
Things That Will NOT Get You Laid

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3 minutes ago, thierry said:

Being 100% honest. Telling everything you think. You can try it though, it will grow you exceptionally well if you try that on the girl you love.


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14 hours ago, Yousif said:

letting you see that your ego is just the image of yourself and not the real you in the front on me is not attacking, I personally would thank a person that tells me I’m wrong when I am.

Lol. Go look at our spirituality subforum.

There are levels, layers & facets of awakening.

What gets you here won't get you there.

Half or more of the members here used to disagree with Leo's current teachings of his highest spirituality. I dont know if it's as bad nowadays.

But anyways, don't go lecturing and teaching people when you are socializing with them. Goddamit.

Edited by Miguel1

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On 1/25/2024 at 6:19 AM, NoSelfSelf said:

Yeah,dont change anything about them they will change if they see your worldview is amazing, the way you present it to them.

My number 1 is:

Wanting to get laid as your endgame will lessen your chance of getting laid.

Agreed, This is like a guru telling a disable desiring awakening will not get you awake O.o

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On 2/1/2024 at 8:26 AM, thierry said:

Being 100% honest. Telling everything you think. You can try it though, it will grow you exceptionally well if you try that on the girl you love.

I agree, honesty will cost you, which is why PUA’s lie and manipulate.

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On 1/25/2024 at 9:35 AM, Spiritual Warrior said:

Things that will not get you laid:

Being needy for her approval or sex or validation. Any neediness is women repellent. 

A lot of women like needy men, it’s when you put on an act of not giving a fuck is what will repeal her.

this depends, if you’re authentically one of the other they’ll both work, if you’re needy but you put on an act of not being needy, this will not work. 

Girls will spot a put on act from a mile away.

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On 1/25/2024 at 11:23 PM, something_else said:

I met a guy in an hostel recently, we chatted a bit, and then we met a group of three girls there too.

The guy was like a stereotypical alpha, always tryna be the center of attention, making decisions, funny, confident. I was being much more chill, and talking here or there, making occasional jokes, not high energy at all cos I was jet lagged as fuck.

Typical dating advice would tell you that what he was doing would be considered far more attractive, but once he left the amount of shit the girls talked about him was insane. They were not into him at all and said they found him very annoying. Turns out they were all in relationships anyway so maybe that had an impact, but it changed my perspective a lot.

just because she talks behind your back doesn’t mean she won’t fuck you, in my experience, the more she talks shit in the front of you or behind you, the more likely she’ll fuck you.

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On 1/26/2024 at 0:10 AM, Applegarden8 said:

Asking them about hard problems and their life problems.

Being blatantly arrogant.

Feeling insecure and afraid.

Waiting for then to initiate something.

Saying yes to everything they say, being too agreeable.


Showing off your possessions and achievements turns a lot of women off.

Having a lack of social circle or hobbies.


A lot of girls actually sleep with people with people that do what you just mentioned, I’m speaking from experience.

it depends on the girl really, different girls like different things.

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On 1/26/2024 at 2:34 PM, Thought Art said:


Well, doing that will come off as weird and not fun. 

So, doing anything that is seen as weird, cringy, creepy, will scare girls and people away. Focus on being fun, cool, relaxed, energetic, playful, laid back, confident and girls will naturally feel that way with you. Less about them “liking you” more about them “vibing with you” which they like.

Due to law of state transference you should have an idea of how people want to feel. How you feel is how they will feel. So you want to few good. which is often cool, relaxed, joyful, social, confident, playful etc then you are good. I think. Focus on building a fun, relaxed and joyful state, be outgoing and don’t take things so seriously. Be dumb, relaxed and feel good.

Brother, girls will find anything cringy and weird if they’re not in the mood. 

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On 1/27/2024 at 1:30 AM, r0ckyreed said:

Well, then I am screwed. I cannot shut off my philosophical mind and nor do I want to. I love questioning reality and engaging in philosophical discussions. I talk about the most controversial things because that is what intrigues me. I really don’t care so much about sex as I do an intimate relationship.

Gotta have fun and give up seriousness to win girls brother.

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On 1/27/2024 at 2:19 AM, Emotionalmosquito said:

Being yourself 

That depends on who’s being themselves.

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On 1/27/2024 at 10:29 AM, Princess Arabia said:

Stop focusing on what will not...... and start focusing on what will. This heading is dis-empowering and is only keeping the mind stuck in possibilities and not actualities. Share things and circumstances that has actually gotten you laid and leave the ones that hasn't behind because those are only thoughts.

We can learn from our failures more than our successes ;)

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On 1/28/2024 at 10:47 AM, Princess Arabia said:

I'm trying to empower people not lead them down a path of destruction

A lot of times the path to destruction is what empowers you, this is what the spiritual path is all about!


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On 1/28/2024 at 10:47 AM, Princess Arabia said:

you identifying with what didn't get you laid instead of moving to things that might.

We talk about what didn’t get us laid, so we know what to identify with and not identify with to get laid, 

you gonna know where you made a mistake so you can avoid it next time, but first, acknowledge the mistake, which is what we’re doing here.

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On 2/1/2024 at 7:58 AM, Israfil said:

Medicine for duck is poison for swan. Don't go around lecturing everyone on the nature of reality unsolicited. That's also egoism.

Sometimes it’s not that you’re lecturing, but rather you’re talking about your interests, spirituality is a rare acquired taste which not a lot of people have or like.

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Posted (edited)

54 minutes ago, Yousif said:

A lot of times the path to destruction is what empowers you, this is what the spiritual path is all about!

Do we go around asking people to show us how to destroy our lives, no, we ask how did you succeed in that, how did you accomplish that. The point of going to someone to ask them what they did right is not to go destroy ourselves, but to empower ourselves. Asking what they did wrong, without telling you how they overcame it, does nothing. Same here; asking what you did wrong and saying things that didn't get you laid, does nothing,


52 minutes ago, Yousif said:

We talk about what didn’t get us laid, so we know what to identify with and not identify with to get laid, 

you gonna know where you made a mistake so you can avoid it next time, but first, acknowledge the mistake, which is what we’re doing here.

If you go up to a girl and she likes you and wants to fuck you, unless you are a complete jerk or an ass or screw it up some way, you're most likely gonna get laid. If you were an ass to a chick that like assholes and gets turned on by a msn being an ass, more than likely you're gonna get laid. If you're short and a chick you're trying to get laid by doesn't find short men appealing, more than likely you won't get laid. If you speak French and a chick finds French accents sexy, you might get laid, if you went up to a girl and bought her a drink, you might or might not get laid, if, if if, if..........if you made a particular mistake with one chick and didn't get laid, that same mistake might get you laid with another chick.....there's not a set science to getting laid. PEOPLE DONT CHOOSE WHO THEY ARE ATTRACTED TO, it just happens.



Edited by Princess Arabia

Know thyself....

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11 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Do we go around asking people to show us how to destroy our lives, no, we ask how did you succeed in that, how did you accomplish that. The point of going to someone to ask them what they did right is not to go destroy ourselves, but to empower ourselves. Asking what they did wrong, without telling you how they overcame it, does nothing. Same here; asking what you did wrong and saying things that didn't get you laid, does nothing,

You refuse to acknowledge that by talking about our mistakes helps us avoid making them again which will result in your success, does this make sense? 

different people make different mistakes so when we come here together and talk about our different mistakes helps in our success tremendously, this is how you do it.

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Just now, Yousif said:

You refuse to acknowledge that by talking about our mistakes helps us avoid making them again which will result in your success, does this make sense? 

different people make different mistakes so when we come here together and talk about our different mistakes helps in our success tremendously, this is how you do it.

This is about getting laid. You're refusing to acknowledge that that's what my response is about, not making mistakes in general. GETTING LAID. Attraction and sex cannot be put into a box. 

Know thyself....

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19 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:



If you go up to a girl and she likes you and wants to fuck you, unless you are a complete jerk or an ass or screw it up some way, you're most likely gonna get laid. If you were an ass to a chick that like assholes and gets turned on by a msn being an ass, more than likely you're gonna get laid. If you're short and a chick you're trying to get laid by doesn't find short men appealing, more than likely you won't get laid. If you speak French and a chick finds French accents sexy, you might get laid, if you went up to a girl and bought her a drink, you might or might not get laid, if, if if, if..........if you made a particular mistake with one chick and didn't get laid, that same mistake might get you laid with another chick.....there's not a set science to getting laid. PEOPLE DONT CHOOSE WHO THEY ARE ATTRACTED TO, it just happens.



Talking about what worked is important, talking about what didn’t work can be equally or even more important. 

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2 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

This is about getting laid. You're refusing to acknowledge that that's what my response is about, not making mistakes in general. GETTING LAID. Attraction and sex cannot be put into a box. 

These are pointers to success, there are a million factors at play, I get that, but for example someone said that hygiene and putting on a fancy cologne is a good advice and may get you laid, but also telling a person not do something cringey is also good advice, it may come off as unauthentic at first, but if you work on it you can overcome it.

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Just now, Yousif said:

Talking about what worked is important, talking about what didn’t work can be equally or even more important. 

What didn't work for whom. Who says the same thing wouldn't work for someone else. Neither is going to get you laid or not laid. Might as well shoot for what did, since it's more effective and keeps you more focused on the positive side. People are different and what excites one may not another. 

What people find attractive, how to turn a woman on, how to be more flirtacious with a woman, how to spot when a woman is interested in you, how to be more confident, understanding the different types of attractions, how to become a sex magnet, how to blah blah blah, these are more productive. 

Things that didn't get me laid does nothing for you. Getting drunk can get you laid or not. Being sober can get you laid or not. If someone made the mistake of getting drunk and blew getting laid, doesn't mean the next guy won't. 

I'm threw with my explanations. If you can't see what I'm saying then it's pointless. 

Know thyself....

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