
From a scale of 1 to 10 how much does being born to rich parents determine success?

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I am asking this question because I look at someone like Donald Trump who was born to rich parents and this did have a big affect on his life. He went to some of the best schools, lived in the best environments and had the best upbringing.

Also the biggest thing of all is that he inherited 413 Million dollars from his parents. Him being able to inherit that type of wealth significantly contributed to his success in his businesses and him being able to win the presidency.

He never had to worry about money and him being born into parents that were wealthy made him be able to succeed in life.

Then I look at people who don't come from rich parents who have a much harder time in life going to the worst schools, living in poverty and not having the advantages that someone like Trump had.

Also all of the disadvantages that a person has who is born to poor parents sometimes can stop them from succeeding in life because they just didn't have the same opportunities available.

I am wondering how big of an affect do you think being born into rich parents has on someone succeeding in life instead of them being born into parents who aren't wealthy.

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It all depends how you define success.

If it’s Donald Trump’s kind of success I guess it might be a big factor but also it’s very easy to be in your comfort zone and never push yourself.

I saw many people who were born to reach families and didn’t take advantage of that and went to the other direction.

At the end of the day, it is what it is, you always need to do your best with what you have and not try to find excuses. 

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18 hours ago, Heaven said:

It all depends

Gosh darn it why is this the right answer to everything!?

Dear stupid, endlessly nuanced & complex af world, I love you.

Sailing on the ceiling 


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“We do not choose to exist. We do not choose the environment we will grow up in. We do not choose to be born Hindu, Christian or Muslim, into a war-zone or peaceful middle-class suburb, into starvation or luxury. We do not choose our parents, nor whether they’ll be happy or miserable, knowledgeable or ignorant, healthy or sickly, attentive or neglectful. The knowledge we possess, the beliefs we hold, the tastes we develop, the traditions we adopt, the opportunities we enjoy, the work we do – the very lives we lead – depend entirely on our biological inheritance and the environment to which we are exposed. This is the lottery of birth.” — Raoul Martinez

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Yeah I mean like Donald Trump success. He inherited 413 million dollars from his parents. That type of money and the lifestyle he lives give you access and power to things that most people simply just don't have.

Coming from wealthy parents your chances of succeeding a much higher simply because you will have more opportunities than some people. 

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As I said it can both serve or deserve you.

You can be a spoiled brat like most or use it for your advantage.

If you come from nothing most likely you won’t be spoiled and you will work hard. 
I come from an upper class family but my dad doesn’t spoiled us so it was for our advantage.

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I don't think it can "determine" but it is a MAJOR contribution vs someone that doesn't have rich parents and it is not only because money makes things easy.

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Being handed everything to you on a silver platter is bs. Working for it isn’t. 


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1 hour ago, Yimpa said:

Being handed everything to you on a silver platter is bs. Working for it isn’t. 

It might be BS but it helps though look at Trump if he came from poor parents he might not be the success that we know today. 

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3 minutes ago, NightHawkBuzz said:

It might be BS but it helps though look at Trump if he came from poor parents he might not be the success that we know today. 

I played trumpet as a kid. I’d rather be kid me than Donald Trump.


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1 minute ago, Yimpa said:

I played trumpet as a kid. I’d rather be kid me than Donald Trump.

True I am just saying being born to rich parents puts you in a good chance on succeeding in life even though you never had to work for it because you are most likely going to be in the best schools, environments and have opportunities to do things that most people just don't that are poor.

Also, inheriting a trust fund of 413 million dollars like Donald Trump did is absolutely huge in helping you becoming successful like.

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@NightHawkBuzz my little cousin Miguel came from a father who was hella rich. He was sent to the best schools, got all the gifts he could ever dream of, visited private islands, the whole thing. However, his father had an affair several years ago, and this alone shattered the entire illusion. Now Miguel is learning how to deal with the real difficulties and hardships of life. Life needs to give you a wake up call - one that can’t be solved with money alone. 


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It makes a huge difference for your good survival. 

Authenticity, consciousness, Understanding, Learning, Art, Mastery

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In the field of art it makes all the difference fiscally. You can get a place and gear by yourself and practice endlessly, you have money to organize events and tours etc.

In the field of music you take an instrument practice for 4 years with no knowledge prior and practice somewhat full-time with a private teacher and you will play professionally, congratulations.

But you will have problems. You will have problems though. Mentally.

Edited by Applegarden8

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14 hours ago, lostingenosmaze said:

Success is not one person, much less Donald Trump.

I'm talking about individual success. I am saying inheriting a large amount of money like he did gives you the power and influence in life that most people wouldn't have.

He was able to become president and one of the reasons is because he was rich on his own and was able to use a lot of his own money to become the president. 

I am saying money gives you a better chance of survival and it gives you opportunities for power influence a lot of people wouldn't have. 

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23 hours ago, Sandhu said:

It makes a huge difference for your good survival. 

I agree it does. Going to a rich private school vs going to a shady public school makes a huge difference in your survival chances. 

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success has as many definitions as people and while money will be a pre-requisite for most, that kind of success is founded on quick sand

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