
The illusion of Duality vs. Non-duality

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I’ve noticed the argument for, Non-duality vs Duality comes up a lot in various threads… Can’t it be both? I think the Yin and Yang symbol is the best way to explain this. You obviously can clearly see the duality within it, the white vs. black colors, opposing natures. However, back away from it and the whole symbol itself is contained within a circle, theres only one thing containing both, that is, the totality of both sides are one or the total singularity, that’s the non duality aspect of it. Aside from this,  there’s also the point that each dualistic side contains a piece or seed of the opposing side. I think when you start getting into deep philosophical thought, you often simply cannot say things are only one way, cut and dry. There’s often times more then one answer that is equally true. Its like reality, is it real, or is life closer to being a dream like experience, it’s actually both. There’s many concepts that are like this, that simply cannot be explained away absolutely without multiple truths contained within the answer. yin-yang-symbol.jpg

Edited by Cosmic-Resplendence

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Duality and nonduality are two conplementary sides of one and the same coin... nonduality implies duality and vice versa. Without duality, God could not become visible to itself! So the "illusion" of form serves a very crucial function: It turns consciousness into experience.

Yin & Yang ftw! 9_9



Edited by Bazooka Jesus

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@Cosmic-Resplendence Yes agreed! Its really simple, existence goes from Gross (duality) to Subtle(non duality), Gross is physical reality, from shit to lovely clouds in the sky, and everything in the universe in btwn, Subtle is non physicality, Brahman or Shiva (that which is not), what was there before the Big Bang, a Grand Intelligence of sorts not deluded by Memory or Conditioning.

We as Human Beings have the most ability to recognize this and be Aware of it than any other life form on this planet, that is why we are here, to live in a Dualistic Material World but have the ability to live beyond this and be Aware of Oneness and Connection to everything at the sametime.

We can have experience of Oneness like those that do psychedelics have, but they come down to ordinary reality consciousness as soon as it wears off, so we are Possibility and Potentiality machines in a way, so this is where Free Will comes into play, its our basic Human right to exert our Free Will, determine our inner experience naturally and explore our higher potentials/subtle aspects (oneness, completeness, bliss, clarity, enlightenment, etc) rather than just stay in our normal everyday survival mode/gross aspects where work, eat, sleep, sex/reproduction are the primary concerns...

Edited by Ishanga

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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4 hours ago, Cosmic-Resplendence said:

Aside from this,  there’s also the point that each dualistic side contains a piece or seed of the opposing side.

Contemplating the Yin and Yang further- Does this not suggest that the kernel or seed will eventually unfold into its opposite? So like the pendulum swings both ways, back and forth… Day becomes night, night transitions back into day… The cycle of life and death, breathing in and back out, ocean waves… The essence of vibration - Also works by just thinking of the Yin/Yang in motion. Lots of layered information contained within the symbol.

I’ve had the Yin/Yang symbol stuck in my head for the last few days for some reason. 


Edited by Cosmic-Resplendence

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Nonduality means that everything is the same substance, but that substance is divided infinitely. It is still one but it is many.

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bad duality to non duality to transcendental duality 

A French teacher defined it as everything having infinite precious value 

Once you 'unite' Duality & Non-Duality, life becomes truly fun 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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13 hours ago, Cosmic-Resplendence said:

Contemplating the Yin and Yang further- Does this not suggest that the kernel or seed will eventually unfold into its opposite? So like the pendulum swings both ways, back and forth… Day becomes night, night transitions back into day… The cycle of life and death, breathing in and back out, ocean waves… The essence of vibration - Also works by just thinking of the Yin/Yang in motion. Lots of layered information contained within the symbol.

Yep, you got it!

And this also pertains to the neverending cycle of being asleep and being awake; it's like watching a really suspenseful movie that is so incredibly engaging that it makes you temporarily forget that it's just a movie you're watching... until you remember. And then you forget. And then you remember. And then you forget. And then you remember. And on and on, for all of eternity.

Without falling asleep, you could never ever wake up!

13 hours ago, Cosmic-Resplendence said:

I’ve had the Yin/Yang symbol stuck in my head for the last few days for some reason.

It's my absolute favorite symbol... the perfect encapsulation of reality. All of philosophy and whatever there can be "taught" about spirituality is summed up in this one beautiful logo. ☯️

What I like about Taoism in general is that it's not really a "nondualist" philosophy; it is very grounded & earth-bound, honoring the divine interplay of relative opposites without neglecting the absolute aspect of existence. A truly wholesome and integral school of (non-)thought. And Lao Tsu's little book is an absolute banger of spiritual poetry... probably my favorite spiritual book ever! 9_9



Edited by Bazooka Jesus

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