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Anyone familiar with Harold W. Percival’s work?

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Anyone familiar with Harold W. Percival’s book “Thinking and Destiny” published in 1946?

I discovered Harold Percival about a year ago, particularly his 1080 page book “Thinking and Destiny”. However, at that time I hadn’t realized his work for what it was. Last night I was reacquainted with this book again. I believe this guy was spontaneously awakening, or self actualizing, back during the early part of the last century. Its interesting since I doubt there was any information available about this subject, and Eastern philosophical books were probably rare information in the West, around his time, before the 1940s.   

His book I mentioned is dense, you have to really think about what you are reading on each page. How exactly does a person write a thousand page book like this? In the preface he talks about how the information came to him after becoming “conscious of Consciousness.” -Notice the capital “C”. However he states that it didn’t come from being in a trance. Here’s a little bit in his own words…

”The special purpose of this book is: To tell the conscious selves in human bodies that we are inseparable doer parts of consciously immortal individual trinities, Triune Selves, who, within and beyond time, lived with our great thinker and knower parts in perfect sexless bodies in the Realm of Permanence; that we, the conscious selves now in human bodies, failed in a crucial test, and thereby exiled ourselves from that Realm of Permanence into this temporal man and woman world of birth and death and re-existence; that we have no memory of this because we put ourselves into a self-hypnotic sleep, to dream; that we will continue to dream through life, through death and back again to life; that we must continue to do this until we de-hypnotize, wake, ourselves out of the hypnosis into which we put ourselves; that, however long it takes, we must awake from our dream, become conscious of ourselves as ourselves in our bodies, and then regenerate and restore our bodies to everlasting life in our home—The Realm of Permanence from which we came—which permeates this world of ours, but is not seen by mortal eyes. Then we will consciously take our places and continue our parts in the Eternal Order of Progression. The way to accomplish this is shown in chapters which follow.”

Anyway, I just thought I’d put this here… Curious if anyone else has heard of him, and your thoughts on his work if you have. You can find his book online if you do a search. Perhaps it could be useful for some. 

Edited by Cosmic-Resplendence

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Here’s a bit more from Wikipedia… 

“In 1893, and twice during the next 14 years, Percival had the unique experience of being "conscious of Consciousness," a potent spiritual and noetic enlightenment.[3] He stated that the value of that experience was that it enabled him to know about any subject by a process he called "real thinking." Because these experiences revealed to him more than was contained in Theosophy, he wanted to share this knowledge with humanity.”

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Never heard of him. But I will point out his name is Percival which kinda means "pierce the veil" or lift the veil. Originally it meant cross the valley or pierce the valley. But same difference. Though I walk through the valley of darkness I shall fear no evil. A weird synchronicity. To see through the illusion. To awaken. :)

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22 hours ago, Soul Flight said:

Never heard of him. But I will point out his name is Percival which kinda means "pierce the veil" or lift the veil. Originally it meant cross the valley or pierce the valley. But same difference. Though I walk through the valley of darkness I shall fear no evil. A weird synchronicity. To see through the illusion. To awaken. :)

Good point, yes, very interesting SoulFlight! I hadn’t thought of that! 

I’ve been reading some parts of it… There’s actually a lot of Eastern Philosophy contained in this book, and a lot of other stuff! I found another description about it and it says… 

“If you want an incredibly detailed understanding of the various different kinds of the Self, the I-ness, the soul, the progression of humanity… One only needs to read…Thinking and Destiny… It is as dense and concise and precise as Potanjali’s book…and is written in English.”

Edited by Cosmic-Resplendence

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