
How do I deal with wanting too many things

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I have so many different things I want to do in my life right now but I can't decide what to let go.

I want to get into a meditation habit but when I do this I feel anxious because I'm not going to have enough time to do everything else I want to do. But then I get stressed because I never have time to relax. My problem is I want to feel more at peace, but in order for me to do that, I feel like I have to do everything here. It's so hard for me to let these things go as I am fairly young compared to most on here, and I haven't "burnt through my karma" so-to-speak.

I'm full-time in college.

Working 2-3 days a week.

Work out at gym 2-3 days a week

Trying to spend 1-2 hours a day learning Spanish

Trying to read a book for an hour every night

I want to get back into bicycling again this spring

I want to skateboard

I want to hang out with friends

I want to work on pickup

I want to occasionally play video games

I want to travel this summer

I want to go on mediation retreats

I also work at the township as an elected auditor from time to time.

On top of that, I need to keep up with basic life responsibilities like grocery shopping, staying organized, etc.


How do I know what I should cut out, and how can I learn to destress from my attachment to all these different things? 

Edited by Shodburrito

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By being fully present in whatever you’re doing. 

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21 hours ago, Yimpa said:

By being fully present in whatever you’re doing. 

He is right but an answer that it’s a bit down to earth I would say it isn’t a bad thing.

Wanting means you are striving for more experiences and that’s living life.

When I want something I feel inspired and happy. Of course try to always appreciate what you do have.

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There is no need to feel anxious about having the ability to get excited to do a lot of things, and it really is a blessing. As for what I would practically do, try as many of those things as you can, even on a surface level. I am also full-time in college right now, and my goal is to build up as much life experience as I can while also doing well in school. Over time, you will naturally feel into what you would rather spend your time doing and the problem should fix itself, you just need to get more experience in all the things that you talked about.


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Build your foundations first imo.

So, I'd try and crack getting a gym, study and meditation habit going as priorities. Plus, regular socializing too.

I think pickup can be detrimental to get into before you have your foundations sorted. I speak as someone who learnt that the very hard way.

Edited by Ulax


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Have you read the 80/20 rule? It’s a pretty quick audiobook.

What are the ‘results’ of each of the things that you want? 

Traveling, biking, skateboarding… Would you say the result of these are, is it movement, excitement, adventure (a mix). 

What are the 20% of all of your hobbies that give you the most of what you want? 

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I'm sure you understand that increased desire will just increase your lack of fulfillment, you are only one person. If you are spreading yourself too thin you won't really be fulfilled in any of your pursuits. Personal development is only good if you are not holding yourself to ridiculous standards. When you start holding yourself to ridiculous standards you need to take a step back and just get back to your baseline. If you don't know what your baseline is than I would go lock yourself in a room and meditate until you figure it out.

It's actually great to admit you want things but it's like walking a tightrope imo

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sit down for a moment and PRIORITIZE

Only YOU can decide which things are more important for you than others. What you need is more clarity. Bite the bullet and accept that your time is limited. Pick out a few things and focus on them, and leave the rest for a different time .

Also, you don't need to do every single activity every single day. You don't need to fit every single activity in between when you wake up and go to sleep. You can do some things once a week, or once a few weeks or once a month, and over your lifetime the experience will add up.

You can set time for your fundamental most important activities that you actually want to do daily, and  also set up a specific time every day or every a few days where you do a different activity each time at that time gap, so that you get to savor it as well.


Edited by mmKay

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