
I have awakened

16 posts in this topic

This post is not out of arrogance or showboating but for the possibility that there are other beings out there besides myself who have not awakened.


First of all, I have realized for some time now that I am God, however, parts of me weren't still convinced. If I am God, why live this human life? I used to believe that I could imagine better lives than the one I lived, but I was wrong. Many people believe this. If God is all-loving, why create this life of suffering?


Tonight I asked myself this question: If God wants and only creates the best for himself, how could God get himself to act against his best interest? By convincing himself others exist. If God is infinite and everything, there can't be another besides himself. He is aware of this, but if he fooled himself into believing that others existed and he was a finite identity, then he could fool himself into wanting something other than the best infinitely possible thing  AKA infinite love.


Now God creates humans who believe in all sorts of BS about what they are, but as long as they identify as something finite, they will have bias towards something finite. That something finite is less and against the best interest of an all-conscious infinite being. Why wish for some puny pleasure as a human, when God could create infinite love? Because they are biased against other things which they believe to be different from themselves. When someone believes something to be different or separate from themselves, they now may fear that thing, because they are fooled into thinking it can threaten their false identity. But of course, you are God, and you cannot be killed or die. But God has convinced himself of this so that he can play a game with himself for all eternity.


In this life, everything that happens is perfect and is in your best interest. You can either awaken to the fact that everything is planned perfectly by God so you can awaken back to being him, or you can deny this and keep living in your false finite fearful identity. Anxiety stems from fearing that all is not going to be okay. But, in fact, everything is going perfectly, and there's nothing you need to do to make that happen.




EDIT: Fun quote i just had: Everything I ever feared became ways that helped me to awaken.

Edited by Shodburrito

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God might be testing itself. It puts itself in situations to awaken itself and when the shit hits the fan, if it responds a certain way that is not in alignment with how it planned for itself to awaken, it puts itself in other predicaments. It keeps doing this until it fucking gets the picture and alas, it recognizes the plan. I know cause I remembered what I did. It's all coming back to me now - Celine Dion. Even she remembers. Hehe, I'm so silly.....

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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On a serious note, I love your post, and that is exactly what's happening.  Congrats for following the breadcrumb trails. Now go back to sleep and pretend some more because it's no fun being God. God just wants to have fun - Cyndi Lauper. Even she knew. You think I'm being funny, right? It's in all these songs. You just gotta tune in and be turned on. Tuned in, tapped in, turned on - Abraham Hicks. I'm on a roll tonight. I'm celebrating wit ya.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Now it won't be so cheap to say you are awake. How conscious are you? Do you really wanna know?

Let's do an EXAM!

Many years ago Leo recommended the following exercises as handy tool for self-assesment.

So the exam begins Now! There are 30 Questions or Facets in the video.

Please grab a paper and a pencil. 

Question: Have I awoken to ............?

From 0 to 10 how deeply have I awoken to ............?

(For reference take 0 as nothing and 10 as the facet you have awoken more deeply to. As our personal experience is all we have and this is in the end for self evaluation. Let's say you are a pro of no-self, your favourite facet, then that becomes your upper limit and contrast it with other facets like love for example. This is helpful and reduces self-bias and deception)

I have experienced this facet in agregate with ............

(Facets shine light onto each others and having awakenings to different facets simultaneously opens up another whole game. Maybe you awoke to love and to intelligence but you are lacking the intelligence in love and the love in intelligence. This goes on in complexity and richness with agregates of 3 facets, 4 facets and so on)

Extra points: Have you discovered more facets to Awakening?

Good luck! Please report your results

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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I would say that the only answer to any question is: why not? The only meaning of existence is to exist. Existence is perfection, therefore everything is synchrony and harmony, it is literally impossible for existence not to be perfect, therefore, all that talk about God wanting things does not make any sense. existence exists. that's all. Now, can you really open yourself to what existence is? This is mindless.

Edited by Breakingthewall

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1 hour ago, Water by the River said:



I swear I saw an elephant yesterday on the road... the whole shebang!

Where is my enlightenment certificate?

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Nah you didn't get it. You don't know what perfect is if you think this life is perfect. You are probably influenced by Leo too much to have other ideas stick, but I will just say that this universe was a mistake. I'll leave it at that. Read The Disappearance of the Universe if you want to really learn what is happening here. gl hf

No resistance. No thinking. Silence. Flow. Surrender. Let Love in.

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3 minutes ago, Shodburrito said:

@CoolDreamThanks You are imagining mistakes. But I will check out the book

It's dangerous to think mistakes are imaginary. Anyway, I bet 10$ you will like the book and the whole trilogy if you read it. 

No resistance. No thinking. Silence. Flow. Surrender. Let Love in.

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@CoolDreamThanks It looks interesting I'll add it to my reading list. I think mistakes are merely learning opportunities to be more specific. 

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44 minutes ago, CoolDreamThanks said:

It's dangerous to think mistakes are imaginary. Anyway, I bet 10$ you will like the book and the whole trilogy if you read it. 

Why should I trust this author's take on the Universe over any other author's. Just asking, since I am interested in reading it also.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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6 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

Why should I trust this author's take on the Universe over any other author's. Just asking, since I am interested in reading it also.

@Princess Arabia Hello, hope you're doing well.

No need to trust, when you read it you will simply see that what they are saying is what is happening in your life. Everything will fit like a puzzle. You will know why you suffer, why there are good times, bad times, and so on. 

No resistance. No thinking. Silence. Flow. Surrender. Let Love in.

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Just now, CoolDreamThanks said:

@Princess Arabia Hello, hope you're doing well.

No need to trust, when you read it you will simply see that what they are saying is what is happening in your life. Everything will fit like a puzzle. You will know why you suffer, why there are good times, bad times, and so on. 

Ok, best way to see through things, from experience. Is it an Audio book on YT?

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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