
To be healthy is to be horny

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Would you agree?

If all your ducks are more or less in order, and you are not hiding from life, but thriving and growing and expanding... you're going to be quite horny.

It's just what the energy carriers with it. Creation, expansion, evolution... it's all just a lot of sex. In all ways imaginable.

I don't know about you, but to simply exist, to be alive, to desire and to thrive... it makes me fucking horny. It excites me in unique ways. It makes me wanna fuck all the time. Hard. Almost as some sort of a celebration of being alive. Being able to feel and explore such pleasure. 

It's amazing. It really is. That it's possible at all, and that it exists, it's really amazing. Because if you really think about, it really is not a must for sex to exist . Let alone for it to be that pleasurable or even magical.

Sex is great. I think most would agree. And if you are healthy and active, I see no reason why you should not be having frequent and passionate sex. In fact, I would argue that if you do not have frequent and awesome sex, you are not as healthy as you could be. In one way or the other. Or, it's by choice, and that's a different thing, arguably.

There is so much to sex. So much more than just busting a nut. So much more than just reaching that climax. How deeply you come to understand sex depends on where you are in your evolutionary progress. Your relationship with sex should evolve as you do. It should keep blowing your mind, ideally till the end of your life.

Be safe, don't be reckless. Have honor, respect and integrity, but do have tons of sex too. 

It's healthy for ya.

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Hehehe... yes.

Life energy = sexual energy. All of reality is nothing but God making love to itself; sexual intercourse is simply the most obvious expression of that. The real magic happens when all of life starts to feel like one big sexual interplay... Yin and Yang getting it on in endless variations and permutations.


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You're just feeling horny tonight. Either that, or you just got some. Hehe

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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I relate to sex in much healthier ways the more authentic and embracing I am of myself.

I AM Lovin' It

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8 hours ago, ivankiss said:

If all your ducks are more or less in order, and you are not hiding from life, but thriving and growing and expanding... you're going to be quite horny.

Disagree. I’m in the worst health of my life and my ducks are scattered out all over the pasture. Yet at the same time I am hornier than I’ve ever been. In the rare times when my drive starts going down, all I have to do is one single set of ten squats, not even a full workout, and my unit will be so hard the next morning I have to do a handstand just to take a piss 

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8 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

You're just feeling horny tonight. Either that, or you just got some. Hehe

I'm horny everyday and I get some everyday :D

2 hours ago, Emotionalmosquito said:

Disagree. I’m in the worst health of my life and my ducks are scattered out all over the pasture. Yet at the same time I am hornier than I’ve ever been. In the rare times when my drive starts going down, all I have to do is one single set of ten squats, not even a full workout, and my unit will be so hard the next morning I have to do a handstand just to take a piss 

You can be unhealthy and horny, but you can't be healthy and not horny.

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It's true, the healthier and happier I am, the greater my libido.

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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4 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:

It's true, the healthier and happier I am, the greater my libido.


What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Yes, definitely.

That being said, I do channel a lot of my horniness into my life purpose.

When I am in phases where I am more lost with my purpose, I tent to be hornier than when I am deeply focused on my purpose.

Other than that, I'm definitely more horny when I am in a healthy mindspace vs when I used to be in a much heavier place many years ago.

Connect with me on Instagram: instagram.com/miguetran

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I was raised without a father figure. Then I was made to feel guilty about my desire for sex for different reasons. Either the social stigma around it in general (nobody wants to disclose who they are sleeping it and the double standards and hypocrisy, including my own for their mating choices), some extra baggage of things you need to comply with to have sex and to have somebody to have sex with as a man. Either being tought of being a pedophile or rapist in a social setting, just because you are there as a man or to chase endlessly, get laughed at, taunted at and not get responses and then learn game (which is a pretty hardcore thing to learn for most men) just to get in somebody's pants and masking it as something else or how certain industries just terribly exploit human sexuality (human trafficking for pornography or endless streaming of sexual content to people trough advertising or social media, showing their body on social media because they have nothing else to show) to the point it is not sexy at all and make it a barter, even in marriages this happens. And it feeds in explpiting human vulnerability and endless gossip. I really hate touching this subject because of society. I feel I am unhealthy in this aspect. What I learned is that I listened to some yogis that you don't need this aspect to even have a fulfilling life. And I practice that and to a large extent it works. And acctually there are different aspects of life other than sex if 95 % of the energy was not wasted in that, including myself. I find it amazing that you can just sit in one posture for a period of time or practice some kriya which acctually changes your life or get rid of a habit which poisons your life once for all. That you can be extremely productive, attentive or creative. I find this sexy. When interesting people just meet and talk, that is infinitely sexier than most of what is labeled sex. That is just desperate fantasy. And I have wasted time in that.

Edited by Applegarden8

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That is very true, I can recall my healthiest days and they were in fact my horinest.

Sun exposure, 8+ of sleep, and exercise have the biggest effect on this, diet plays a very tiny role. you can do it on a student mix diet (exactly what I did years ago) not to say that a student mix is optimal but again, diet doesn't play a huge role as long as sleep, exercise and sun exposure are adequate.

The only benefits I've noticed from diet are less acne (primarily a result of less sugar/processed food) and cognitive improvements (lots of Broccoli mainly).

Edited by MarkKol

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