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What’s the difference between INTUITION and IRRATIONAL FEAR

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The way I deeply feel about a certain situation often aids me in making decisions in life. This is not a problem until it’s about big decisions as it’s difficult to delineate whether I’m feeling true intuition or some sort of irrational fear or feeling. 

for example, let’s say I get an offer from a job, it seems perfect. The work environment is ideal, it suits my life purpose, it will truly grow me ect, but I have a feeling that it’s a bad decision to go through with for no apparent reason.

Do I trust this feeling?


d This is a common theme is pretty much every decision in life, it almost seems compulsive, I’m not sure if it’s intuition or irrational fear 

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5 minutes ago, UpperMaster said:

The way I deeply feel about a certain situation often aids me in making decisions in life. This is not a problem until it’s about big decisions as it’s difficult to delineate whether I’m feeling true intuition or some sort of irrational fear or feeling. 

for example, let’s say I get an offer from a job, it seems perfect. The work environment is ideal, it suits my life purpose, it will truly grow me ect, but I have a feeling that it’s a bad decision to go through with for no apparent reason.

Do I trust this feeling?


d This is a common theme is pretty much every decision in life, it almost seems compulsive, I’m not sure if it’s intuition or irrational fear 

I would diagnose it as OCD or perfectionist illness. 

The best way to deal with irrational fear is to move into it.  But also be willing to accept the consequences of that  too like a grown-up.  I get to the point sometimes where I push things just to see what happens.  And usually all that happens is a whole lotta nothing.  

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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You can hone your intuition by putting it to the test. Take the job and then monitor whether your fears pan out.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I quit a pretty "good" career that paid well and most people wonder why I stopped because it was out of alignment with me. But you can't know what is out of alignment with you without having a deep understanding of your intuitive voice. You can't dismiss experiences you've never had, that's just irrational fear. So try new things and move towards fear. There is ultimately nothing to fear when it comes to stuff like that. There is probably an element of your ego which believes that overthinking and over worrying is helpful. Stop thinking and start experiencing things first, then see if they feel right by listening to your body.  Even if you tried the job for example and didn't like it you could stop.

This is like god vs satan

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In other words, trust your body, not your anxiety thoughts. Stop looking for a voice to listen to and start doing what feels right.

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I made a post and answered it in a video on this topic already.

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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