I am almost 100% sure Putin has been watching John Mearsheimer analysis. I read a comment on twitter that I agree with: Putin was his own lawyer that had to justify what he did on the world stage and he did brilliantly.

PS. I don't support what is happening in Ukraine, this war is a tragic event that has left a huge mark on humanity.

Edited by Andrey

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The function of this interview is to change american public opinion in favor of disbanding aid for ukraine, and it's obvious this is the case.


The timing of the interview and the fact that it happened in the first place is the best indication of this. And of course, the right wing of the US is gullible enough to eat all of the nonsense Putin has been spewing up because it fits their narrative.

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Tucker Carlson "Have you ever considered conquering Poland, Lithuania, etc?"

Putin "Not even in my worst nightmares. Everyone there hates us like cancer lol."

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It is amusing that Putin gave us a history lesson from the 1600s to justify his war. Really stretching there.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

It is amusing that Putin gave us a history lesson from the 1600s to justify his war. Really stretching there.

Read my previous post in this thread.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

It is amusing that Putin gave us a history lesson from the 1600s to justify his war. Really stretching there.

You can easily argue that no justification is sufficient for any wars at all.

I think he is reasonable enough. I would do the same, more or less.

2 hours ago, Schizophonia said:

Russia attacked a sovereign state.

How many sovereign states did the US invade in the last 20 years? How many of your presidents were war criminals? 

You guys have no moral high ground to counter Putin. 

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@Leo Gura

14 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@VictorB02 Putin has never been an evil madman, he just has a totally different survival agenda and worldview than America.

The reason it's hard for Americans to understand Putin is simply because they are not faced with Russia's survival challenges and are paradigm-locked into American survival challenges.

   True, in fact when this guy said about Tucker's take in a BBC news video, and I paraphrase 'Almost no western journalist wants to interview Putin since the war' and he says well he and other wanted to interview him:

   That he may have forgotten that sometimes the BBC can send a pretty biased interviewer:

good review and analysis:


13 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

And American politicians also have a version of history that suits their agendas. They just aren't conscious of it.

   True, Actually found a good video about this, sort of debunking the 'facts don't care about your feelings.':


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12 hours ago, Bobby_2021 said:

You can easily argue that no justification is sufficient for any wars at all.

I think he is reasonable enough. I would do the same, more or less.

How many sovereign states did the US invade in the last 20 years? How many of your presidents were war criminals? 

You guys have no moral high ground to counter Putin. 

I never said the opposite :)

Edited by Schizophonia

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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Powerful nations, including the United States, do not allow foreign military threats to accumulate on their borders. This is why many analysts and officials in the West had warned for years that NATO's actions could lead to conflict. Yet, when the war did break out, it was often portrayed in the media as an "unprovoked invasion," despite these earlier warnings. 

History always seems to start the very date the Western powers feel transgressed against and that a certain transgression occurs. The same way for Israel the current conflict started on October 7th and 'just occurred' in a vacuum. What is omitted is the escalatory amount of provocations that lead to the eruption of war. The other side is then gaslit for being war mongering when their own military industrial complex and vested imperial interests have been behind the scenes churning the gears of war through think tanks, propaganda and contracts.

It’s crafty - pushing someone into a corner despite them explicitly saying what their red lines are, then pointing fingers at them and using mass propaganda to paint them as a boogeyman for trying to get out of that corner. A snapshot look at a situation will show who is the clear aggressor in that narrow slot of time (Hamas on October 7th and Russia invading) but it would leave out the Birds Eye view needed to shed light on the covert provocative nature of the instigators.

It is human to condemn acts of violence, but it is wise to condemn the conditions that led to those very acts and to mitigate them.

Edited by zazen

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There is also a very interesting interview with Putin in the documentary Ukraine on Flames by Oliver Stone, from 2016, which talks about Biden and Victoria Nuland as promoters of the Ukrainian far-right nationalist movement, arming Ukraine by creating pressure on Russia, murder of protesters, etc. it's quite interesting

Edited by Breakingthewall

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3 hours ago, zazen said:

Hamas on October 7th and Russia invading

with the difference that the Hamas attack is suicidal stupidity and Putin's movement hits the chessboard of world politics and changes the rules of the game completely. It is the beginning of the end of American hegemony, which is not good news, but it is inevitable when you are that stupid. The US has shown an incredible degree of stupidity, short-term thinking, zero vision. It has not wanted to realize that he is no longer the school bully, that his bravado is not scary because others dare to real fight .


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bloody Russell Brand, he'll always notice a lot of nuances, and speaks elequantly


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1 hour ago, rnd said:

bloody Russell Brand, he'll always notice a lot of nuances, and speaks elequantly


   Oh, Russel Brand hasn't worn his sexy white dragonfly shirt, the one he used addressing the sexy allegations. Very curious...🤔

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