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Shadow work -> How do you rid your mind of Trauma?

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Curious what others have to say about this.
In doing personal shadow work, I’ve realized an event in my past that definitely appears to be a traumatic sore spot. Its funny, I forgot all about this thing that happened maybe 15 years ago, then about six months ago it bubbled back up from my subconscious I guess. Sometimes the events pop up in my mind when laying in bed at night, and its upsetting, brings out anger within me, especially if I think about it too long. I don’t like it, and now that I realize this is a thing… How do I remove it? Most of what I’ve read about Shadow work, just talk about noticing it, and allow it to come up. Ok, so I do that, but it still pops into my head sometimes, maybe less than it used to, but its still there. 

Edited by Cosmic-Resplendence

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Does it really matter?
I’m afraid to say… I see there’s a lot of younger folks here, younger than me I mean, and I don’t want anyone to make assumptions and judgements about me, which undoubtedly would happen. 

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@Cosmic-Resplendence I mean any advice is always tailored to what a person is, at what stage they are in life. The priorities of an 18 year old will be significantly different from a 28 year old. 

There is no mention of your age, gender or location on your profile. It's like talking to a pixel. 

You didn't give any background or context of what event caused the trauma or what's this trauma about? For example sexual trauma is very different from the trauma of bullying in school, so on and on. 


Most people come online seeking a perfect answer without giving proper context and frame of the problem they are alluding to. It generates curiosity and questions in the mind of the reader who want to know a proper picture of the whole situation and some contemplation on what can be done to remedy it. 


I this is how a problem solving mind works. 


You have given such little background that sorry I can't help. 


My name is Sara. 



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I can relate to you. 

I realized a sexual trauma that I endured when I was a child. This caused me to never want to take my clothes off in front of women and made it difficult for me to get in touch with my sexual side

I've been dealing with this by taking yoga classes for emotional release and taking dance classes to get in touch with my sexual side. 

It's difficult to give you tailored advice as I don't know what you're going through, but this is the process that I went through on an emotional level

  1. Realization of past trauma results in hatred and rage towards the person and the situation
  2. I create distance between myself and the person 
  3. Eventually I am able to release the blaming of the person and take full responsibility for the situation that I am in
  4. I start to do things that will help me heal from the trauma, such as yoga, dance, and talking about it with loved ones


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@Spiritual Warrior - Thank you for the information! I will consider your points you listed! I’m sorry you had to endure this experience you mentioned. Life is certainly not easy! 

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@Cosmic-Resplendence you are not accepting what happened , it seems you are swinging on a pengilum between trying to heal from the past and then hating yourself for what happened , which is why it keeps coming back up

for myself this was an endless cycle I struggled with because he past trauma disrupted the way I wanted to perceive myself , it was a deep cut to my character 

I’m not sure if I am allowed to say this but I learned about the multiverse and reality shifitng and then I simply shifted into a reality where the event didn’t happen 

after that I was no longer struggling with the trauma 


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I read the book Existential Kink by Carolyn Elliott.

I mean, reading it and doing the actual work afterwards. It's easy to read and practical book on shadow work. Don't be fooled by the new age-y wording, it's a really powerful method for uncovering shadow material in your psyche. At least it worked for me really well.

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