Rafael Thundercat

Who are your scapegoat? Short video but deep conyemplation

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From my own experience I know is easy to blame someone else for my life situations. It become less and less but I still recently got a intestine infection and very fast I notice my mind connecting dots to blame someone, somewhere for it. Because certaintly I had eaten something infected or whatever. The truth is, I dont know. Causes for a health problem can be diverse. But imagin I am less concious, not able to be quiet and sit with the problem, and actually try to fix it by proaction. Imagine I dont want to admit my all falt on the causation chain of my struggles. Is easy to find a scapegoat so I can avoid the catharsis process and do a fake carharis via blaming, so I can keep felling I am ok. In the case of health is impossible I think because no matter who you blame, the body keep asking for healing, and will eventually show you that no matter who you blame, the sickness will not go away by scapegoating some "others" 

In social context or in the social body anyway, the constipation of society or the acumullated shit can instead be directed to a scapegoat who is eliminated to maintain the status quo.


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There is no one to scapegoat since this is your dream. You are the cause of all of this. 

No resistance. No thinking. Silence. Flow. Surrender. Let Love in.

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24 minutes ago, CoolDreamThanks said:

There is no one to scapegoat since this is your dream. You are the cause of all of this. 

My point in sharing this video is not jump to the " ,this is your own dream" conflation. If all we will do in this forum is using Leo contents of how reality is all a dream, i dont even make sense sharing any information here since bu that line it would be better to ignore the forum and all life tasks because i all dream anyway. But even a dream have structure and archstory and something to learn with. My point with the video is more that the video and the author of it bring a social and individual mecanism that seems to act in our lifes subconsciously. So in the lines of Shadow work is usefull to be able to see what lurks behind the scene of our psyche.  This life work is not just about spiting out everyday that is all a dream so fuck it. No, in daily life you cant do it, you must be able to see all your sneaky games and even spiting out that is all a dream can be a sort of a escapistm strategy to avoid looking to very difficult life stuff that must be worked. I know because many times I get myself conflating absolute with relative. Let the absolute stuff for when you go deep in a psycadelic trip, there I know will be no space for bullshit and backstories. 

Dont know If I made myself clear. In summary jusy be aware that not all videos and content need to be about absolut stuff and metaphisics. Is good to know the trickery moves of collective and individual. 

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I agree that scapegoating aka projection is a very important subject, because from my worldview, the whole universe is a projection, which was a consequence of denial, when the Son of God believed that he separated himself from his Father, he felt guilty, fearful and sinful,  so he projected the whole universe of time and space out here, with bad people doing evil things, so he could project his own unconscious guilt on to them, so now they are guilty, not him.

That's kinda complex thought, so anyway, projection as a psychological defense mechanism is sooo important to understand and then stop doing it.

No resistance. No thinking. Silence. Flow. Surrender. Let Love in.

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This one is not about Scapegoat but can be very triggering and help to see some dark corners of the soul. For me  the Juice in in the Unknown, is on the Unknow that lurks the pestering content that make our individual and collective lifes a hell, because humans are tricky as fuck, let rememeber that we have a connection with all the survival environment in this planet. Yeah we have the sparke of Divinity but this dont make us escape our deep animality 



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I didn't watch the video but I think my scapegoat would be my parents. There is always a part of me that is bitter about interpersonal situations, miscommunications, the odd resentment adults feel for their children, getting physical with me in a multitude of inappropriate ways, setting a bad example through extreme emotions like anger, not allowing me my solitude, overstepping boundaries, not being open-minded, teaching me the wrong way to live, etc. On paper they were good parents, middle class and cared about our well being but usually at the expense of actually understanding me or knowing me at all or even respecting me a lot of the time.

As I got older and after my Mom's death I started to forgive my parents, realizing that they were both sleepwalking through life, distracting themselves, keeping themselves busy. They were following societies rules. I had reckless abandonment and questioned everything. I was resentful and depressed. Still to this day it is astounding the level of truth avoidance and distraction my father inflicts upon himself, like he's never going to die as long as he keeps himself busy. Any level of real or deep conversation is frowned upon and lost on him.

I learned how unconscious my parents were and I could forgive them easily. I started seeing my parents as sad puppies that had no idea what the fuck they were doing, even to the point that I found it pathetic. I had to stop blaming them after that.

When I was a young teen I blamed society, as I got older I blamed my parents. Now I take responsibility for my life. It's so important for people to take responsibility for their own lives and not develop a victim mindset, which I definitely did as a teenager and still occasionally find myself doing.

When I'm going extra deep I take full responsibility for everything as God the creator (outer world being a reflection of inner world) but I think that conversation is for another day

Edited by Paradoxed

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It's not about blaming or being at fault. The trap lies in not taking responsibility. If you want to achieve real Growth in your life, taking on responsibility is the first step.

Your life is not as you want it to be? Well... you are responsible.



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