
How can I get out of poverty?

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Hey! I'm turning 20 this year. I've high school equivalent education, I can't study further cause I need to start working as I'm beyond broke. My family have significant amount of debt to pay. Our financial situation is terrible. We're living hand to mouth. My father does not really earn anything. Country's economy is terrible. Inflation is so high. I know that I've to take responsibility and start doing something. But I don't know what to do. I want to provide for my family. I don't know how to get work or job. I want to become financially stable and able. Most locally available job are so medicore and lowly paid that they are not worth doing. I envy You all people, you belong from rich super-developed countries. Life feels constant pain, despair taking me down.

I know to be strong, smart and resourceful. But I feel clueless,  can't  focus and work to figure out solution. It's eating up my strengh everyday. I don't know what to do? Please help!

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In Eastern Europe, trucking pays pretty well, and working on powerlines is pretty luxuriously paid. I don't know about Indian salaries though.

I hate the standards society places on people, but you could've been born in Afghanistan or Gaza or any country 500 years ago, Russia and most Soviet-Asian countries are also pretty bleak.

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Start problem solving now, be patient. Rise above the herd.

Also, learn to love the little things, learn to appreciate what you DO have. There is beauty in all stages of life. Find the Love Now. Let go of fear. 

Think long term. Be patient. 

Forget about "People in developed Countries" They struggle too. People struggle all over. Focus on you, your game, your challenge, your purpose. You can't change who you are. But you can break free of needless suffering if you are willing to work for it. You need 100% commitment to loving life, building skills, creating value, organizing your mind and your life. Become an adult, and focus on daily investing in yourself. 

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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@Sandhu The problem is that you are broke because you don't provide enough value to the world. If you did, you would be rich, famous, etc. You have a very limited skills set, and very limited knowledge to do anything valuable/scarce. You will have to work a mediocre job until you have invested enough into yourself to develop high-paying skills/knowledge. 

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Look for jobs or businesses which pay much more than average. Such things can be found with effort. You have the internet so do lots of research.

The way I started my first business was I literally just asked myself: "What is the highest profit thing I can sell?" I searched around online and found a thing with insanely high profit margins.

Getting rich is all about profit margin.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Depending on the situation of your family, if the situation is really bad and you really need money, starting from any job, even if it's a simple and low income job would be better than no job. Doing anything that can improve your life is better than doing nothing.

I started to work at 16-17 with the mere purpose to help my family because of poverty. Every day, after finishing school (or not, sometimes I ditched it), I worked in a landuary which involved a lot of physical work with a low income (was paid with cash and had to chase the manager to get paid, otherwise they forgot to pay) which was the only job that I was accepted to at that time after unsuccessfully trying to get hired to places like coffee shops and supermarkets which offered a better income. I was 16 but looked like 12 so it makes sense I wasn't easily hired but at that time I was very angry and frustrated because of that.

Regardless, me working, even in a low income job, helped my family a lot and helped me to develop myself personally, to mature, built my confidence (overcome low self esteem and social anxiety), work in a team with people and manage money. It gave me valuable life skills which was the foundation to better workplaces later in life.

Later, I combined the laundry job with being a private teacher of children who weren't good at school, which gave me both money and satisfaction because they got improved and their parents were very happy about that (they spoiled me with more money and gifts to express gratitude).

At that time, the most important thing for me was to survive, I didn't care about anything else, I was grateful for any opportunity I had to get money.




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It ain’t all about making money, although it certainly is important. What’s also important is what you’re investing in. For example, medical marijuana for me has been a lifesaver. I pay good money for it. Sure, my insurance will cover other medications for free, but I ain’t gonna sell my soul for some free bs.

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1 hour ago, Lila9 said:

Depending on the situation of your family, if the situation is really bad and you really need money, starting from any job, even if it's a simple and low income job would be better than no job. Doing anything that can improve your life is better than doing nothing.

I started to work at 16-17 with the mere purpose to help my family because of poverty. Every day, after finishing school (or not, sometimes I ditched it), I worked in a landuary which involved a lot of physical work with a low income (was paid with cash and had to chase the manager to get paid, otherwise they forgot to pay) which was the only job that I was accepted to at that time after unsuccessfully trying to get hired to places like coffee shops and supermarkets which offered a better income. I was 16 but looked like 12 so it makes sense I wasn't easily hired but at that time I was very angry and frustrated because of that.

Regardless, me working, even in a low income job, helped my family a lot and helped me to develop myself personally, to mature, built my confidence (overcome low self esteem and social anxiety), work in a team with people and manage money. It gave me valuable life skills which was the foundation to better workplaces later in life.

Later, I combined the laundry job with being a private teacher of children who weren't good at school, which gave me both money and satisfaction because they got improved and their parents were very happy about that (they spoiled me with more money and gifts to express gratitude).

At that time, the most important thing for me was to survive, I didn't care about anything else, I was grateful for any opportunity I had to get money.



Yes, I think I should work any job I can get and simultaneously look for better jobs but I'm socially little awkward and don't really have any friends, I know only few people around. Coz of my isolation from my own culture and people as I'm living totatly different life than them. So, what you suggest to find jobs, should I go to businesses and ask them if they need to hire someone?


Edited by Sandhu

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1 hour ago, Yimpa said:

It ain’t all about making money, although it certainly is important. What’s also important is what you’re investing in. For example, medical marijuana for me has been a lifesaver. I pay good money for it. Sure, my insurance will cover other medications for free, but I ain’t gonna sell my soul for some free bs.

@Yimpa I cant't figure out what you mean.

Edited by Sandhu

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Look for jobs or businesses which pay much more than average. Such things can be found with effort. You have the internet so do lots of research.

The way I started my first business was I literally just asked myself: "What is the highest profit thing I can sell?" I searched around online and found a thing with insanely high profit margins.

Getting rich is all about profit margin.

@Leo Gura High paying jobs require high level skills and education. I'm planning on learning programming as it pays good (my friend is doing game developer job, he is a programmer). Most of the economy and businesses are informal. People are barely rudimentry educated and there is not much online help for local things atleast where I live. Yes I can move to some big city and there would be better jobs but problem is I'm the only son and my father is elderly so I also need to take care of my family (sisters, mother and grandmother). I can't leave them alone. I must  work some local job. I'm planning to continue education along with learing some valueable skills so sooner or later I would be able to work high income job.

PS: It's funny how much you people assume things are similiar around the world, there are so much complexities and unique problems that any advice seems to be uncomplete.

Edited by Sandhu

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6 hours ago, Shodburrito said:

@Sandhu The problem is that you are broke because you don't provide enough value to the world. If you did, you would be rich, famous, etc. You have a very limited skills set, and very limited knowledge to do anything valuable/scarce. You will have to work a mediocre job until you have invested enough into yourself to develop high-paying skills/knowledge. 

Yeah, yeah. I understand these basics.

Yeah, I'm a cool person.

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15 hours ago, Thought Art said:

Start problem solving now, be patient. Rise above the herd.

Also, learn to love the little things, learn to appreciate what you DO have. There is beauty in all stages of life. Find the Love Now. Let go of fear. 

Think long term. Be patient. 

Forget about "People in developed Countries" They struggle too. People struggle all over. Focus on you, your game, your challenge, your purpose. You can't change who you are. But you can break free of needless suffering if you are willing to work for it. You need 100% commitment to loving life, building skills, creating value, organizing your mind and your life. Become an adult, and focus on daily investing in yourself. 

@Thought ArtI completely understand and appreciate your opinion. But when challenges arise such as mine , it ain't help to find love in little things. You need to be ruthless with yourself in the pragmetic world. If you don't have emotions that are burning your soul to change, what gonna cause you to move your ass? 

Edited by Sandhu

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13 minutes ago, Sandhu said:

: It's funny how much you people assume things are similiar around the world, there are so much complexities and unique problems that any advice seems to be uncomplete.


11 minutes ago, Sandhu said:

Yeah, yeah. I understand these basics

You come across as being very cocky with your attitude. You come on here looking for help with your situation and asked for advice and this is how you respond. Seems as if you're not really looking for advice, just airing your problems.

Know thyself....

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14 minutes ago, Sandhu said:

I completely understand and appreciate your opinion. But when challenges arise such as mine , it ain't help to find love in little things. You need to be ruthless with yourself in the pragmetic world. If you don't have emotions that are burning your soul to change, what gonna cause you to move your ass? 

Here you go again. Rebutting people's responses. It's best to just thank people for their advice and maybe follow up with questions if you're not sure what their advice means or to expand on what they're trying to say, instead of rebutting. If you knew all the answers you wouldn't be here asking for advice. You even referred to his advice as an opinion. 

You're asking for help and at the same time, giving yourself advice. YOU CANNOT SOLVE A PROBLEM WITH THE SAME MINDSET THAT CREATED IT. 

Edited by Princess Arabia

Know thyself....

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@Princess Arabia you rather come across judgy and very softy type but anyways you probably  want unnesseccary drama which I don't

Edited by Sandhu

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29 minutes ago, Sandhu said:

High paying jobs require high level skills and education.

Be careful. That's not true.

There are some jobs that pay a lot and require zero education or skill.

For example, I once met a merchant marine. He worked for 6 months a year on shipping container ships. It pays a lot of money, a high full year's salary for 6 months of work. And it requires no education. They train you for free on the job. This guy was saving tons of money and traveling all around the world and only working 6 months out of the year.

You can find stuff like that if you bother to do deep research as I said.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 minute ago, Sandhu said:

@Princess Arabia you rather come across judgy and very softy type but anyways you probably  want unnesseccary drama which I don't

I'm just observant and noticed how you're responding to all the advice given. Even to my constructive criticisms. I'm not judging nor am I looking for any drama. I was just showing you that it isn't wise to constantly be rebutting people who might have your best interest in mind and could probably give you different perspectives than the ones you're used to when you come here desperately looking for advice as per your words in the OP.

Know thyself....

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Aren't they exceptions? Not really practical to look for such jobs. 

4 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

For example, I once met a merchant marine. He worked for 6 months a year on shipping container ships. It pays a lot of money, a high full year's salary for 6 months of work. And it requires no education. They train you for free on the job. This guy was saving tons of money and traveling all around to world and only working 6 months out of the year.

Why would someone pay him that much If HE is easily replaceable and job not really requires much speciality. 

Yeah, I'm a cool person.

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8 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

I'm just observant and noticed how you're responding to all the advice given. Even to my constructive criticisms. I'm not judging nor am I looking for any drama. I was just showing you that it isn't wise to constantly be rebutting people who might have your best interest in mind and could probably give you different perspectives than the ones you're used to when you come here desperately looking for advice as per your words in the OP.

Dear sister, they are not complaining nor I'm violating any guidelines. I'm just pushing them for further nuances. Why you act on others behalf

Edited by Sandhu

Yeah, I'm a cool person.

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