Rafael Thundercat

Watch your Spellings, you are Casting Spells all day

5 posts in this topic

This old man is a modern magician: He understand the power of Spell, or what we call "I am just saying" . No, when we speak we create reality 

Check the Minute 13:00

We Create when we give names to things 


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@Rafael Thundercat

50 minutes ago, Rafael Thundercat said:

This old man is a modern magician: He understand the power of Spell, or what we call "I am just saying" . No, when we speak we create reality 

Check the Minute 13:00

We Create when we give names to things 


   I agree, great man and good video. Good example of responsibility of communications, as I do vocal exercises and play DnD, do a bit of acting and improvisation, and freestyle rapping and drawing and a whole bunch of ART.

   But I have to ask you for clarity: Witch spelling is good/bad? in one's life?

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What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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1 hour ago, Danioover9000 said:

@Rafael Thundercat

   I agree, great man and good video. Good example of responsibility of communications, as I do vocal exercises and play DnD, do a bit of acting and improvisation, and freestyle rapping and drawing and a whole bunch of ART.

   But I have to ask you for clarity: Witch spelling is good/bad? in one's life?

Only you know, the most close example I can tell is for example when you know deep down that what you will say for someone, a lover for example: you know that something you will say will hurt her or him but you decide to say mindlesly anyway. And after you get the result, many times not very good for you and the relationship. You can regret or whatever or rationalise everything happens for a reson, but deep down you know you could spell better or just remained silent. So is in this sense I am speaking. To speak in a cosncious way. Of course this will depend in how good you are using the language. 

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The movies this guy do are something to watch. I Love his Gestalt , his driving force behind his Creativity :


One of his movies are online , not full but in parts:


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