
The Highest Levels of Consciousness Cannot be Reached via psychedelics

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On 05/02/2024 at 11:36 AM, puporing said:

The Jesus Christ of Nazareth yes. 

There's a reason I didn't say Buddha for example, though I did commune with him. 

I studied his teachings and as I soaked up more and more of it I became the whole Christ, which is also the Kingdom of Heaven.

And well eventually it was deliberately dictated to me that "I am Lord Jesus Christ, and I have returned". 

I mean most people cannot recognize me at all so I mostly just go about like a normal person, unless someone is interested in this stuff.

Yeah I still have memories.

I don't usually hear people claiming to be Jesus. I mean you can obviously tell if someone's not there yet (if you're there).

PXL_20231102_202042279.MP (1)-min.jpg


Touch my stigmata wounds and then we talk, Jesus of Nazareth.


Edited by shree

Honoring the self I've grown to love.

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@shree xD that looks bad ass.

That's the sign, you are the new Jesus von Natzareth. The true one - made by 5 Meo.


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It's funny how deluded non-psychedelics users are becoming: it's a bit eerie. 

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Let’s try to be respectful of our differences. 

I don’t understand it. But, this person is having this experience. Be kind I think. And it’s okay to have a different opinion on this. 

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You act like a second Leo, but this case you are not being completely biased about psychedelic awakenings, but being biased towards sober awakenings.

The level of arrogance you display is the same as what Leo displayed and both  cases are just sad , because none of you can justify the claim of why you are the only one who attained the highest level  - its a vague assertion anyway, because none of you use any consistent way or metric how to measure who has what level of conciousness. All of these 100% confident assertions are based on speculation and guessing games or very weak inductive reasoning at best.


Besides all that , you seem to be implying that Christ consciousness/awakening is attainable for other people, so it doesn't really makes sense for yourself to claim to be the 2nd Jesus and use that identification to separate yourself and claim to be special . If a 100 people have the same awakening will we suddenly have a 100 Jesus on Earth? - honestly, even being extremely charitable and assuming you are not delusional about this, it just seems like you had an experience or an awakening and now you are completely identifying with whatever you became in that awakening/experience.

My completely honest take though, is that you seem to be  very ungrounded right now, and you should ground yourself before you hurt anyone or yourself.

Edited by zurew

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@zurew I think it's a forum alter-ego; I think most are subject to it. I think an Ayahuasca user was claiming to be Jesus as well and that others should follow him. So, to rephrase what I've said: it appears anyone seeking spirituality has to watch falling into delusions that could hurt themselves or others. 

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All I claim is that I am. Which is more profound than being Jesus. 

Edited by Thought Art

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43 minutes ago, zurew said:

If a 100 people have the same awakening will we suddenly have a 100 Jesus on Earth?

That is what I'm saying yeah. It's a pointer to point to your original Self. So maybe a year from now you'd be saying similar things as I am, lol. ;) 

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ❣ Warning: nobody here has reached the true God.

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Psychedelics, in particular, (depending on your genetics) can have a gigantic shift on your consciousness where you fall into a deep, delusional trap of believing you are something you may not be (such as an occultist Jesus) and this trap can lead to harmful behaviors and strange misconduct. However, psychedelics can also lead to an entire awakening where you can become Jesus (or whatever spiritual being) that you have in mind. It's a strange contradiction: to have a beautiful awakening as an entity and to fall back into a human. Either you become deluded, cause harm, or look insane. The truth is: that consciousness can become anything, at any time, at will: a healthy mind does not fall into a deep trap. Christ Consciousness, for example, can be a beautiful experience (particularly on psychedelics), you can shift your mind to become an angel, Jesus, or as you please. But, once this starts to trickle down into trying to convince others of your belief with a sharp ego and absolute agenda, that's where the trap begins. 


Edited by Pudgey

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9 minutes ago, Pudgey said:

Psychedelics, in particular, (depending on your genetics) can have a gigantic shift on your consciousness where you fall into a deep, delusional trap of believing you are something you may not be (such as an occultist Jesus) and this trap can lead to harmful behaviors and strange misconduct. However, psychedelics can also lead to an entire awakening where you can become Jesus (or whatever spiritual being) that you have in mind. It's a strange contradiction: to have a beautiful awakening as an entity and to fall back into a human. Either you become deluded, cause harm, or look insane. The truth is: that consciousness can become anything, at any time, at will: a healthy mind does not fall into a deep trap. Christ Consciousness, for example, can be a beautiful experience (particularly on psychedelics), you can shift your mind to become an angel, Jesus, or as you please. But, once this starts to trickle down into trying to convince others of your belief with a sharp ego and absolute agenda, that's where the trap begins. 


You don't understand coz you haven't reached it yet. That's normal. But I'm talking not just as an experience but a permanent state of being. And it really isn't about Jesus the character, it's a pointer to his teachings and the level of consciousness he was in when he incarnated here. 

What agenda do I have? I don't have to share this with anyone. It's really your ego projecting something onto me.

Edited by puporing

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ❣ Warning: nobody here has reached the true God.

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2 hours ago, Pudgey said:

It's funny how deluded non-psychedelics users are becoming: it's a bit eerie. 

Seems the tables have turned.


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27 minutes ago, puporing said:

You don't understand coz you haven't reached it yet. That's normal. But I'm talking not just as an experience but a permanent state of being. And it really isn't about Jesus the character, it's a pointer to his teachings and the level of consciousness he was in when he incarnated here. 

What agenda do I have? I don't have to share this with anyone. It's really your ego projecting something onto me.

You can not reach it. You must be dropped. I used psychedelics over 100 times. And I agree with you about your topic start. However, highest state of consciousness is realization of there is no you therefore no such thing as consciousness. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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Ok let's summarize, the topic starter seems to mean that he is not the only one Jesus von Natzareth and others can access this Jesus state too. He talks about a high state of consciousness which seems permanent. If this state is the highest state is probably just wild speculation. But if he is not joking and really accessed a permanent state by whatever he was doing this should be honored.

@threadstarter I would not start a war against psychedelics here because there is one forum member here who claims to be Jesus too after some psychedelics (where is he? Please come to this thread so that we have a discussion between two Jesus Christs - one sober Jesus and one drugged)





Edited by OBEler

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Can a shapeshifter permanently maintain its form?

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@puporing You are making false assumptions.

Also, my message was a general statement, not geared towards anyone in particular. Jesus wasn't very insecure in the bible, to say the least. But since you may: No one here is special because they've reached Christ's Consciousness; it's simply a segment of infinity. There are other states of consciousness, unexplored (or to be explored) that you or even Leo have not accessed. It's called: Infinity for a reason. 

Lastly, the biggest misconceptions here are: 

  • Psychedelics cannot reach sober awakening(s) - False. 
  • Psychedelics cannot help you reach permanent states of consciousness - False.
  • Psychedelics cannot lead to permanency with spirituality - False. 

Not only are these false but the reasons you may have not reached permanent states of consciousness with the usage of  psychedelics are below: 

  • Lack of genetic potential with psychedelics (overall) 
  • Lack of genetic potential with current psychedelic(s)
  • Lack of understanding of psychedelics and how to properly use them. 
  • Lack of  consistent psychedelic usage (not pushing boundaries) 
  • Fear-based psychedelics usage to avoid a trip (most fall here) 
  • Lack of access to a wide variety of psychedelics to find what genetically suits them. 
  • Wanting to be a spiritual teacher and demonize the use of psychedelics

I have reasons to believe you fall into one or more of these several categories.

Because you have not reached permanency with psychedelics, that does not mean no one has not reached permanency with psychedelics. And because you've also used psychedelics does not give you authority to make such absolute and exaggerated claims. I've reached permanent states of consciousness with psychedelics and witnessed Christ Consciousness and beyond IT. But, this is not a dick-weighing contest. 


Delusions are a sign of reprogression not progression. 

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On 2/5/2024 at 6:38 AM, puporing said:

Yeah and I really am. He has returned in me, why is that so inconceivable to you?

Find yourself in so called body, I will give you thousand dollars. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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This is some kinda course in miracles stuff

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@Pudgey Your arrogance is astounding. And I have repeatedly said in this thread that I was a psychedelics user. How am I being anti? 

Almost everything you are saying about me is actually about yourself projected onto me. I know how this works. Of course it's not a dick waving contest, you're the one who thinks that's what this is and basically the one who is engaged in it.

Also there's nothing wrong with being a spiritual teacher if that's your calling. Such a silly point you're making.

Edited by puporing

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ❣ Warning: nobody here has reached the true God.

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪ 星空のディスタンス ♫┆彡 what are you dreaming today?

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Hey, Let's remember to be kind here. We have different perspectives. 

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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5 hours ago, OBEler said:

He talks about a high state of consciousness which seems permanent. If this state is the highest state is probably just wild speculation.

Just read this. What I mean is there is a highest permanent sober state you can reach while in the body, as well as highest awakenings states but sober (which are about what happens when you leave this body). So of course you can't stay in the peaks nor truly reach it until you leave the body (because well you would be "lifted out" of this whole universe). 

Edited by puporing

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ❣ Warning: nobody here has reached the true God.

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪ 星空のディスタンス ♫┆彡 what are you dreaming today?

                           天国が来る | 私は道であり、真実であり、命であり。

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