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Spiritual Warrior

Shrooms experience

4 posts in this topic

I was bored on a Sunday and was snowed in. My best friend gave me a shrooms chocolate bar a couple months back and I've been saving it for the right time. Now's the time. 

I eat half of the chocolate bar, there's probably like an eighth in the whole bar. I make sure to shovel before trying to really enjoy myself. I've learned in my life it's always best to get your work done first, then you'll enjoy yourself much more after. 

I start to shovel my driveway and the shrooms kick in, I feel like a beast throwing the snow around with my shovel. Shrooms always gets me more in touch with my animalistic side. 

When I finish the driveway, I get back in the house, put my headphones on and play my favorite song on repeat, Jeruselema. 

I dance around my house, surrendering myself to the music, allowing my body to express itself fully. After several minutes of this, I take a look down the hallway and I see a picture frame that my sister made for us. It has a few pictures of us from her wedding scattered around the frame, and in the middle of it, I see the word "Love." 

I immediately start to sob, something about the word has triggered my emotions. I intuit that all of my life is about opening myself to love, to love as much as a human being possibly can stomach, that is my true purpose here on this earth. 

I sit down in the middle of the hallway and continue sobbing like Prince Canute does in this scene, starting at 1:45:


If you've never cried like this, you should try it. The emotional release that you get is really amazing. I call it a cry-gasm.

Now here's where things get radical. I look up at the wall in front of me and I ask God "Why are you putting me through this?" 

God smiles and says, "I want you to know that I love you."

Me: "But I'm so selfish, and I've hurt so many people."

God: "it doesn't matter what you do, I will always love you." 

I continue crying for a few more minutes until I run out of tears. After the dust has settled, I feel refreshed, as if I have filtered out all of the sewage inside of my body. 

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I am heading to my friend's house right now to do some shrooms with my girlfriend, my buddy and his girlfriend. We are going to the beach, we packed a bunch of snacks. My intention going into this trip is to talk to God. That is all. Let's see how it goes... 


Id also like to become aware of my own selfishness and biases


Self love and talking to God. That's the goal.


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This was supposed to post this morning. I had a fucking trip dude. I will try to post about it tomorrow morning. 

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