
Possible to marry without community of property?

27 posts in this topic

@StarStruck Okay let me simplify, If somebody else had bad experience with women and they got divorced and they fall into statistic of 50% of people who got divorced,so based on that person that now talks how women are bad ,you going to say marriege is not for me.So instead of carving your own path to be in 50% of sucess you will let someone else influence part of your mind who loves negativity because negativity keeps you in comfort zone so mind did its job.Its about not having your own mind and you working hard on yourself but instead taking path that appeals to the negative side of the mind.

If you want marriage fine, if not fine but if internet is influencing by statistics on how you gonna live your life then thats when i see that you have no mind of your own and you cant offer nothing to a woman, because no woman will want to be with someone that other people and world is telling you how to be,what to do and make you doubt yourself,just because they cant do it(and you can) man says fuck it im proving this statistic bs wrong they are no telling me who the fuck i am...


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On 2/7/2024 at 10:31 PM, NoSelfSelf said:

@Applegarden8 rewrite the queastion its confusing its like 2 parts of it

It's as confusing as your initial comment, so I couldn't make more sensible question, my apologies.

So, you are saying that men can't offer what women want, therefore it's hard to find decent men. My question is, what qualities do most men lack?

The second part didn't make sense to me.

"It's the same on both sides?" What is on both sides? Shouldn't it be the same on the both sides or should it be? So a man has to offer more than a woman is what you are saying? Or the other way around? I will not let you get away this with a vague reply since you are a moderator and your comments have to make sense.

Edited by Applegarden8

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@Applegarden8 Its about when you are not a man you are listening to youtube figures like Andrew tate and you confirming what they are saying based on women and money they have ,instead of the message they are saying.So in that state you dont have mind of your own, when you dont then what happens to other people you believe it will automatically  happen to you and it will actually happen because you are not turning to yourself for an answers(programmed to look for someone else to fix your life) but to youtube figures, because there is no trust in self ,so when i come here with alternative its misunderstood because trust in self is needed,its bassicaly fruitless because i hit part where you not believing in yourself.

To tie this down to the offering thing to a woman, when you dont have your own original thinking you basically are forced to offer only what you heared from youtube and your poor perception of reality.You are not creating anything of original value there is nothing different about you,i can ask you what did you create original this week in context of women it will probably be 0.

Its on both ends meaning that males cant offer and women cant offer what males need.

No im not saying man has to offer more he offers based on his standard, but males dont have standard they will try to offer more based on beauty and wont offer the same from beggining when they get sex.

Woman has to prove herself to you and offer when they see you are something different, but when you follow Andrew Tate you cant do that.(make her(i wrote wrong you are not making her she chooses based on who you are) want to offer because women are recievers)

My replys are always in depth but sometimes depth is not needed.

Edited by NoSelfSelf

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58 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

@Applegarden8 Its about when you are not a man you are listening to youtube figures like Andrew tate and you confirming what they are saying based on women and money they have ,instead of the message they are saying.So in that state you dont have mind of your own, when you dont then what happens to other people you believe it will automatically  happen to you and it will actually happen because you are not turning to yourself for an answers(programmed to look for someone else to fix your life) but to youtube figures, because there is no trust in self ,so when i come here with alternative its misunderstood because trust in self is needed,its bassicaly fruitless because i hit part where you not believing in yourself.

To tie this down to the offering thing to a woman, when you dont have your own original thinking you basically are forced to offer only what you heared from youtube and your poor perception of reality.You are not creating anything of original value there is nothing different about you,i can ask you what did you create original this week in context of women it will probably be 0.

It is very easy to discard your points.

1) How do you know I am listening to figures like Andrew Tate? What if I don't? (And actually I do not, because that man is a serial scammer in my opinion);

2) Advice from someone else does and can fix your life, there is a methodological way about this when it comes to learning something about life to get where you want to be and it's called education;

3) You kinda "defined" what does it mean to not have original thinking, but what is original thinking then if everything you think is a permutation of information you learned in the past, and quickest way of learning something about life is that somebody told you and you trust it, so what is original thinking?

1 hour ago, NoSelfSelf said:

No im not saying man has to offer more he offers based on his standard, but males dont have standard they will try to offer more based on beauty and wont offer the same from beggining when they get sex.

Woman has to prove herself to you and offer when they see you are something different, but when you follow Andrew Tate you cant do that.(make her(i wrote wrong you are not making her she chooses based on who you are) want to offer because women are recievers)

I am sorry, but I have no idea what you are saying.

1 hour ago, NoSelfSelf said:

Its on both ends meaning that males cant offer and women cant offer what males need.

Then I will ask why both gender communication is so dysfunctional by design or by circumstances of nature in our society?

1 hour ago, NoSelfSelf said:

My replys are always in depth but sometimes depth is not needed.

No, in this thread your first reply was a reply in which you decided that "depth was not needed" therefore your replies are not always in depth.

1 hour ago, NoSelfSelf said:

To tie this down to the offering thing to a woman, when you dont have your own original thinking you basically are forced to offer only what you heared from youtube and your poor perception of reality.You are not creating anything of original value there is nothing different about you,i can ask you what did you create original this week in context of women it will probably be 0.

My poor perception of reality; how did you investigate my perception of reality? How can you estimate that, I am curious? I don't and i think I can't accurately know what your perception of reality is. But I think you think I listen to Andrew Tate.

What are creations of original value that I could be creating? And from what I have to differ? From other men? Also what is an original creation that I have or have not done this week and it probably could be 0? If I don't even know what it is, therefore i cant answer you whether i did or did not create something of value or originality this week.

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@Applegarden8 I dont get your endgame here and your point in challenging me,like i have to prove myself to you i dont care about that.

We are in the thread of Starstruck, so im refering to the topic and what he wrote to explain my points by the queastions you asked me...

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10 hours ago, NoSelfSelf said:

@Applegarden8 I dont get your endgame here and your point in challenging me,like i have to prove myself to you i dont care about that.

We are in the thread of Starstruck, so im refering to the topic and what he wrote to explain my points by the queastions you asked me...

I wanted to know what is your opinion on the question I asked which I did receive at the end, at least partially. I might have derailed the thread and made it about me vs you and I am sorry about that. Yes, you don't need to care and it's good you don't. 

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This is not an issue with women at all. The problem is with the legal system and old regressive ideas.

In India we can marry without communion of property. Communion of property is such a crap idea unless both parties contributed equally to it. Else give back what's contributed. It's not complicated.

Anyways as a man it's foolish to get into a legal binding that takes away all that you have built. 

I don't think the situation is dire. You just need to be more aware of the predicament that you get yourself into. There are workarounds to the problem. But more men need to be made aware of it. 

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