
‘UnTrap,’ for YouTube- an addition to ‘BlockShorts’

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Basically allows you to remove any aspect of YouTube, in a browser, that you do not wish to see.

I have mine set up so it’s just the video I’m watching and a search bar.

Theres no sidebar, ads, recommendations-anything.

I have to search for what I want or I can browse specific channels.

Thats my method.

Try it out:

Edited by yetineti

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I like to keep the recommendations as it keeps the flow of videos I'm interested in. Lots of times I come across videos that i would have not normally searched for but are in the same category of my interests. I can ignore easily the shorts or videos that doesn't interest me so i dont think I need this feature.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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