
If you are God how did you create the elements?

73 posts in this topic

God is when you are desperately looking for an identity after you have lost your ego.

Its normal.

When the mind is quiet , I have no identification.

Everything is divine.

Nothing exists only as a word.

If you could describe it it was something.

What remains when you stop describing it exists in uncaused ecstasy.

Its the biggest trap, needing to have someone that experiences this moment.

There is no need to explain where this moment came from.

Endless explanations are possible.

Philosophy will never be your savior.

Saying its a dream only makes sense if there is a waking reality.

The only thing that stands between you and heaven is yourself.

This words do not belong to anyone.

I am tiered of wearing masks.


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The elements created this body. Specifically a biological reaction.

You are looking at this in reverse.

Infinity doesn't start or end with the human ego's dictation of what it wants or can create. If it did, I would be a trillionaire and we would be colonizing Mars tomorrow.

I am a fractal pattern of the universe that is repeated by consciousness, repeated within myself.

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On 1/29/2024 at 0:20 PM, Breakingthewall said:

There is no who nor is there a creator, there is reality. the grain of salt is god. You are also God, everything is. Infinity divides infinitely and remains infinite. The fundamental quality of infinity is that nothing is finite. This implies that nothing can be understood, since everything is ungraspable. any attempt at understanding is to limit the unlimited. only infinity can understand infinity and its understanding is just:  infinity

Are you willing to die for your faith in nothing? 

In my search for truth I claimed to be nothing, everything, consciousness, and eventually God.. I read the books, did the work and consumed the mindbenders. Back then I even told people that death didn't scare me. In my blindness and therof lack of humbleness I began to search for truth in the occult. Turned out the diabolic realm is very real.

In my arrogance I enden up with a knife to the heart. I got really hurt and thougth I was going to die early. In my hopelessness I cried out for God. Jesus healed my hearth smoothly, and has since then guided me with His mighty eye and showed me great and hidden things I did not know. All the psychadelics in the world is diminutive compared to God. His voice can make you tremble. I shiver just thinking about me claiming to be God. Now I want to die and enter paradise, but I enjoy being here learning His ways, and honour the holy calling He bestowed unto me.

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On 1/30/2024 at 0:44 AM, BlueOak said:

The elements created this body. Specifically a biological reaction.

Who created the elements?

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10 hours ago, MellowEd said:


Who created the elements?

There is no 'who'. There are reactions within consciousness that create other things.
This body you inhabit is a consequence of those patterns and reactions.

Those reactions themselves were a consequence of other patterns, and we can for infinity study the chain of events, because reality is infinite and can always present a new perspective, dimension, relationship etc to study.

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Everything is "Brahman", everything else is just name and form. E.g. a bronze statue is Brahman taking the form of "bronze statue", and so on. This of course includes yourself, and whatever other thing that exists.

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20 hours ago, OldManCorcoran said:

Everything is "Brahman", everything else is just name and form. E.g. a bronze statue is Brahman taking the form of "bronze statue", and so on. This of course includes yourself, and whatever other thing that exists.

The topic is not you believing you are God, but how the elements came to be. 

Edited by MellowEd

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And no, you can't understand it as a human, because it is way way above the level of consciousness, that is required to be human.

You can't even fathom how intricate, beautiful and perfect it is constructed.

The Secret of this Universe is You.

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On 2/1/2024 at 10:03 PM, vibv said:

It is 

Im asking who made what is, not what it is.

Edited by MellowEd

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5 minutes ago, MellowEd said:

Im asking who made what is not what it is.

That's one and the same.

The Secret of this Universe is You.

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On 30/1/2024 at 0:19 AM, Theplay said:

God is when you are desperately looking for an identity after you have lost your ego.

Its normal.

When the mind is quiet , I have no identification.

Everything is divine.

Nothing exists only as a word.

If you could describe it it was something.

What remains when you stop describing it exists in uncaused ecstasy.

Its the biggest trap, needing to have someone that experiences this moment.

There is no need to explain where this moment came from.

Endless explanations are possible.

Philosophy will never be your savior.

Saying its a dream only makes sense if there is a waking reality.

The only thing that stands between you and heaven is yourself.

This words do not belong to anyone.

I am tiered of wearing masks.


On the one hand I agree with you, on the other hand I think that it can go deeper, but maybe it is not like that, as you have said, that is just a thought, if you leave the mind, there is nothing of that, only absence of limits, that's all, there is no cause and effect, it is irrelevant, god is not important, nothing is important, its just free. But that's enlightenment? It's totally mindless, so it means nothing 😅. 

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On 2/1/2024 at 10:03 PM, vibv said:


And no, you can't understand it as a human, because it is way way above the level of consciousness, that is required to be human.

You can't even fathom how intricate, beautiful and perfect it is constructed.

The topic is not you believing you are God, but how the elements came to be. 

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7 hours ago, MellowEd said:

The topic is not you believing you are God, but how the elements came to be. 

You imagined them.


Have you created as much as a grain of salt?

Well, I (and others) have created whole worlds and their inherent rules. It's called writing.

The Secret of this Universe is You.

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If you are God how did you create the elements?

I don’t know, and that’s the miracle. Experiencing rain falling down can feel like crying a waterfall of bliss.

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On 1/27/2024 at 9:39 AM, MellowEd said:

Have you created as much as a grain of salt?

I watched Leo's video on concepts. The video is "what is actuality? Distinguish experience from concept." Leo says all we have is the now and direct experience. Elements and salt are concepts. Just be here now. Let go of concepts. Elements and salt are a distraction and an illusion. They prevent you from awakening or being enlightened. Be well. Be safe. :)

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1 hour ago, Soul Flight said:

I watched Leo's video on concepts. The video is "what is actuality? Distinguish experience from concept." Leo says all we have is the now and direct experience. Elements and salt are concepts. Just be here now. Let go of concepts. Elements and salt are a distraction and an illusion. They prevent you from awakening or being enlightened. Be well. Be safe. :)

You will never "awaken" or become "enlightened". You are. No matter the amount of mindbenders or meditation you do. You can never not exist as your soul were made eternal like God. 

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8 hours ago, vibv said:


15 hours ago, MellowEd said:

The topic is not you believing you are God, but how the elements came to be. 

You imagined them.


The creation were there before you started dreaming.  

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Can you answer one of Gods question ? 

If not, how do you dare to claim you are God?

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14 hours ago, MellowEd said:

Can you answer one of Gods question ? 

If not, how do you dare to claim you are God?

Answering all the questions is not the only point of life, because infinity has an infinite amount of questions to answer.

Edited by BlueOak

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