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The Three Questions!

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The three questions!

Race of super intelligent, aliens come to earth and as their form is so far from anything we can comprehend they take the form of humans. They say that they do not want to affect our planet in any way. Except for giving us knowledge so therefore they cannot prove their technological, intellectual and magical abilities in any manner at all, except in their ability to come up with answers to questions. Which can only be given in a verbal form via a human and no other way.
Amazingly, it seems that every single question that is asked to them, they can come up with an answer within 5 seconds of thinking and not one time, do they take longer than that.

A group of highly sceptical scientists/mathematicians decide to come up with a test to see if they are actual aliens or a fraud. They consider the fact that the humans before them could be using any sort of tricks with any modern technology or some what advanced technology to come up with these answers. As there’s a lot of people desperate to ask these aliens questions they are restricted to only ask three questions. Plus the question has to be verbally said under one minute. Also the answer must be able to be verbally, said under one minute. Plus you know yourself that the answer can be said under one minute.

The questions don’t have to be straight mathematical questions like what is 0.37262^3746^0.22^pi. To the first 100 digits.

But can be in the form of:
“If a 1 km wide sphere is orbiting a black hole which has a mass of 14 solar masses and is orbiting at a speed which is 1% slower than required to have an orbit. What will be the amount of rotations it does around the black hole plus the amount of radial distance travelled in the last rotation. Until one part of it touches the event Horizon. If it’s orbiting from a distance of Pluto. Also, assuming the object cannot be ripped apart, but can be warped naturally by space time.“
What are the three questions they come up with.

If you want to go a step further come up with a question in every category.
Economics.Quantum mechanics. Four dimensional shapes. And other categories.

Put your favourite question you want as any category you want it doesn’t matter just remember the situation and what is best in the situation.

Anyone who says they’re enlightened on this form in anyway is not, except me I am. 

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