
32 posts in this topic

1 minute ago, STC said:

So then what is the goal here?

Grow into a meditator.

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Yeah, I also thoughts that monks who just meditate all day and do nothing really "productive", were egoistical.

The thing is, liberation does not come from an external source, you need to want it for "yourself".

It's all about vibration frequency, the more people get conscious, the more "good" it is done.
The universe is a single white hole (sort of), so if something in it increase in consciousness, everything else does too.

Now to get practical, you can directly affect people/animals with your positive vibration, just by being near them.
Did you ever meet someone with a presence so high, that you were feeling good (or better) just being around them ?
If you didn't, go talk to a zen master, and you'll understand this very quickly.

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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3 minutes ago, Prabhaker said:

Grow into a meditator.

I see

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6 minutes ago, Shin said:

Yeah, I also thoughts that monks who just meditate all day and do nothing really "productive", were egoistical.

The thing is, liberation does not come from an external source, you need to want it for "yourself".

It's all about vibration frequency, the more people get conscious, the more "good" it is done.
The universe is a single white hole (sort of), so if something in it increase in consciousness, everything else does too.

Now to get practical, you can directly affect people/animals with your positive vibration, just by being near them.
Did you ever meet someone with a presence so high, that you were feeling good (or better) just being around them ?
If you didn't, go talk to a zen master, and you'll understand this very quickly.

Yeah well you doing your animal shelter thing seems more Sage like to me then a person who only meditates and raves about it on the forum.

Edited by STC

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@STC I havent meditated for days on end, that is if define meditation by sitting in silence.

Yet I am growing faster and faster accelerating every second becoming more loving extatic grounded divine shining.


Meditation isnt king. You are. We are. You only meditate when you dont really believe you are king.

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15 minutes ago, Prabhaker said:
4 minutes ago, Martin123 said:

@STC I havent meditated for days on end, that is if define meditation by sitting in silence.

Yet I am growing faster and faster accelerating every second becoming more loving extatic grounded divine shining.


Meditation isnt king. You are. We are. You only meditate when you dont really believe you are king.

Ok. I am sure meditation got a lot of benefits for the individual. I can follow the idea that if everyone is raising their consciousness trough meditation then we end up living in a more conscious world. 

But what else can be done to move the world as a whole to a more stage green phase rather then let's say the stage orange phase it is in now? (Graves model). 

Even if all people on this forum raise their consciousness a little bit trough meditation, considering how many people there are in this world that's a drip in the ocean. It's not making that big of an impact. 

And then here and there someone pops up claiming there life purpose is to become a sage, so they are not going to have sex.....yeah ok so that's what they are not going to do, but are people going to do? 

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@STC If you raise your consciousness you become a beacon and are automatically uplifting everyone who comes into contact with you by eminating love and light. No matter if you fuck them, talk to them, just walk past them or hug them. Any type of interaction will become your spiritual teaching.

Follow me on Instagram for quantum and energetic healing.

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1 hour ago, Shin said:

Yeah, I also thoughts that monks who just meditate all day and do nothing really "productive", were egoistical.


I don't know Shin. Isn't that a personal belief?

Personally, i think it is dangerous to follow belief systems, especially ones own. Until i realize enlightenment i wouldn't assume anything. How can you be really sure? The best unenlightened people can do, is read something somewhere and think "wow, this resonates with me, it makes sense, so i believe it". In this way, i have found no proof yet of love or good to be a requirement for enlightenment.

As for Zen masters, Zen is one of the most secular and isolated ways to reach enlightenment. They care shit about the rest of the world and are the most egoistical monks that ever existed. The only thing they do is meditate and comb sand into circles around rocks, fully isolated :D
Some in Japan also go on great treks around a mountain until they either die or become enlightened. If they only think about quitting, they have to commit ritual suicide. That is one way to tame the monkey mind : "don't think you wanna quit, or you'll have to kill yourself" :P 

The only religion i know of, that in enlightenment seeking embraces humanity and the saving of everyone, is tibetan/indian style Buddhism. Where they put emphasis on metta-meditation, and loving-kindness. 

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5 hours ago, STC said:

Why is it we never hear about any of the disciples of the various Sages?

A) Because you're not bothering to study the matter closely. There are tons of famous disciples from even more famous sages.

B) Because most disciples don't have the celebrity status of the sages, so of course you won't hear about them as much.

C) Why would a disciple who's not interested in teaching on a mass scale become well-known?

D) Most disciples are followers, not leaders, and are not as hardcore, passionate, talented, or experienced as their leaders.

You're really talking about a marketing issue.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 hours ago, STC said:

What if your assumption is wrong? 

You assume your assumption is right. That's two assumptions. Statistically you only have a 25% change your assumption is correct. 

Not to assume that this is true but to consider this possibility. If everything is one thing, and that one thing is you, and that one thing is God, and God creates reality, then why would it be farfetched to assume that meditation contributes to the betterment of the world? Perhaps, all the issues of the world stem from your personal inner turmoil. Since meditation is meant to resolve inner turmoil, maybe meditation can have some effect on the resolution of outer turmoil as well.

I'm not saying that this is true. But I am saying that it's just as much of a possibility as any other interpretation of reality. So, don't take for granted that inner work has no effect on the outer world. But I agree that outer work should be done in tandem with inner work because the opposite can be assumed as well. If we don't treat reality as dualistic, we can see that the well-being of the outer experience and the well-being of the inner experience are all one well-being. There is no inner and outer.

Edited by Emerald

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@STC Have you seen the sage video?

A lot more is going to be involved in the process than just sitting around and meditating.  Sage is just a term used to give a label to the vision. It's not about "Oh wow, I'm a sage, look at me. I'm such a cool guy." It's just putting a name on the path.

The point of meditation is for personal growth and finding truth. It's not about becoming some woo-woo hippie who just talks spiritual non-sense. It's a tool for becoming more self-aware and gaining self-mastery, just as contemplation is.

Sure, doing some volunteer work has more material impact, but there is a lot more to the path than just doing things that have some economic, tangible benefit.

A sage is better able to serve others when he has done the hard work to develop himself in isolation, through deep practice in raising his consciousness.

I'm going to assume you're not really sold on the whole enlightenment path, correct?

To a sage, pursuing his own liberation is of utmost importance, otherwise none of his actions are going to be coming from a place of high consciousness.

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2 hours ago, STC said:

What if your assumption is wrong? 

You assume your assumption is right. That's two assumptions. Statistically you only have a 25% change your assumption is correct. 

Meditation is a tool for investigation without operating on the level of the mind. It's not about acting as if you already know what is true.

We do inner work in pursuit of Truth, not because we already know what it is.

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